HOME Monthly summaries of Albany NWS data,  page 6
JUNE 2005
     Average temperature = 
72.8 degrees; normal =  66.3 degrees   
     Heating Degree Days = 5, normal = 62; season (7/1- 6/30) = 6734, normal = 6860
     Cooling Degree Days = 
248, normal = 102; year = 252. normal = 133   
     Water equivalent precipitation = 3.87", normal = 3.74"; year = 17.31" , normal = 18.81"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation = 4.04"
     Snow = zero, normal = zero; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 75.9", normal = 62.7"
     Percent of possible sunshine =  58%, normal = 60%
     Average windspeed =  6.7 mph. ; normal = 8.2 mph. 
     NOTE: There were seven (7) days when the high temperature equalled or exceeded 90 degrees. 
June 2005 tied 1831 for the sixth (6th) hottest June at Albany since 1795.

JULY 2005
     Average temperature = 73.8 degrees; normal = 71.1 degrees
     Heating degree days = zero, normal = 10; season (7/1 - 6/30) = zero, normal = 10
     Cooling degree days =
279, normal = 206; year = 531, normal = 339
Water equivalent precipitation = 7.54", normal = 3.50"; year = 24.24", normal = 22.31"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
     Percent of possible sunshine =
54%, normal = 64%
     Average windspeed =  6.7 mph; normal =  7.6 mph
     NOTE: A very hot month and also very wet,
establishing a new record FIFTH spot in the list of the wettest
     Julys at Albany.

     Average temperature =
73.8 degrees; normal = 69.0 degrees
     Heating degree days = 1, normal = 26; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 1; normal = 36
     Cooling degree days =
281, normal = 157; year = 812, normal = 496
     Water equivalent precipitation = 3.01", normal = 3.68; year = 27.86", normal = 25.99
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
Percent of possible sunshine = 53%, normal = 60%
     Average windspeed = 6.1 mph, normal = 7.6 mph
     NOTE: See boldface numbers for wide variations from normals, etc. A very hot, humid and hazy month!

     Average temperature =
66.2 degrees; normal = 56.6 degrees
     Heating degree days = 57, normal = 168; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 58, normal = 204
     Cooling degree days = 99, normal = 46; year = 911, normal =  542
     Water equivalent precipitation =
2.20", normal = 3.31'; year = 30.06", normal = 29.30"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation = 2.83"
     Percent of possible sunshine =
70%, normal = 57%
     Average windspeed = 6.4 mph, normal = 7.4 mph
     NOTE: A very warm (hot) September with considerable sunshine. Also a bit dry. (See boldface #s.)

     Average temperature =
52.2 degrees; normal = 49.3 degrees
     Heating degree days = 406, normal = 484; season (7/1 - 6/30) =  464, normal = 688
     Cooling degree days = 18, normal =  2; year = 929, normal = 544
     Water equivalent precipitation = 
9.00", normal = 3.23"; year = 39.06", normal = 32.53"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation =
Snow = 0.1", normal = 0.2" (farm had one inch)
     Percent of possible sunshine =
35%, normal = 52%
     Average windspeed = 7.4 mph, normal = 8.0 mph
     Note: Second wettest October on record at Albany. As bold type indicates, a warm, wet, dark month. The

beginning and end of the month were the warm parts and the middle the wet and dark

     Average temperature =
42.4 degrees; normal = 39.2 degrees
     Heating degree days = 671, normal = 772; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 1135, normal =  1460
     Water equivalent precipitation =
5.71", normal = 3.31"; year = 44.77", normal = 35.84"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation = 4.95"
     Snow = 1.8", normal = 5.1";season (7/1 - 6/30) = 1.9", normal = 5.3"
     Percent of possible sunshine=
49%, normal = 37%
Average windspeed  = 8.7 mph, normal = 9.1 mph
     Note: Another warm and wet month (see bold numbers). Also, much more sunshine, on average, for Nov.

     Average temperature = 26.7 degrees; normal = 28.0 degrees
     Heating degree days = 1177, normal = 1142; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 2312, normal = 2602
     Water equivalent precipitation = 2.95", normal = 2.76"; year =
47.72"; normal =  38.60"
     Farm water equivalent precipitation = 2.77"
     Snow = 8.8", normal = 12.8"; season (7/1 - 6/30) = 10.7", normal = 18.1"
     Percent of  possible sunshine = 36%,  normal = 38/39%
     Average windspeed = 7.4 mph, normal = 9.3 mph
     Cooling degree days for the year =
929, normal = 544
Note: 2005 was the second wettest year on record at Albany. Wettest was 1878 with 49.32". Very hot  
     summer and early fall made for the much above average number of heating degree days.
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