WILDLIFE, page 3
2-26-03: This day, 1993, Great Blue Heron took off from pond spillway & flew NNE; 1996, 0730, two coyotes in field across the road, 250' away and not alarmed although dog, "Moe," and I both outside and seen.

3-01-03: This day, 1991, "Pair of bluebirds @ 1030 checking out the two favorite bird houses."

3-05-03: This day 1980, "Robins in back yard;" 1994, "Male blubird on deep snow covered garage roof."

3-07-03: This day, 1992, "Lone Great Blue Heron in open water by concrete culvert;" 2002, "Pair Canada geese on ice in middle of pond-1530."

3-10-03:This day, 1985, "Pair of bluebirds around the house;"  2002,"First robins, also a female redwinged blackbird despite cold, windy, wild day/sn squals."

3-11-03: This day, 1985, "100 plus geese flew over despite snow covered ground; pair bluebirds still around."

3-12-03: This day, 1971, "Saw small flock of Canada geese."

3-14-03:This day, 1982, "Saw 2 robins in yard;" 1990, "Robins in front yard and geese heard;"1995,"1st robins"

3-16-03" This day, 1986, "Geese SW over river (Mohawk) at 1030 hrs."

3-17-03: This day, 1985, "Gert, Pat & Bill A. and I saw one Great Blue Heron set down in nesting area @ 1515;
1989, "First robins in yard, saw geese going N @ 1100;" 1995, "Pair of bluebirds by garden box, snow gone, two flocks of geese @ 1830."

3-18-03:This day,1973,"Saw first robin;"1999,"Redwinged blackbirds singing in marsh."Today, saw 1st chipmk

3-19-03: This day, 1991, "Saw first two robins (no snow on grnd);" 1998, "30 geese on still frozen pond."

3-20-03: This day, 1982, "Gert A. and I saw one Grt. Blue Heron land at Sulem nests;" 2000, 'One pair C. geese hanging aound with pond 1/4 unfrozen."

3-21-03: This day, 1976, "Great Blue Herons back." [Note- A  heron 'rookery' was establshed in a stand of dead large trees that were flooded by a huge beaver dam on adjoining, downstream property in 1970 +/-. Beavers were first seen in my pond in 1966 and have remained in the area ever since. Many future notes re same.]
1999, "Pair of C. geese on still frozen pond near small culvert open water."

3-22-03: 1995, "Few geese in open water around islands-eve to 23rd AM." [Note- The pond is six acres in size and originally had four islands. We named the islands "Beaver," "Dog," "Spruce," and "Elderberry." "Beaver" is 
closest to the dam and was where the beavers built their first 'house.' We buried a dead dog found in the pond one spring on "Dog." We planted some spruce trees on "Spruce," but they did not survive. "Elderberry" had a fine growth of elderberry bushes that disappeared unexplainably over the years. "Beaver" has been eroded away by wave action and only the dead stems of a sumac tree now show. It was the smallest of the islands.]

3-23-03: This day, 1981, "First ducks back on pond;" 1983, "Pair of mallards on pond, with 2 beavers seen, too
1986, "Saw three robins at edge of back field;" 1995, "bluebird by garden house." Today, heard C. goose 0630.

3-24-03: This day, 1973, "Saw bluebird;" 1986, "Heard duck at 0530."  

3-25-03: This day, 1973, "First ducks back on pond;" 1988, "One grt blue heron flew by low S>N;"1996, "Heard pr of geese over upper swamp (marsh) area, first of year, pond & swamp frozen over;" 1998, "Male blackbird & pr robins in maple behind garage 0830, also-skunk 100' behind house, 1st ever seen around, 0745."

3-26-03: This day, 1983, "Few grt blue herons back;" 1984, "Saw 4 robins across road;" 1986, "Pair of bluebirds at garden birdhouse (74 degrees for record high for date)."

3-27-03: This day, 1993, "Shot raccoon in early AM treed across the road by "Moe."[Rabid raccoons prevalent]
Today, pair of geese atop "Elderberry" island getting ready to nest, I am sure.

3-28-03: This day, 1980, "Saw pair of bluebirds;" 1981, "First great blue herons back;" 1998, "Pair of geese hanging around, first 'peepers' (tree frogs)."Today, 0700, yearling twin deer & displaying tom turkey with four hens across the road simultaneously; first male redwinged blackbird in front yard under feeders, too. Spring!!

3-29-03: This day, 1975 .& 1980, mallards and great blue herons back.

3-30-03: This day 1996, "Bluebirds at main garden box."

3-31-03: This day, 1979, "Great blue herons back;" 1987, "Bluebird back;" 1999, "Male bluebird and swallows
checking out boxes."

4-01-03: This day, 1974,"Saw first grt blue heron;" 1979, "Two male and one female bluebirds:" 1984, "Saw one great blue heron land at the nests." [The nests were on adjacent propety in swamped out large, dead trees.]

4-02-03: This day, 1977, "Ducks on ice free pond; great blue heron seen."
4-03-03: This day, 1981, "Pair of bluebirds by veg. garden box;" 2001,"Small flock of robins in backyard atop 18" snow pack, also 3 C. geese at edge of frozen pond by road @ 1700 hrs. (on pond AM of the 4th)."
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