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2-25-05: Yesterday, 2/24, NWS hi=25@1546{farm=22.6@1300}, lo=10@2400{farm=1.0@0700}. 60% PPS; sunny & cold morning; fortunately there was no wind so afternoon decent; clds came in 1500; another cold nite 2-26-05: Yesterday, 2/25, NWS hi=28@1509{farm=25.3@1500}, lo=12@2348{farm=9.3@0700}. 70% PPS; another mostly sunny day with a chill morning; clear evening with btfl moonrise; storm expectd early nextweek 2-27-05: Yesterday, 2/26, NWS hi=31@1621{farm=29.3@1600}, lo=9@0647{farm=4.1@0700}. 36% of pos-sible sunshine, although a fairly bright day just the same; some wind; another btfl moonrise & a clear nite ahd 2-28-05: Yesterday, 2/27, NWS hi=29@1537{farm=26.6@1500}, lo=16@0308{farm=8.6@0600}. 94% PPS; beautiful day but with some wind; cold morning again at the farm; clear evening. Storm brewing for tomorrow 3-1-05: Yersterday, 2/28, NWS hi9=33@1612{farm=30.5@1600}, lo=14@0132{farm=9.5@0300}. 5% PPS: a bright day despite virtually no full sunshine; rather windy as storm comes up the coast; no snow yet at 2400. 3-2-05: Yesterday, 3/1, NWS hi=28@1428{farm=28.8@1500}, lo=22@2400{farm=19.6@2200}. No sun-shine; snow from 0200-1000= 7" +/-; more snow 1400 into the evening totaled 2-3"; snow light in weight. 3-3-05: Yesterday, 3/2, NWS hi=29@1531{farm=26.8@1300}, lo=21@2400{farm=16.8@2400}. 24% PPS; morning and early afternoon overcast; sunny thereafter with a clear, cold night; quite windy with blowg snow. 3-4-05: Yesterday, 3/3, NWS hi=23@1711{farm=21.1@1600}, lo=13@0725{farm=7.7@2400}. 90% of pos- sible sunshine; a windy day, thus cold in the open; otherwise a beautiful, sunny, blue sky day; cold nite upcomg 3-5-05: Yesterday, 3/4, NWS hi=31@1339{farm=29.7@1500}, lo=7@0519{farm=0.2@0500}. 67% PPS but I believe more at the farm; cold early but warmed quickly thanks to the sun; except for west wind, PM pleasant. 3-6-05: Yesterday, 3/5, NWS hi=35@1614{farm=33.4@1500}, lo=11@0044{farm=13.1@0500}. 94% PPS for a gorgeous day; some wind, so still chill in the open despite PM temperature. 3-7-05: Yesterday, 3/6, NWS hi=39@2027{farm=35.5@1200}, lo=18@0635{farm=17.0@0700}. 5% PPS but more at the farm; morning quite bright; moderate snow began 1230 and went thru the afternoon; estimate 3-4". 3-8-05: Yesterday, 3/7, NWS hi=52@1702{farm=51.5@2100}, lo=29@0702{farm=26.2@0700}. 46% PPS but a quite brite day until mid-afternoon; strong south wind brought in warm temps; some light rain eve into nite 3-9-05: Yesterday, 3/8, NWS hi=48@0124{farm=45.0@0100}, lo=11@2400{farm=7.4@2400}. No sunshine; snow began 0700 & cont'd until 1600; very strong wind also, making for a "tough" day; temp dropped steadily 3-10-05: Yesterday, 3/9, NWS hi=19@1600{farm=17.4@1500}, lo=6@0717{farm=2.1@0700}. 65% PPS; somewhat overcast early AM then sunny rest of day; very windy and cold; blowing already fallen snow. 3-11-05: Yesterday, 3/10, NWS hi=27@1545{farm=25.6@1500}, lo=6@0249{farm=4.9@0700}. 79% PPS; a mostl;y sunny, pleasant day because very little wind; normal daily average temp. at Albany now 33 deg. F. 3-12-05: Yesterday, 3/11, NWS hi=31@2028{farm=27.8@1400}, lo=12@0427{farm=6.5@0500}. No sun- shine; heavy overcast all day with very light snow at times; little wind; more significant snow to come overnight 3-13-05: Yesterday, 3/12, NWS hi=36@1552{farm=35.8@1700}, lo=20@2201{farm=18.2@2400}. 44% of possible sunshine (PPS); light snow before dawn and contin'g until 0900= 2-3"; warmed nicely with PM sun. 3-14-05: Yesterday, 3/13, NWS hi=35@1624{farm=34.9@1500}, lo=21@0553{farm=16.6@0100}. 54% PPS; sunny in the afternoon but a bit windy thus cool; pleasant enough just the same. 3-15-05: Yesterday, 3/14, NWS hi=36@1635{farm=33.9@1400}, lo=19@0631{farm=16.0@0300}. 94% PPS; beautiful sunny day but with a good bit of wind; definitely cool in the open. 3-16-05: Yesterday, 3/15, NWS hi=39@1551{farm=37.2@1500}, lo=23@0629{farm=19.2@0600}. 95% PPS; same as yesterday- beautiful sunny but windy day; wind from west and blowing snow across N-S open roads. 3-17-05: Yesterday, 3/16, NWS hi=38@1421{farm=35.9@1400}, lo=27@2400{farm=21.4@2400}. 96% PPS; another gorgeous, if cool day; not as windy as yesterday. 3-18-05: Yesterday, 3/17, NWS hi=43@1705{farm=39.6@1600}, lo=20@0541{farm=16.2@0500}. 80% PPS seemed like more sunshine at the farm; in any event, another gorgeous mostly windless day but little melting. 3-19-05: Yesterday, 3/18, NWS hi=41@n/a{farm=37.9@1500}, lo=27@n/a{farm=22.2@0700. 91% of possbl sunshine(PPS); another gorgeous day; some cool wind in the open, but no blowing snow; temps still below avg 3-20-05: Today spring arrives at 0733 EST in Albany, New York! Yesterday, 3-19-05, NWS hi=44@1720 {farm=41.8@1600}, lo=24@0630{farm=18.5@0600}. 96% of possible sunshine for another glorious day! |
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