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WEATHER,  page 18
11-7-03: No historical information. Yesterday, 11/6, NWS hi=56@0009{farm=50.6@0100}, lo=45@2400
{farm=40.9@0700}. Another grey day but no precip or wind; comfy temps but note when high occurred.

11-8-03: This day, 1971, NWS record low= 18; 1975, NWS record high= 75 and the
highest ever so late in yr
1996, "Severe change in wthr, with "cold front" at night; 60s today, 30s on 9th; 2.88" rain at farm; rivers flood-
ing." Yesterday, 11/7, NWS hi=54@1351{farm=50.4@1300}, lo=41@0732{farm=36.1@0700}.79% sunshine- first sunshine in three days; little wind and very comfortable in sun. Cold air mass on the way, however! 

Henceforth a repetion of the historical information previously given will not occur. However, a link to the page from the past year(s) that contains that info will be found on each current page. This will also allow looking back to a previous year's  weather data. Let me hear from you should there be problems.

11-9-03: Yesterday, 11/8, NWS hi=42@0113{farm=38.5@0100}, lo=23@2258{farm=20.6@2400}  93% sun-
shine (PPS); windy thus "windchill" was a factor. Moon was one day short of 'full' when it rose in the east before 1800. At 1832 the beginning phase of an ecipse began that became full at 2000 and lasted until 2242. I had a 'ringside seat' at the farm, since I have an unobstructed view of the sky from NNE thru the E on to the S.
Today, at Albany the sun rises at 0639 and sets at 1639, for exactly ten hours of sunlight.

11-10-03: This day, 1965, NWS record low= 16. Yesterday, 11/9. NWS hi=39@1445{farm=37.1@1400}, lo=
20@0629{farm=17.1@1400}. 97PPS; gorgeous but cold day; normal avg temp at Albany= 42 [farm was 27!!].
There was a total covering of ice on the shallow, open water of the  marsh for the first time this fall.

11-11-03: Yesterday, 11/10, NWS hi=44@1539{farm=43.8@1500}, lo=21@0704{farm=17.9@0700}. A gorg-
eous day with 95PPS and little wind; ice continued to cover the open water in the marsh.

11-12-03: Yesterday, 11/11, NWS hi=43@
2400{farm=36.9@2000}, lo=22@0225{farm=22.8@0400}. 6 PPS but zero at the farm; temp only reached 32 at farm at noon- a cold AM w/ snow flakes; note time of high temp.

11-13-03: Yesterday, 11/12, NWS hi=55@1348{farm=53.8@1400}, lo=43@0117(farm=34.5@0100}. Note dif-
ference in low temps. 20 PPS; light rain before 0500; pleasant day despite little sun.

Be sure to go back to this date last year (link below) for a most active day in weather history. Yester-
day, 11/13, NWS hi=56@0506{farm=52.5@0400}, lo=33@2400{farm=28.0@2400}. Wild day with winds first
from the S/SW and then W/NW as a deep 'low' passed down the St.L. valley into eastern Canada. 'Lake effect' snow off L. Ontario reached here in late afternoon and into the night.
Today, snow cover on ground at dawn.

11-15-03: Yesterday, 11/14, NWS hi=37@1332{farm=28.4@1300}, lo=26@0713{farm=25.3@0400}. The big difference in the high temp readings was caused by little to no sunshine at the farm, whereas Albany had 71%.

11-16-03: Yesterday, 11/15, NWS hi=37@1415{farm=32.7@1400}, lo=23@2348{farm=19.6@0700}. 100%
of possible sunshine (PPS) for a gorgeous, but cold day. There was a breeze along with the low temps.

11-17-03: Yesterday, 11/16, NWS hi=43@1450{farm=39.4@1600}, lo=21@0241{farm=21.7@0200}. The normal low temp for the day is 31, so we started out cold, but it warmed nicely under a leaden sky- only 7PPS.

11-18-03: Yesterday, 11/17, NWS hi=39@
2400{farm=35.9@1900}, lo=35@0634{farm=32.0@0400}. No sunshine- zip; light rain in AM; cold, dark day that warmed ever so slightly into the nite [note time of high temp]

11-19-03: Yesterday, 11/19, NWS hi=50@2400{farm=46.6@2200}, lo=39@0620{farm=35.8@0100}. A glimpse of hazy sun mid-afternoon but dark all day with light fog in AM; temp rose all day, but dampnss felt cld. 
11-20-03: Yesterday, 11/19, NWS hi=64@1746{farm=59.1@1900}, lo=50@2400{farm=45.4@2400}. No sun-
sunshine, with a hvy rain storm apprchg; rain began 1600; briefly at 1910 rate was
1.89"/hr; by 2400 totl=1.57"

11-21-03: Yesterday, 11/20, NWS hi=51@1303{farm=48.5@1300}, lo=36@2354{farm=31.8@2400}. Very slow clearing into mid afternoon, then sunny; rain from 0001 to 0800 = 0.37", so storm total = 1.94".

11-22-03: Yesterday, 11/21, NWS hi=55@1515{farm=56.5@1400}, lo=30@0732{farm=28.0@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (!); a glorious day- warm, sunny, blue sky and no wind- for a change, which we deserved. 

11-23-03: Yesterday, 11/22, NWS hi=51@1454{farm=49.1@1500}, lo=34@2400{farm=31.5@0500}. 93% of
possible sunshine (PPS); another glorious day in every way after a very brief period of heavy overcast at sunrise

11-24-03: Yesterday, 11/23, NWS hi=54@1510{farm=50.1@1400}, lo=28@0602{farm=27.8@0500}. And again, a wonderful, mostly sunny (81 PPS), warm day after a chill start.As in past few days, had lunch outdoors

11-25-03: Yesterday, 11/24, NWS hi=55@1458{farm=51.6@1500}, lo=37@2400{farm=31.8@2400}. 78 PPS; another very fine day and warm right from the start; cold front approaching overnight with some precip expectd

11-26-03: Yesterday, 11/25, NWS hi=39@1242[farm=33.3@1200}, lo=28@2314{farm=25.3@2300}. 47% sunshine (PPS); a very chill day following rain and 1" of snow the previous night as a 'cold front' came through.

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