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3-27-04: Yesterday, 3/26, NWS hi=73@1358{farm=67.6@1400}, lo=46@0541{farm=39.5@0600}. 22% of possible sunshine all early in AM; increasing cloudiness all day and dark with light rain late afternoon. 3-28-04: Yesterday, 3/27, NWS hi=58@1500{farm=52.1@1000}, lo=46@2400{farm=42.5@2400}. 15 PPS, all at end of the day; otherwise a dark, damp not nice day, although there was no rain 3-29-04: Yesterday, 3/28, NWS hi=60@1712{farm=55.5@1600}, lo=37@0606{farm=29.4@0600}. 100 PPS; glorious day and evening, with cloudless sky & warm in sun; ate lunch and supper outside in sun. Today, ob-served celestial spectacle of the moon and four planets at 1900. Unable to see Mercury because of ridge 3-30-04: Yesterday, 3/29, NWS hi=60@1656{farm=55.9@1600}, lo=34@0611{farm=31.7@0600}. 100 PPS; another glorious day and evening; took advantage of the day for an afternoon of spring chores with Kyle's help. 3-31-04: Yesterday, 3/30, NWS hi=53@1534{farm=47.8@1600}, lo=33@0621{farm=30.9@0600}. 100 PPS; unfortunately, there was a stiff wind out of SSE that made for a less than a fine day; otherwise a btfl day again. 4-1-04: Yesterday, 3/31, NWS hi=46@2108{farm=43.2@1500}, lo=40@0659{farm=37.2@0800}. No sun; damp, with some drizzle & light rain during daylight; a couple brief hvy showers before dawn;total precip 0.55" 4-2-04: Yesterday, 4/1, NWS hi=50@1605{farm=46.0@1600}, lo=42@0611{farm=39.4@0600}. No sunshine some light rain before dawn; off and on rain in AM; heavy rain late afternoon into the night; total precip= 1.36" 4-3-04: Yesterday, 4/2, NWS hi=49@1554{farm=43.9@1500}, lo=42@2400{farm=37.8@2400}. No sinshine; cool and damp day but with a somewhat bright sky. "Cut off low" continued to cause poor weather. 4-4-04: Yesterday, 4/3, NWS hi=53@1624{farm=50@1400}, lo=40@0659{farm=35.9@0600}. 21% of pos- sible sunshine (PPS); breezy, mostly overcast but bright; damp and not very pleasant. Winter storm coming! 4-5-04: Yesterday, 4/4, NWS hi=52@1317{farm=49.4@1300}, lo=28@2400{farm=22.9@2400}. 23% of pos- sible sunshine, which came thru a lite overcast sky; AM warmed nicely but temp dropped all PM, w/ wind late. 4-6-04: Yesterday,4/5, NWS hi=33@1426{farm=28.3@1500}, lo=24@0817{farm=20.1@0800}. 70% of pos- sible sunshine (PPS); strong winds coupled with the low temp made for a cold, winter-like day; awful for April 4-7-04: Yesterday, 4/6, NWS hi=48@1550{farm=44.1@1600}, lo=26@0615{farm=21.1@0700}. 100% pos- sible sunshine; gorgeous, cloudless, blue sky day but windy. wind chill a factor in the open; nice day for Feb.! 4-8-04: Yesterday, 4/7, NWS hi=49@1528{farm=42.9@1700}, lo=35@0749{farm=30.5@0100}. Heavy over-cast until late afternoon when some clrg occurred; a few snowflakes 0800; "Ice Out" occurred @ 1800 hrs. 4-9-04: Yesterday, 4/8, NWS hi=55@1539{farm=51.2@1600}, lo=27@0536{farm=32.0@0700}. 67% PPS; quite nice after cool, overcast start; note big difference in low temps NWS vs 'farm' and reverse of usual order. 4-10-04: Yesterday, 4/9, NWS hi=58@1320{farm=54.0@1500}, lo=37@2400{farm=32.7@2400}. 66% pos- sible sunshine; a very decent day but windy, esp. in the afternoon when strong winds developed; clr, cold nite. 4-11-04: Yesterday, 4/10, NWS hi=56{farm=51.0@1500}, lo=33{farm=28.0@0600}. 85% of possible sun- shine; beautiful day for the most part. Today, 4/11, is Easter Sunday. 4-12-04: Yesterday,4/11, NWS hi=52{farm=49.2@1400}, lo=36{farm=27.8@0500}. 33% of possible sun- shine; damp, cool, somewhat nasty day. 4-13-04: Yesterday, 4/12, NWS hi=55@1523{farm=50.1@1600}, lo=32@0306{farm=28.0@0300}. 32% of posible sunshine in early AM; mostly overcast; thickening cloud cover; rain began 2200; big storm approaching 4-14-04: Yesterday, 4/13, NWS hi=48{farm=43.2@2400}, lo=39{farm=35.6@0500}. No sunshine; quite heavy rain before 0600; dark, cold and miserable day with light rain and drizzle off and on all day. 4-15-04: Yesterday, 4/14, NWS hi=49@1514{farm=45.1@0400}, lo=45@2400{farm=39.4@2400}. No sun- shine; another miserable day; dark with light rain and drizzle most of the day. 4-16-04: Yesterday, 4/15, NWS hi=58@1450{farm=54.3@1700}, lo=37@2346{farm=29.6@2400}. 85 PPS; partially sunny until 0900, then full sun, clear sky and windy; a beautiful day, finally(!); clear, cold night ahead. 4-17-04: Yesterday, 4/16, NWS hi=61@1518{farm=58.2@1700}, lo=30@0550{farm=26.2@0500}. 92% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous, warm, very pleasant day, with just a slight breeze. Note low temps! 4-18-04: Yesterday, 4/17, NWS hi=78@1607{farm=74.6@1700}, lo=42@0544{farm=38.4@0700}. 60% of possible sunshine; mostly obscure sky with some breeze; very pleasant day! 4-19-04: Yesterday, 4/18, NWS hi=69@1438{farm=64.0@1500}, lo=50@0544{farm=45.8@0600}. 52% of possible sunshine; heavy sky obscured the sun although day was bright; chill breeze. |
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