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11-21-04: Yesterday, 11/20, NWS hi=44@1433{farm=41.1@1300}, lo=37@0811{farm=32.5@0400}. 4%PPS;
overcast morning with a few sprinkles; light rain began 1400 & continued into the night, with a few hvy priods

11-22-04: Yesterday, 11/21, NWS hi=48@1737{farm=49.2@1400}, lo=35@2400{farm=34.8@2400}. No sun-shine (NWS) but some briefly at the farm at high temp time- 1400; not a pleasant day for the most part.

11-23-04: Yesterday, 11/22, NWS hi=50@1418{farm=46.7@1400}, lo=29@2321{farm=28.7@2400}. 33% of possible sunshine, all in the afternoon; warm, pleasant day; clear night.

11-24-04: Yeste4rday, 11/23. NWS hi=51@1451{farm=47.6@1500}, lo=24@0651{farm=25.1@0800}. 93% of
possible sunshine (PPS); very nice day; warmed quickly after a chill start; clear night to begin with.

11-25-04: Yesterday, 11/24, NWS hi=56@2400{farm=53.1@2400}, lo=38@0005{farm=38.8@0200}. No sun-shine; dark, rainy day almost start to finish with 0.35" total for the day.

11-26-04: Yesterday, 11/25, [Thanksgiving Day] NWS hi=64{farm=59.2@1000}, lo=30{farm=26.0@2400}.
21% of possible sunshine; 0.34" rain before dawn; very warm  morning; temp dropped slowly all day.

11-27-04: Yesterday, 11/26, NWS hi=38{farm=34.9@1500}, lo=24{farm=21.4@0700}. 77% of possible sun-
shine (PPS); cold day, obviously, with much sunshine.

11-28-04: Yesterday, 11/27, NWS hi=48{farm=43.9@1800}, lo=29{farm=22.0@0600}. 17% of possible sun-
shine; overcast but quite warm

11-29-04: Yesterday, 11/28, NWS hi=52{farm=48.7@1500}, lo= 41{farm=36.3@2000}. No sun; heavy rain and
strong winds; a wild day; 0.95" rain at the farm.

11-30-04: Yesterday, 11/29, NWS hi=42@1452{farm=39.6@1900}, lo=32@2251{farm=29.9@1900}. 59% of
possible sunshine; light overcast; some breeze; a bit 'raw.'

12-1-04: Yesterday, 11/30, NWS hi=41@1529{farm=41.8@1300}, lo=32@0806{farm=29.7@0800}. No PPS #
available from NWS; overcast day; chill and a bit "raw;" not at all nice.

12-2-04: Yesterday, 12/1, NWS hi=52@1354{farm=46.0@1300}, lo=40@2358{farm=34.9@2300}. 8% of pos-
sible sunshine, all at end of afternoon; heavy rain most of the day= 1.02" at the farm; strong winds, esp. late PM.

12-3-04: Yesterday, 12/2, NWS hi=42@1447{farm=37.9@1500}, lo=28@2307{farm=28.4@2300}. 7% of pos- sible sunshine; gray day but mild; little breeze.  [Record low for 12/3 is
minus one (!) in 1976.]

12-4-04: Yesterday, 12/3, NWS hi=40@1339{farm=35.9@1400}, lo=29@2400{farm=26.5@2400}.18% of pos-sible sunshine, but less at the farm;one inch of early AM snow covered roads and grnd; melted off by early PM.

12-5-04: Yesterday, 12/4, NWS hi=
39@2357{farm=40.9@2400}, lo=19@0700{farm=20.3@0400}. 81% of possible sunshine; cold AM, but warm in PM sun; overcast developed 1500 on; note juxtaposition of temps.

12-6-04: Yesterday, 12/5, NWS hi=44@0753{farm=41.5@0400}, lo=23@2214{farm=20.1@2400}. 17% PPS; gray day, except for very early sunshine; very light snow shower 1000 w/ no accum.; temp dropped all day.

12-7-04: Yesterday, 12/6, NWS hi=24@
2400{farm=22.3@2300}, lo=21@1316{farm=17.6@0500}. No sunshine; snow all morning and until 1500= 3-4"; pond completely frozen over for first time; note time of hi temp

12-8-04: Yesterday, 12/7, "a day in infamy," NWS hi=37@2020{farm=33.4@2000}, lo=24@0359{farm=22.0@ 0100. No sunshine-a miserable day; drizzle early, moderate to hvy rain midday; lite rn after 1500 with icing@31F

12-9-04: Yesterday, 12/8, NWS hi=47@1218{farm=41.2@1300}, lo=34@2341{farm=30.3@2400}. 19% of possible sunshine; another mostly gray day but warm and no precip; strong winds in afternoon as temp dropped.

12-10-04: Yesterday, 12/9, NWS hi=41@1520{farm=34.8@1500}, lo=27@0741{farm=27.2@0800}. No sunshine; chill day with a few sprinkles in AM; rain began in evening with 0.18" by midnight.

12/11/04: Yesterday, 12/10, NWS hi=39@1820{farm=36.6@1400}, lo=35@0731{farm= 33.1@0100}. Again no sunshine; rain almost continuously all day -  total for 24 hours = 1.23".

12-12-04: Yesterday, 12/11, NWS hi=43@1636{farm=38.8@1600}, lo=36@2400{farm=30.9@2400}.No sunshine (!); only 0.17"of rain & all before dawn; however, a very damp, miserable day; pond mostly unfrozen.

12-13-04: Yesterday, 12/12, NWS hi=37@1220{farm=33.1@1200}, lo=33@0416{farm=29.3@2300}. One % of possible sunshine; terrible day again- damp, dark, some PM wind, & chill all day. Sun setting at earliest time.

12-14-04: Yesterday, 12/13, NWS hi=42@1413{farm=40.9@1200}, lo=30@2139{farm=29.4@0100}. One % sunshine once again; another poor day similar to those in the recent past.This may end today, 12/14, with cold hi
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