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10-3-04: Yesterday, 10/2, NWS hi=65@1243{farm=62.7@1200}, lo=48@2400{farm=44.7@2400}. 7% of
possible sunshine (PPS); poor day- damp and heavy overcast all day; light rain mid to late afternoon.

10-4-04: Yesterday, 10/3, NWS hi=62@1600{farm=60.2@1600}, lo=39@0605{farm=37.9@0700}.100% of
possible sunshine at NWS site BUT NOT at farm; AM overcast w/ fog setting in after 0800; clrd & btfl >1100

10-5-04: Yesterday, 10/4, NWS hi=69@1448{farm=67.7@1600}, lo=42@0415{farm=35.5@0600}. 67% PPS
some early fog; afterward a btfl day again and pleasant temp.; dark clds W@1700 as cld frt apprched; no rain.

10-6-04: Yesterday, 10/5, NWS hi=57@1528{farm=55.0@1500}, lo=36@2400{farm=35.1@0700}. PPS=94%;  some early haze; a beautiful but chill day folowing the cold front of late yesterday, with wind out of NE , strange

10-7-04: Yesterday, 10/6, NWS hi=62@1550{farm=64.1@1600}, lo=33@0750(farm=31.4@0720}. 79% PPS
very light frost from first below 32 temp of the fall; tender annuals only "burned" in some instances; btfl PM

10-8-04: Yesterday, 10/7, NWS hi=71@1531{farm=74.9@1500}, lo=39@0527{farm=39.5@0712}. PPS = 94%; another gorgous fall day with a warm afternoon; evening beautiful, too.

10-9-04: Yesterday, 10/8, NWS hi=75@1518{farm=74.7@1400}, lo=44@0355{farm=45.0@0637}. PPS=100%; gorgeous, warm, shirt-sleeve day! Sat on the "terrass" late afternoon enjoying the pond view, etc.

10-10-04: Yesterday, 10/9, NWS hi=69@xxxx{farm=68.4@1400}, lo=55@xxxx{farm=48.1@0700}. 32% of
possible sunshine, but much more at the farm; cool and windy, esp. in afternoon; real nice fall day and evening.

10-11-04: Yesterday, 10/10, NWS hi=58@0901{farm=53.8@1300}, lo=43@0543{farm=41.9@0800}. 29% of
possible sunshine (PPS); overcast virtually all day here; very brief, light sprinles in AM: cool and a bit windy.

10-12-04: Yesterday, 10/11, NWS hi=56@1425{farm=54.4@1500}, lo=48@2400{farm=45.1@0100}. 18% of
possible sunshine; heavy overcast with a few, brief sunny breaks; cold, damp and windy= not nice!

10-13-04: Yesterday, 10/12, NWS hi=60@1540{farm=58.8@1600}, lo=41@2400{farm=38.2@0700}. 75% of
possible sunshine; some overcast very early, then a beautiful fall day- windy & cool; blue sky with white clouds.

10-14-04: Yesterday, 10/13, NWS hi=65@1501{farm=64.5@1600}, lo=34@0519{fsrm=39.8@0400}.Unk. PPS
Very pleasant day, especially from mid through late afternoon; plenty of sunshine, but somewhat windy.

10-15-04: Yesterday, 10/14, NWS hi=59@1238{farm=57.1@1600}, lo=42@0707{farm=40.4@0500}. 23% of
possible sunshine; cool but OK morning with some sun; increasing clouds PM with sprinkles 1600 and after.

10-16-04: Yesterday, 10/15, NWS hi=61@1514{farm=57.3@1600}, lo=52@0619{farm=49.7@0400}. No sun-
shine; dark, chill, damp and nasty day; no rain until sprinkles 1600; heavy rain 2300-0100 before/after midnight.

10-17-04: Yesterday, 10/16, NWS hi=58@1453{farm=55.0@1600}, lo=41@0602{farm=41.8@2400}. 10% of
possible sunshine; little rain during the day, if any; dark, damp and chill with some wind; a very poor day!

10-18-04: Yesterday, 10/17, NWS hi=52@1445{farm=48.7@1600}, lo=40@0305{farm=38.9@0300}. 23% of
possible sunshine, all in early AM; rest of day very windy, overcast and 'raw.'

10-19-04: Yesterday, 10/18, NWS hi=57@1412{farm=49.8@1600}, lo=44@2400{farm=40.1@0400}. Only 9%
of possible sunshine (PPS); gray, damp day; also cool and windy thus a chill, raw day.

10-20-04: Yesterday, 10/19, NWS hi=45@2358{farm=42.2@1700}, lo=40@0851{farm=37.2@0700}. No sun-shine at all; light rain all day; windy, too; overall a miserable day- cold, raw and wet.

10-21-04: Yesterday, 10/20, NWS hi=53@1559{farm=49.5@1600}, lo=43@0654{farm=40.5@0700}. 6% of
possible sunshine; another chill, raw day; some brightening in afternoon, however.

10-22-04: Yesterday, 10/21, NWS hi=47@
0048{farm= 45.3@0100}, lo=43@2400{farm=39.5@2200}. No sun-
shine; note time of the day's high temp(!); light rain early AM; cold, raw, nasty day; moderate rain 1700>2200.

10-23-04: Yesterday, 10/22, NWS hi=51@1511{farm=51.0@1500}, lo=40@0707{farm=35.5@0800}. 21% of possible sunshine (PPS); a bit warmer but still not nice; some sun at times in afternoon.

10-24-04: Yesterday, 10/23, NWS hi=55@1424{farm=51.3@1600}, lo=34@2400{farm=33.1@2400}. 95% of
possible sunshine for a glorious fall day- sunny, blue sky, white clouds and colorful foliage; clr, cold night ahead.

10-25-04: Yesterday, 10/24, NWS hi=47@1505{farm=45.3@1300}, lo=32@0258{farm=
29.1@0400}. No sun-
shine; a cold, dark day; freezing temps from 0100 thru 0600; only dahlias blackened..

10-26-04: Yesterday, 10/25, NWS hi=52@1517{farm=49.4@1500}, lo=37@2345{farm=38.2@0300}. Only 3%
of possible sunshine for another cloudy, poor day; a little warmer and less damp than yesterday, however.
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