Wildlife, page 8
Click for two years ago entries and historical information. Use next page link for later entries.
12-4-04: First bluejay and redbellied woodpecker showed up at front yard feeders. Woody ate 'chickfeed!' I put              up suet feeders later in the day.
12-9-04: Mourning doves, nuthatches, sparrows & finches have been showing up at feeders the past few days.

2-20: First red squirrel in front yard under bird feeders. Three deer across road grazing in snow free area.
2-28: First robin under feeders in front yard at 0800, with a snowstom due within hours!

3-23: First group, small, of Canada geese flew over. One, lone goose on still frozen pond at 1330.
3-24: Group of deer walked down the lane past the house @ 1000 & returned along edge of field @ 1100.
3-31: 12 Canada geese in open water by the culverts 1300; then 15-16 out on the ice later in the afternoon.

4-3:  Pair of  Canada geese came up to the green grass at far end of  the 'main garden;'
trouble already!!
Redwinged blackbirds and cowbirds are back and visiting the feeders and area underneath them.
            -Many woodpeckers -  downy, hairy and redbellied - visitations to the suet feeders of late. 
4-6: 1600 hrs.- an obviously rabid raccoon walked slowly from close behind the house to out back woods.
4-12: 1630 hrs.- American merganzer pair on the pond near the lane.. [Continued here for a  week at least.]
                          - Canada goose 'setting' on the large island near the middle of pond, a favorite nesting place.
4-19: Two female turkeys in front yard 'scatching' for seeds under the bird feeders.
             -Shot a small woodchuck across the road by front flower bed. 'Holed up' in base of ramp's stone face.
4-25: Beavers are active in the 'marsh' and blocking the culverts under the lane; water level rising noticeably.
             -"Beaver Island" exists no more. Nearest island to the pond dam was where first 'house' was built 38                   years ago. Wave action eroded the small island over the years, with only dead sumacs visible recently
4-30: Two very large turkeys grazing in field 125' behind the house at 1630 hrs. 
             -Male rose breasted grosbeak in large maple before descending to a sunflower seed feeder at 1700 hrs.

5-5: Apparent rabid raccoon crossed front yard toward the side of house by hemlock tree at 1100 hrs.
5-7: Oriole came to front yard feeders at 1630 hrs.
           - Two pairs of Canada geese by 'main  garden' and one pair across the road. Lush grass too attractive!!
5-13: "Island" goose pair&their 4 goslngs on the dam-1100.Also, very sm beaver swimming in front of dam.
5-20: 2nd pair of nested C.geese seen on lane by culverts with 9 tiny goslings. Scurried into the pond. 1545 hrs.
5-21: Two unknown birds on pond.  One very  white at the waterline; larger than duck, smaller than goose. 2nd          is all black (to  my eye at 500') & was perched on a low "Dog Island" branch over the pond & then liter-           ally dropped into the pond and began very slow swimming. Slight build (not goose-like) yet quite large.
5-26: A chipmunk feeding on snflwer seeds under the feeders meet its fate at the hands of a feral cat- 1400 hrs.

June summary:  Families of geese have been little seen. The one that nested on the island in the pond has     
        disappeared, perhaps joining the other one (or more) that nested somewhere in the marsh to the SW of the         pond. No deer fawns were seen. Beavers continue to block culvert under the lane, making work for Town         highway department.  Beavers are leaving me alone this year, thankfully. Very few spring ducks seen.
I will have my left hip joint replaced June 21st, so there will be a hiatus in postings.
I returned home on July 6th.

7-2: Water over the lane at 'flat' between pond & marsh because of blocked  culverts (beavers) & 4.0" rain
Rest of July: Town highway crew had to remove debris from in front of large culvert almost daily,                           eventually using a backhoe. By first week in August beavers were no longer active. Have they departed?
7-16: Once again a woodchuck has taken up residence under the floor of the extension to the breezeway. It  is           very plump from eating the lush grass/clover nearby. Saw the 'chuck' feeding  at 0600 today.

Aug.: Nothing of  note. A real uninteresting summer! I did "take out" the brazen, resident woodchuck, however.

9-5: Doe and yearling close across the road 0600.
      First fall geese landed on the pond in the evening. Stayed for two days, with days spent feeding to the NE.

October: Canada geese regularly on the pond during the day as well as overnight. Six hen turkeys walked in a line across the road from the house one early morning. Hawk captured prey on the ground across the road. Beavers built house on edge of dam 3/4 way to far end. Destroyed same (Joe F.) on 11/1. Beavers still active in marsh and in blocking culvert. Deer have eaten off all the leaves from the holihocks, an annual occurrence.

November: On 12th saw gray squirrel taking fallen leaves up into front yard hemlock tree; probably bldg nest.
Today, 11/24, is 'Thanksgiving Day.' Chickadees found the sunflower seed feeders put up yesterday afternoon.

11-26: Big day at the bird feeders: chickadees, bluejays, sparrows, fem.cardinal, red-bellied woodpecker and goldfinches.  A very cold day, with avg temp at the farm 18 deg. F. below NWS normal and snow in morning.

December: First few days saw doves, nuthatches and female downy woodpecker(s) at the feeders. Now have suet & mixed seed feeders in place to complement the sunflower ones, so all types of birds are being attracted.  12-5: Town came with backhoe to remove debris placed by beavers in front of the two culverts, raising marsh water level  into the edge of the lane. Hand removal has been ongoing all summer & fall. Equipt used before, too
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