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4-04-03: This day, 1991 & 1999, "'Peepers' (tree frogs);" 1992, "Pileated woodpecker in lrge, front yard maple." 4-05-03: This day, 1986, "Pr. mallards on pond, saw one grt blue heron;" 1988, "Peepers." 4-06-03: This day, 1983, "Peepers;" 1992, First bluebirds around houses;" 1997,"Pr geese hanging around pond;" 2002, "Beaver back! Joe F.cleaned out small dam where spillway narrows&drops; 12" water in spillway." [CGS had to pull out 3-4' of new dam at mouth of spillway throughout the summer and fall to maintain safe pond level] 4-07-03: This day, 1979, "60 geese on pond for day;" 1991, "Pair C. geese on pond 2000 & AM of 8th;" 1997, "first 'peepers' also bluebird by birdhouse." 4-08-03: This day, 2000, "Peepers." (NWS= 77 degrees, with 72 at the farm.) 4-09-03: This day, 1993, "First pond fly-by of geese;" 1996, "Peepers." 4-10-03: This day, 1992, "Two pair mallards around;" 1995 & 2000, "Peepers." Today, 1730 hrs a Grey Fox (it sure didn't look like a "Red") crossed 15' behind kitchen and entered the 'back shed' thru rocks at base of wall. 4-11-03: This day, 1983, "Two C. geese on pond in AM;" 1999, "Four breeding full colored tom turkeys and eight hens in front yard 0730." 4-13-03: This day, 2000, "20+/- Rusty Blackbirds under feeders & in old maple 1245 hrs." 4-14-03: This day, 1986, "One heron landed in nest at 1600, came from river;" 1994, "Peepers," also "Geese and a pair of hooded merganzer ducks (on pond)." Today, small beaver dam across front of pond spillway.Damn! 4-15-03: This day, 1982, "Ducks and 'Peepers';" 1990&93, "Peepers;" 1986, "Mosquetoes." Today, "Peepers." 4-17-03: This day, 1978, "Bluebirds;" 1998, "Turkeys- 'Tom,' 2 'Jakes,' 4 hens- on road by house 0730, out back later;" 2001, 2 displaying tom turkeys and one hen in front yard and across road 0615>." 4-18-03: This day, 1971, "Saw first blue heron, bluebirds nesting by stable (now gone);" 1978, "(Brother) Herb saw osprey fish the pond." 4-20-03: This day, 1992,"Peepers, 3 prs of C. geese on pond and islands,"2001,"Very large coyote in fld acr rd." 4-21-03: This day, 1973, "Pair great blue herons and bluebirds (seen)." 4-22-03: This day, 1972, "3 prs grt blue herons flew over;" 2001, "Peepers and pr of bluebirds checkg houses." 4-23-03: This day, 1990, "Osprey circled pond." 4-24-03: This day, 1994, "Two separate ospreys: young one 1400, mature 1700." Today, pulled out 4' of beaver dam in pond spillway. This is the fifth time and it looks like a long haul ahead. 4-25-03: This day, 1970, "Osprey." 4-26-03: This day, 1970, "25 C. geese came in 12 noon, saw pr of wood ducks;" 1989, "Osprey fished pond 1800 hrs.;" 1997, "Osprey circled high overhead 1600 hrs." 4-27-03: This day, 1990, "Pair of great blue herons landed in double nest tree 0900; also, pair of Canada geese on pond 1800, first this spring." [Heron nest trees were on adjacent property in full view in flooded out woodlot.] 4-29-03: This day, 1970, "11 bluegills caught by Sturgeses." [Pond was created by previous owner about 1960. It was not dug deep enough over most of its six acres; therefore, weed growth occurred, hence "winter kill," and the good fishing soon disappeared. CGS stocked pond twice, first with rainbow trout then large mouth bass, but none of either species was ever caught. Pond releases excess water almost constantly through an open spillway. Only in the the driest periods is there no outflow. In spring there is a large amount of flow.] 4-30-03: This day, 1972, "Osprey fished the pond;" 1993, "Osprey circled pond and 'hovered'. 5-01-03: This day, 1991, "Osprey fished pond @ 1030, second sighting;" 1992, "Small osprey fished pond 1400, then perched on dead tree limb out back for half hour before being driven off by a red tailed hawk." 5-02-03: This day, 1970, "3 C. geese came in for day; osprey." 5-05-03: This day, 2000, "Two sets (3 tiny, 6 small) goslings grazing at side of road by concrete culvert. Third brood of eight seen on 7th. Set of three has one injured parent." 5-06-03: This day, 1979, "Saw osprey;" 1995, "Pr. C. geese & 4 tiny goslings (seen again on 9th)." 5-07-03: This day, 1983, "Saw pair of bluebirds;" 1995, "Osprey over pond at 1100." 5-08-03: This day, 1985, "Pair of ospreys fished pond, only one pair great blue herons nesting;" 1997, "Pair of geese with 5 'fuzzy,' mustard colored goslings crossed road 1730;" 1998, same sight but with 7 goslings at 1400 and 1600. |
Photos have been discontinued, 5/1/03. | ||||||||||||
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