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4-14-05: Yesterday, 4/13, NWS  hi=57@1704{farm=54.4@1600}, lo=32@0556{farm=28.8@0600}. 83% of possible sunshine (PPS); another fine day but more like fall than spring so far as temps went; quite breezy.

4-15-05: Yesterday, 4/14, NWS hi=59@1439{farm=56.6@1600}, lo=33@0449{farm=34.0@0600}. 86% of possible sunshine; exact duplicate of yesterday, "the beat goes on," thankfully.

4-16-05: Yesterday, 4/15, NWS hi=60@1608{farm=56.9@1700}, lo=30@0531{farm=26.0@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); a gorgeous day start to finish; a bit windy so cool in the open despite the sun.

4-17-05: Yesterday, 4/16, NWS hi=68@1638{farm=66.1@1700}, lo=30@0544{farm=27.8@0700}. Again, 100%  of possible sunshine;  cool start but warm afternoon with not much wind until late; a spring day!

4-18-05: Yesterday,  4/17, NWS hi=
74@1438{farm=71.1@1500}, lo=40@0548{farm=33.0@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine;  what a day (!)- see the numbers; only 16% relative humidity; windy; fire danger very high.

4-19-04: Yesterday,  4/18. NWS hi=70@1454{farm=69.7@1700}, lo=42@0447{farm=40.5@0700}. 100% of  possible sunshine once again; windy from SE to S; warm & really enjoyable;
1600 hrs  rel.hum. here= 16%.

4-20-05: Yesterday,  4/19, NWS hi=79@1440{farm=75.4@1600}, lo=34@0509{farm=37.1@0500}. 95% of possible sunshine; the afternoon was like summer (!); note the low temps, however; quite windy.

4-21-05: Yesterday, 4/20, NWS hi=
83@1132{farm=79.4@1400},lo=42@2400{farm=42.5@2400}. 47% PPS; a very hot day, with a S-SE breeze; cold front from NW 1500>, with light rain 1900>; temp dropped- see #s.

4-22-05: Yesterday, 4/21, NWS hi=60@1607{farm=56.5@1700}, lo=40@2335{farm=34.9@2400}. 93% PPS; a cool, sunny, btfl FALL-like day; what a change from yesterday- compare the numbers. 

4-23-05: Yesterday,  4/22, NWS hi=64@1410{farm=60.9@1700}, lo=32@0534{farm=27.4@0700}. PPS not available; sunny, cool, windy day with high clouds moving in in the late afternoon as a storm approaches.

4-24-05: Yesterday, 4/23, NWS hi=60@2303{farm=52.6@2400}, lo=43@0651{farm=39.1@0300}. Zero % sunshine;  rain all day off & on but never too heavy; total through midnight = 1.18"; additional expected.

4-25-04: Yesterday, 4/24, NWS hi=64@1121{farm=60.2@1200}, lo=41@2243{farm=36.2@2400}. 52% PPS; addnl 0.35" of rain;dark, threateng day until mid-afternoon;then brief sunshine & strong wind;clds again;clr later

4-26-05: Yesterday, 4/25, NWS hi=49@1743{farm=46.0@1600}, lo=41@0624{farm=35.9@0100}. 18% PPS;  a cold, somewhat windy day with little sunshine; brief showers and dark clouds in late afternoon.

4-27-05: Yesterday, 4/26, NWS hi=70@1544{farm=66.2@1700}, lo=42@0303{farm=34.2@0400}. 64% of possible sunshine (PPS); very windy; warm and sunny after a chill, overcast start.

4-28-05: Yesterday, 4/27, NWS hi=56@1648{farm=53.5@0100}, lo=48@2400{farm=43.9@2400}.  2% PPS, but no sun at all at the farm; rain off and on all day, with it quite heavy in the early afternoon; total = 0.53".

4-29-05: Yesterday, 4/28, NWS hi=58@1353{farm=55.2@1400}, lo=38@2322{farm=36.8@2400}. 28% of possible sunshine (PPS); open & shut until mid-afternoon, then full sun for a while; fast overnight showers due

4-30-05: Yesterday, 4/29, NWS hi=62@1700{farm=57.7@1700}, lo=33@0352{farm=35.8@0400}. 78%  of possible  sunshine; windy and thus chilly in the open; sun warm when sitting protected from the wind.
5-1-05: Yesterday, 4/30, NWS hi=54@1005{farm=45.5@0900}, lo=51@1636{farm=45.5@0900}. No sun; light rain off and on all day; a cool, nasty day; rain = 0.20".

5-2-05: Yesterday, 5/1, NWS hi=58@1528{farm=55.0@1600}, lo=36@2349{farm=34.2@2400}. 30% of possible sunshine; overcast and cool; some sun midday. "Cold" night ahead; still waiting for spring!

5-3-05: Yesterday, 5/2, NWS hi=54@1132{farm=53.7@1100}, lo=32@0156{farm=
29.6@0500}. 23% of possible sunshine (PPS) but less at the farm;  cold, overcast for most part and threatening; no rain , however.

5-4-05: Yesterday, 5/3, NWS hi=53@1604{farm=50.3@1800}, lo=30@0428{farm=31.4@0400}. 26% PPS;     another cold, mostly overcast and windy day; sun in late afternoon with clearing sky from west; cold  nite ahd

5-5-05: Yesterday, 5/4,  NWS hi=53@1701{farm=50.3@1700}, lo=38@2334{farm=34.0@0700}. 21% of possible sunshine but a bit more at the farm; another mostly overcast, cool & windy day; like a typical
Mar day

5-6-05: Yesterday, 5/5, NWS hi=61@1750{farm=58.9@1700}, lo=
30@0513{farm=32.5@0600}. 100% PPS;   gorgeous day after a cold start; Hudson valley was prone to frost in AM, whereas higher ground was not.

5-7-05: Yesterday, 5/6, NWS hi=62@1429{farm=59.8@1600}, lo=38@0538{farm=33.1@0600}. PPS not  available from NWS; mostly sunny, decent  day; high clouds encroaching in mid-afternoon.

5-8-05: Yesterday, 5/7, NWS hi=63@1509{farm=61.7@1600}, lo=43@0718{farm=35.9@0600}. 43% PPS at Albany but much more at the farm; coastal storm impacting region east and south; very windy from east in PM.
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