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10-1-05: Yesterday, 9/30, NWS hi=64@1611{farm=60.5@1600}, lo=41@0639{farm=36.6@0700}. 87% of possible sunshine (PPS); a beautiful, sunny but chill fall day.

10-2-05: Yesterday, 10/1, NWS hi=72@1606{farm=69.7@1700}, lo=40@0454{farm=37.2@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); another gorgeous, more comfortable fall day after another chilly start.

10-3-05: Yesterday, 10/2, NWS hi=78@1534{farm=74.4@1500}, lo=
44@0515{farm=44.5@0400}. 100% of possible sunshine;   another beautiful, warm day; note unusual closeness of NWS and 'farm' low temps.

10-4-05: Yesterday, 10/3, NWS hi=78@1526{farm=73.7@1500}, lo=48@0615{farm=43.9@0700}. 87% PPS; dense fog until 0830; then another gorgeous, warm day.

10-5-05: Yesterday, 10/4, NWS hi=78@1440{farm=76.5@1500}, lo=55@2345{farm=47.6@0500}. 81% of possible sunshine (PPS); third consecutive day with a 78F NWS hi temp; another fine day; only light early fog.

10-6-05: Yesterday, 10/5, NWS hi=79@1551{farm=75.4@1500}, lo=51@0313{farm=49.1@0700}. Unknown PPS but it was close to 100%; another gorgeous, warm, sunny day!

10-7-05: Yesterday, 10/6, NWS hi=80@1500{farm=77.4@1600}, lo=55@0423{farm=50.3@0700}. 60% PPS but much higher at the farm;  another hard to believe day- warm, sunny, no wind - for October.

10-8-05: Yesterday, 10/7, NWS hi=78@
1027{farm=75.3@1200}, lo=69@2400{farm=63.5@0400}. 18% PPS; a few brief glimpses of sunshine in morning; otherwise a dark day; rain began 1400 & continued into the night

10-9-05: Yesterday, 10/8, NWS hi=69@0420{farm=67.6@0100}, lo=46@1831{farm=44.5@1800}.Zero PPS ; continuous rain from 0001 to 2400, although nothing truly heavy; much more south and east of Albany w/ fldg.

10-10-05: Yesterday, 10/9, NWS hi=58@1338{farm=55.8@1500}, lo=47@0501{farm=45.8@0200}. No sun-shine; rain ended before dawn; day was overcast and cool; 2.57" rain total at the farm for the  3 days.

10-11-05: Yesterday,10/10, NWS hi=58@1516{farm=55.2@1600}, lo=51@0605{farm=49.8@0100}.No sun-shine;  light rain all morning; overcast lightened in the afternoon but still a poor day.

10-12-05: Yesterday, 10/11, NWS hi=60@1253{farm=59.1@1300}, lo=55@2400{farm=52.5@0700}. Again, no sunshine; overcast, damp and east wind; nasty day. 

10-13-05: Yesterday, 10/12, NWS hi=55@0043{farm=52.8@0300}, lo=50@2058{farm=45.8@1000}. The  beat goes on- no sunshine; rain all day but never heavy; wet pattern due to "hi" off Nova Scotia and "lo" off NJ.

10-14-05: Yesterday, 10/13, NWS hi=58@1437{farm=53.8@1500}, lo=50@0655{farm=46.7@0500}. And again, no sunshine; a bit more than an inch of rain throughout the day; rain let up in the evening.

10-15-05: Yesterday, 10/14, NWS hi=61@1311{farm=58.2@1300}, lo=54@0658{farm=51.3@0100}. No sun once again; rain in early morning and again in the afternoon; a dark, bit warmer day.

10-16-05: Yesterday, 10/15, NWS hi=65@1250{farm=62.2@1300}, lo=52@2400{farm=48.1@2100}. 19% of possible sunshine from brief breaks of sun in afternoon; rain in morning, however; clearing late & into night.

10-17-05: Yesterday, 10/16, NWS hi=56@1229{farm=53.7@1400}, lo=49@0422{farm=44.8@0500}. 25% of possible sunshine but not that much  at farm; very windy; more typical of a November day; not nice at all.

10-18-05: Yesterday, 10/17, NWS hi=56@1416{farm=49.8@1200}, lo-42@2328{farm=40.9@2400}. 22% of possible sunshine (PPS); again, less at the farm; a day exactly like the 16th; hi temps diffference due to cld covr

10-19-05: Yesterday, 10/18, NWS hi=60@1415{farm=57.9@1400}, lo=43@0042{farm=41.1@0100}. 13% of possible sunshine (PPS); quite windy and mostly a dark sky; a few brief periods of sunshine

10-20-05: Yesterday, 10/19, NWS hi=64@1840{farm=60.5@1900}, lo=46@0613{farm=46.4@0800}. 38% of possible sunshine; partially sunny morning; sunny afternoon until 1530; then rain clds from NW and brief rain.

10-21-05: Yesterday,10/20, NWS hi=54@1530{farm=50.9@1600}, lo=38@2400{farm=34.3@0800}. 52% of possible sunshine (PPS); except for the wind, a quite  nice day after a chill start. 

10-22-05: Yesterday, 10/21, NWS hi=57@1521{farm=53.8@1500}, lo=
32@0631{farm=33.3@2300}. 83% of possible sunshine, but less at the farm; heavy overcast early kept temp above freezing; windy, sunny afternoon.
10-23-05: Yesterday, 10/22, NWS hi=45@1527{farm=42.8@1400}, lo=33@0348{farm=
32.0@0500}. No sunshine; dark, rainy, cold, miserable day!
10-24-05: Yesterday, 10/23, NWS hi=46@1653{farm=43.1@1600}, lo=33@0412{farm=32.8@0600}. No sun; rain early then dark, cold and miserable again; some light rain in the afternoon.

10-25-05: Yesterday, 10/24, NWS hi=48@1545{farm=44.2@1500}, lo=39@0327{farm=34.5@0800}. 2% of possible sunshine from a brief "window" at 0800; rest of day dark and threatening; rain began in the evening.
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