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2-24-06: Yesterday, 2/23, NWS ho=38@1249{farm=33.9@1700}, lo=27@0738{farm=21.7@0100}. Mostly sunny and pleasant; 1" of snow before 0300.

2-25-06: Yesterday, 2/24, NWS hi=33@0138{farm=30.2@0100}, lo=17@2400{farm=14.9@2400}. Mostly sunny; windy after 'cold front' passage at 0800; wind chill effect made day less than pleasant.

2-26-06: Yesterday, 2/25, NWS hi=35@1701{farm=30.2@1700}, lo=12@2400{farm=5.6@2400}. 4" of snow 0700-1100, with a brief squall in late afternoon; sunny and windy after 1100;  temp dropped quickly in evening

2-27-06: Yesterday, 2/26, NWS hi=
20@1554{farm=17.3@1500}, lo=5@0647{farm=minus 0.9@0700}. Bright, sunny but windy day; COLD- note high temps!

2-28-06: Yesterday, 2/27, NWS hi=
21@1647{farm=17.7@1600}, lo=3@0709{farm=minus 3.5@0500}.
A repeat of  yesterday! Again, note the low, high temps, to go with the morning lows.

3-1-06: Yesterday,2/28, NWS hi=26@1420{farm=21.2@1400}, lo=8@0628{farm=1.0@0700}. Although a bit higher temp in afternoon, still a cold day because of continued strong winds; beautifully sunny, however.

3-2-06: Yesterday, 3/1, NWS hi=29@1543{farm=23.2@1500}, lo=14@04340{farm=9.8@0700}. Same as the last few days but again a bit warmer air temperature.

3-3-06: Yesterday, 3/2, NWS hi=30@2003{farm=27.4@1600}, lo=13@0619{farm=7.9@0700}. Overcast day caused by a storm to the south; no wind; not  a pleasant day but a little warmer; lack of wind appreciated.

3-4-06: Yesterday, 3/3, NWS hi=24@1115{farm=19.8@1500}, lo=15@0416{farm=10.5@0700}. Back to cold and windy but clear weather; nice sunny day and beautiful to observe,
from inside!

3-5-06: Yesterday, 3/5, NWS hi=34@1521{farm=28.8@1600}, lo=21@0106{farm=16.6@0100}. Another fine day, except for the continuing wind; sunny and clear; fortunately, the temperature rose significantly.

3-6-06: Yesterday, 3/5, NWS hi=39@1454{farm=33.9@1400}, lo=24@2400{farm=19.9@2400}. Once again, a fine day; sunny throughout; still some wind, but with the air temperature moderate, not especially cold.

3-7-06: Yesterday, 3/6, NWS hi=41@1549{farm=37.5@1500}, lo=18@0302{farm=15.5@0700}. Another very fine day with sun throughout; some wind but not bad; afternoon was spring-like. Quite a stretch of clear days.

3-8-06: Yesterday, 3/7, NWS hi=38@1614{farm=33.0@1500}, lo=17@0647{farm=14.5@0700}. A "ditto" day, although a bit cooler; couldn't complain, however! ['Normal' average daily temperature is now 32 deg. F.]

3-9-06: Yesterday, 3/8, NWS hi=42@1451{farm=40.1@1600}, lo=15@0542{farm=12.9@0700}. After a cold start, the day was very pleasant thanks to full sunshine once again; wind was ESE w/ falling barometer.

3-10-06: Yesterday, 3/9, NWS hi=47@2149{farm=38.5@2400}, lo=34@0313{farm=31.1@0400}. Dark day with light rain begining 0800 and continuing all day into the evening = 0.30"; winds mainly from the ENE.

3-11-06: Yesterday, 3/10, NWS hi=66@1518{farm=61.4@1300}, lo=38@0309{farm=38.4@0100}. A mostly dark day but no rain; windy afternoon from the SW, so warm despite lack of sunshine.

3-12-06: Yesterday, 3/11, NWS hi=56@1535{farm=52.2@1600}, lo=32@2355{farm=28.0@2400}. A warm, sunny day after 0900. Some wind from the southwest again.

3-13-06: Yesterday, 3/12, NWS hi=56@1117{farm=50.6@1400}, lo=26@0131{farm=26.5@0300}. Dark day with light rain beginning 1115 and continuing off and on into evening= 0.03"; wind mostly WNW.

3-14-06: Yesterday, 3/13, NWS hi=58@1911{farm=54.7@2400}, lo=44@0009{farm=42.6@0900}. Dark day again with rain most all day ; then brief, very heavy rain with thunder in late evening; total rain for the day= 0.87"

3-15-06: Yesterday, 3/14, NWS hi=56@0534{farm=55.6@0100}, lo=30@2146{farm=28.4@2100}.Cold front came thru; day went downhill all day, with rain & snow showers in afternoon and dropping temp; winds= west.

3-16-06: Yesterday, 3/15, NWS hi=38@1321{farm=32.0@1300}, lo=29@0842{farm=25.6@0800}. Snow all morning= 3" +/-; extremely windy; some brightness later in afternoon; a winter day!

3-17-06: Yesterday, 3/16, NWS hi=40@1506{farm=35.3@1500}, lo=28@2358{farm=24@2400}. Another cold (read "windchill factor"), windy day; there was sunshine most of the day, however.

3-18-06: Yesterday, 3/17, NWS hi =36@1521{farm=32.8@1500}, lo=22@2400{farm=17.3@0600&2400}. Once again, a cold, sunny day; wind not as constant but strong at times; light dusting of 'lake effect' snow early

3-19-06: Yesterday, 3/18, NWS hi=36@1341{farm=31.2@1200}, lo=20@0230{farm=17.3@0100}. And again, sunny, cold day. Little  wind, however, and then from southwest. No 'lake effect' snow here.
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