WILDLIFE,  page 7
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10-6-03: This day, 2002, "500 geese on pond by evening; three flights came in 1600, plus others."

10-7-03: This day, 1984, "Geese came in after 1900;" 1998, "400 +/- geese, incl. one Snow Goose, landed on pond 1300-1315, CGS unintentionally scared them off all at once when checking the pond pump at 1400- some sight and sound!"

10-16-03: This day, 1999, "Black Crowned Night Heron on Elderberry Island 1300."

Today, heard and saw first large flock of geese 'cruising' around; very late for first of them.

10-20-03: Today, approximately 50 geese landed on pond 1730 hrs; first true 'flock' to come in this fall.

10-21-03: "This day, 1996, 150 geese landed on pond 1645."

10-23-03: This day, 1987, "2 (4?) bluebirds on wires @ 1115 hrs."

10-24-03: This day, 2001, "350 geese landed on pond 1130 from SW; left in PM."

10-26-03: This day, 1989,"Migrating flock (15-20) of bluebirds @ 1600;" 1995, "7 bluebirds on power line 1700
1996, "Doe and well grown triplets in lower field at 1448, and a miles long crow migration NE to SW at 1545."

10-29-03: This day, 1996, "One Whistling Swan on pond all day;" 2000, "6 young bluebirds acr rd @ 0745EST"

11-4-03: This day, 1992, "Five small flocks of geese came in (in late afternoon)."

11-7-03: This day, 1998, "1000 hrs., pair of bluebirds across road and flying around elsewhere (35 deg.)."

Today, put up a couple homemade bird feeders that were quickly visited by chickadees. I have 150 pounds of black oil sunflower seeds on hand, along with 50# mixed seed and 50# of 'chick feed.'

12-9-03: Today, Kyle&I installed 3 sections of chain that will support many frnt yd hanging bird feeders

12-18-03: Today, 25 Mourning Doves in front yard feeding. Chickadees, Sparrows, Blue Jays, House Finches also in abundance. Other birds around are Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, Downy Woodpecker,
Cardinal, and Crow. Many Gray Squirrels and one or two Red Squirrels, also.

12-29-03: Today, 1730 hrs, a lone deer grazing grass in the wet area across the road.

1-12-04: Today, began using a niger ("thistle") seed feeder for 1st time after many years of feedg birds

1-13-04: Today, Redbreasted Nuthatch visited suet and sunflower feeders at 1230 hrs. A real cutey!

1-14-04: Today, 1030 hrs., a male Hairy Woodpecker visited a suet feeder. First one seen this winter.

1-21-04: Today, Red-poll male visited sunflowr feeder at 1200 hours. Perhaps was around a few days ago.

1-22-04: Today, female Hairy Woodpecker visited a suet feedr at 1215hrs. Doves roosting in ridge woods

1-28-04: Update on visiting birds: Flock of 25 Mourning Doves every day; flock of 25 sparrows most every day; approximately an equal  # of finches & chickadees; some Hairy and Downy woodpeckers, nuthatches, including a Red-breasted,  & juncos; 2 crows; many Blue Jays; 1-2 pairs of Cardinals.

3-7-04: Today saw first chipmunk out of hibernation feedg on birdseed; purple finch visited sflwr feedr.
3-24-04: Today, 1600 hours, three Canada geese landed on the still frozen pond and stayed a while.
4-4-04: Today, 1630 hours, saw a pair of Mallard and Buffle-head ducks in open water near the road. Several pairs of Canada geese are ensconsed on the pond, which is showing considerable open water.
4-6-04: Today, 1130 hrs small flock of robins across the rd; first seen HERE; have been in area a while.
4-14-04: Today, 0800, hen turkeys in front yard scavagening under bird feeders; Hairy Woodpecker at large suet feeder; Goldfinch males now have their breeding color; and woodchuck 1st seen in backyard.
Today, cowbirds feeding on the ground by feeders along with a white-crowned sparrow.
Today, two male rose-breasted grosbeaks visited sunflower feeders at same time.
5-10-04: Today, saw the first Canada goose goslings, seven, & their parents by the road & in the marsh.
5-11-04: Today, saw first hummingbird by post lite; pair of Great Blue Herons in field near pond spillway

10-1-04: At 1600 there were 50-60 Canada geese on pond in several groups. There has been no beaver activity here all year. They finally decided their food supply was gone and departed. Hopefully for a long time to come.
10-12-04: Some three hundred Canada geese on the pond all day "chattering away. Wonderful sight and sound!

11-2-04: 2 large flocks of geese came from northeast & landed on the pond 1500; est. 200-250; "Murph" here.

11-20-04: Put up 3 sunflower seed feeders, which chickadees found in one day; "chickfeed" feeder set out, too.

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