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CLICK for five years ago and historical info. Click next page link for later dates
March 27, 2008: 1030 hrs.- Eight  Canada geese on pond ice near the small culvert's open water. First of year.

April 1, 2008: Doe and year old twins across the road at 0700. Same trio as seen other places nearby?
April 2: 1000 hrs- Red-tailed hawk swooped low over the outer backyard from southeast to northwest.
April 3: Pair of Canada geese taking possession of "Elderberry Island" in the pond; an annual nesting location.
April 4: The pair of C. geese came up to top of main garden to graze greening grass. My troubles have begun!!
April 12: 7 turkeys paraded single file up the lane and on the grass across the way, going on up into the woods.
April 15: Two turkeys briefly in front yard at 0645.
April 17: Doe and pair of year old twins once again grazing in the field across the road 0700-0730.
April 18: Pair of bluebirds showing interest in bos across the road opposite the large, front yard maple tree.
             Small, native, overwintered butterfly- black with pale yellow wing edge- flying under front yard trees.

May 21: Pair of C. geese and six small goslings crossed lane from upper marsh into the pond @ 1815.
May 25: Same family of geese grazing grass ar far end of old 'main garden.' I chased them back to the pond.
             Beaver dam across upper marsh, but out of sight, has reduced water level in marsh considerably.
             Also, the level of the pond is such that there is only about two inches of water exiting the spillway.
             For 2nd time in past week, a beaver made splash of water when I came close along the pond shore.
             Robins have a nest on the lowest branch of the maple behind the garage.
May 26: Saw some activity at bird house directly across the lane from the large front yard maple tree. Also, in                upper left corner of the recess around the front doorway where last year there was a large wasp nest.
May 27: Deer have begun eating Liliums in the old main garden plot.
May 29: Turtle (small) digging in sandy lane making a spot to deposit eggs. This happens every year. Bad spot!
May 31:
Spotted woodchuck nearby behind kitchen at back of house. Probably "holed up" in the back shed or underneath the breezeway extension. Saw some stones thrown out at edge of the bwy extension.

June 1: Jean T. saw a porcupine at edge of lane by woods while walking "Jesse"@1500. It scampered up a tree
June 23 & 24: Woodchuck feeding on grass and clover at bottom of old barn ramp across the lane. Very alert!! Also, there is a single rabbit appearing right behind the house by the kitchen feeding on grass and clover.

July 15: Baby rabbit is housed under the breezeway extension. It feeds on grass and clover behind the kitchen.
Deer are eating the flower buds on the hosta beneath the apple tree. Woodchuck across the road still being seen.
July 17: Deer now eating leaves on the hosta. Large, white bird (heron?) in tree across the pond at 1800 hrs.

Good many Canada geese now coming up around old main garden to graze. Damn!!

August 20: Geese departed these parts a while ago, thankfully! Woodchuck no longer behind the house. One is back across the lane, however, dening at the base of the stone face of the old barn ramp. Rabbit behind kitchen
again. Recently saw a lone deer cross the lane in both directions at the bottom of the grade approachg the house

September 9-10: Flock of some 20 Canada geese came in andspent the night. First migrating (?) flock.
Sept. 15: Snowy Egret at pond shore by fire hydrant & then went to small island in center of pond in afternoon.
Sept. 20 & 21: Osprey flew over pond in circles. Once stopped and 'fluttered' in place. It landed in a tree, too.

October 12: 2000 hrs (dark) quite large deer exited the yard by the large maple as I returned home by car.
Large group (100 or more) of Canada geese has been spending the nights on the pond in recent days.

November 4: Several flocks of geese landed on the pond in the late morning. Largest conregation thus far.
Nov. 5: Lone large deer grazed 100' out beyond the crabapple tree in the back field.

December: Only birds coming to the feeders and the ever present gray squirrels,plus one red are being seen.

January 1, 2009: Happy New Year all! The eleven homemade bird feeders of several designs are being visited by many birds, including: sparrows; juncos; doves; titmouses; chickadees; cardinals; bluejays; nuthatches; goldfinches in winter plumage, of course; purple finches; and hairy, downy and yellow bellied woodpeckers.
Jan. 3: Deer has been looking for apple "drops" that are buried beneath the snow under the very old backyard crabapple tree.
Jan. 7: Bad snow, sleet and freezing rain storm. Hence, heavy ice crust on snow. Deer in trouble rest of winter!
Jan 10: Newly constructed "platform feeder" of my own design hung on the front yard chain support for feedrs
Jan. 14: Before dawn, a cotton tail rabbit scrounging for seeds under the feeders hung in front of breezeway.
Jan 16: Put out three more homemade "coffee can" sunflower seed feeders. Birds had overwhelmed existing 5.
Jan. 19: Heard coyotes howling at 2200 hours.
Jan. 20: Jean T. found dead small deer on the marsh side of the lane near the "dry hydrant" while on AM walk.
Jan. 21: Many Pine Siskins have descended on the feeders and ground under them. Mary F. has had these earlier
Jan. 27: 1700 hrs, 3 deer digging through the snow under the backyard old crabapple tree seeking apple drops.
           There is a red squirrel that is spending the winter alongside the well ceramic culvert pipe burried in snow
February 8: Spotted a robin across the lane in the area cleared of snow and showing grassy surface.
Feb. 9: Installed a plastic 5 gal. bucket cover as a barrier to the squirrels that come down the chain supporting the front yard bird feeders from the large maple tree end of the chain. Barrier is at 90 deg. to the chain. We'll see
Feb. 11: Doe&what appeard to be a yrling went down across the snow covered field opposite the house at 0800
Feb. 13: Twin deer fed on grass in the exposed area across from the house. Recall twins from last year, too.

March 14: First redwing blackbirds foraging for seeds under front yard feeders.
Five deer, four probably yearlings, near lane below the house. Ran diagonally up hill across field toward pines.
CLICK for five years ago and historical info. Click next page link for later dates
CLICK for wildlife pictures. These do not change; one visit will suffice.
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