WEATHER, page 22 | ||||||||||||||
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2-7-04: Yesterday, 2/6, NWS hi=35@2204{farm=31.4@2000}, lo=21@0754{farm=17.1@0600}. No sunshine; 1-2" snow btwn 0300 & 0700; sleet until 1000; light rain rest of day; temp rose slowly all day into evening. 2-8-04: Yesterday, 2/7, NWS hi= 37@1300{farm=33.0@1200}, lo=20 @2400{farm=14.9@2400}. 8PPS; overcast AM & warm; snow squall @ 1500, with temp dropping; sunshine by 1630 and windy; clear, cold night 2-9-04: Yesterday, 2/8, NWS hi=23@1655{farm=20.4@1400}, lo=6@0755{farm=1.5@0700}. 100% of pos- sible sunshine; a gorgeous blue sky but cold winter day; clear, starry, cold night. [Snow cover is ice crusted.] 2-10-04: Yesterday, 2/9, NWS hi=39@1748{farm=36.8@1900}, lo=17@0023{farm=1.9@0600}. 61% of pos- sible sunshine (PPS); very nice, warm day; hazy sunshine becoming overcast in the afternoon; no melting. 2-11-04: Yesterday, 2/10, NWS hi=38@1613{farm=36.2@1500}, lo=26@0614{farm=22.8@2300}. 52 PPS; mild, windless, pleasant day, although not very bright; no melting, although ice crust softened; overcast night. 2-12-04: Yesterday, 2/11, NWS hi=32@0227{farm=26.9@1100}, lo=17@2400{farm=13.9@2400}. PPS unkn. Mostly sunny, pleasant day except for 1-2 hrs in mid-day when there were high winds and blowing snow. 2-13-04: Yesterday, 2/12, NWS hi=33@1948{farm=30.2@1500}, lo=10@0459{farm=11.4@0400}. 30% pos- sible sunshine (PPS); calm, mostly overcast; cold start with comfy afternoon; night overcast. 2-14-04: Yesterday, 2/13, NWS hi=39@1709{farm=36.8@1500}, lo=27@0313{farm=22.9@2000}. 57% pos- sible sunshine; warm. very pleasant day; overcast morning but sunny afternoon; no wind. Lull before the freeze 2-15-04: Yesterday, 2/14, NWS hi=35@1349{farm=32.5@1300}, lo=22@0645{farm=21.4@0400}. 42% pos- sible sunshine; somw wind in morning but sunny; incr. overcast in afternoon; 'cold front' slow in arriving! 2-16-04: Yesterday, 2/15, NWS hi=30@0015{farm=24.7@1400}, lo=3@0741{farm=m0.7@0800}. 100% of possible sunshine; cold,btfl, blue sky, winter day; no wind; "cold front" arrived later than predicted- 0200 or so 2-17-04: Yesterday,2/16, NWS hi=24@1616{farm=20.7@1500}, lo=m3@0704(farm=m4.4@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine; another gorgeous, blue sky winter day; no wind, thus comfy in the sun in PM; clear night. 2-18-04: Yesterday, 2/17, NWS hi=29@1742{farm=25.0@1600}, lo=4@0749{farm=m4.0@0700}. 63% pos- sible sunshine (PPS); day warmed nicely after a cold start; obscured sky but still brite; little to no wind;pleasant 2-19-04: Yesterday, 2/18, NWS hi=36@1549{farm=33.6@1500}, lo=8@0657{farm=6.9@0700}. 100% pos- sible sunshine; a gorgeous, blue sky, windless, winter day that was very comfy in the afternoon. 2-20-04: Yesterday, 2/19, NWS hi=37@1518{farm=34.6@1500}, lo=16@0124{farm=16.5@0100}. Only 12% of possible sunshine in early AM; increasing overcast until 1600, then some brightening; some wind at times. 2-21-04: Yesterday, 2/20, NWS hi=34@2309{farm=29.1@1100}, lo=12@0711{farm=19.8@0400}. 3% PPS; overcast all day; very fine snow from 13-1400 hrs; note reverse of normal for low temps NWS vs. farm. 2-22-04: Yesterday, 2/21, NWS hi=39@1452{farm=35.1@1600}, lo=31@0602{farm=26.9@0300}. 3% of pos sible sunshine: small amt of sleet 05-0700; occasional snow showers; temp rose slowly; some light rain in PM. 2-23-04: Yesterday, 2/22, NWS hi=34@1357{farm=31.4@1500}, lo=27@2338{farm=22.6@2400}. 28% pos- sible sunshine (PPS); overcast until 1300, then slow clearing; sunny with blue sky late PM; clear, starry night. 2-24-04: Yesterday, 2/23, NWS hi=38@1622{farm=33.9@1500}, lo=18@0536{farm=16.5@0700}. 100% pos- sible sunshine; a gorgeous, blue sky day: some wind at times; warm in PM sun; chilly in shade; clear, cold night. 2-25-04: Yesterday, 2/24, NWS hi=32@1626{farm=32.5@1500}, lo=19@0438{farm=10.7@0600}. 22% pos- sible sunshine; cold day without sunshine; clearing going in to the night and quite cold overnight. 2-26-04: Yesterday, 2/25, NWS hi=33@1723{farm=30.5@1600}, lo=8@0503{farm=6.2@0700}. Gorgeous day with 100 PPS; warm sun made the day comfy despite the low temperatures; some wind at times; clear nite. 2-27-04: Yesterday, 2/26, NWS hi=33@1612{farm=35.1@1600}, lo=14@0522{farm=11.9@0700}. Another 100 PPS day; gorgeous blue sky and warm sun after a chill start; little wind; clear, cold night upcoming. 2-28-04: Yesterday, 2-27, NWS hi=37@1606{farm=35.1@1500}, lo=13@0618{farm=9.3@0500}. 87% of possible sunshine; another exceedingly fine day; little wind and very comfy in the sun; slight melting by the sun. 2-29-04: Yesterday, 2/28, NWS hi=44@1616{farm=40.6@1600}, lo=15@0708{farm=18.1@0500}. 100% of possible sunshine; another gorgeous day with a warm afternoon despite quite a bit of wind;1st 40s in a long time 3-1-04: Yesterday, 2/29 "leap day", NWS hi=50@1424{farm=43.5@1400}, lo=25@0444{farm=27.2@0700}. Very nice day despite only 44% sunshine due to light overcast in PM; S-SW winds brought in the warm air. 3-2-04: Yesterday, 3/1, NWS hi=55@1606{farm=53.5@1300}, lo=28@0634{farm=30.6@0700}. 74% of pos- sible sunshine; nice warm day start to finish; sunny until mid-afternoon, the overcast came in; wind moderate. |
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