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WEATHER, page 4 | ||||||||||
1-01-03: This day, 1970, NWS record lo= m18; 1979, 55deg. at Albany{farm=50} and rain; 1980, ground bare of snow following warm Dec.; 1990 no snow on grnd, Dec. avg temp +7.1; 2000, 42 deg at 1530, btfl day. 1-02-03: This day, 1970, record lo at Albany= m20. Yesterday,1/1, Albany hi= 41@0052, lo= 27@2359;no sun 1-03-03: This day, 1970, NWS record lo= m14. Yesterday, 1/2, Albany hi= 27@0013{farm= 27.4@0100}, lo= 17@1952{farm= 13.4@2000}, 40% sunshine. Mini ice storm previous nite with ice on vegetatn all day into eve. 1-04-03: This day, 2002, 1700hrs, "btfl sunset reflection off low, long, thin, parallel clds." Yesterday, 1/3, NWS hi= 28@2359{farm= 25.6@2400}, lo= 18@0Sxpected overnite. Another nor'easter in progress! ADDENDUM: Beginning this day, 1998, thru 9th,"very warm, heavy fog, no sun, hvy rain 8th, overcast other days; 6-9th, terrible ice storm in 150 mile path along St. Lawrence River in US and Canada, much devestation." 1-05-03: This day, 2000, "Gorgeous pink-orange sunrise sky from east to south, with no real sun rising." Yester- day, 1/4, Albany hi= 30@1452{farm= 30.2@1600}, lo= 25@1159{farm= 20.9@2400}. Snow ended in early evening with 14.5" total here. NWS recorded 8.8", giving them a current total of 67.5", 47.3" above normal and about 5" more than the usual amount for an entire snow 'year,' 7/1 to 6/30. Rain+snow H2O equivalent high, too. 1-06-03: This day, 1996, new record lo at Albany= m19, with m12 at farm; 2002, "5th greatest Jan. snow storm started in eve. thru the 7th with 17.4" at Albany and 10" at the farm." Yesterday, 1/5, NWS hi= 27@1532{farm= 25.1@1100}, lo= 22@0724{farm= 17.0@0400}.Gray day but no snow and no wind, so still a winter wonderlnd 1-07-03: This day, 1996,"'Blizzard of '96' along E. coast (ended on 8th); no snow at farm, 4/10" at Albany; 24" NYC; 30" Phila."; 2000, "only 1.6" snow to date in 'winter season' (Dec,Jan,Feb), least amount ever so late." Yesterday, 1/6, NWS hi= 27@1541{farm= 27.2@1400}, lo= 16 @0353{farm= 12.4@0400}. Snow total at Albany since 7/1/02= 68.5", above normal 47.l" to date. Jan. H2O is 2.90", plus 2.36" to date. 1-08-03: This day, 1988, "Ground bare (47 deg.), only 8" snow so far." Yesterday, 1/7, Albany hi= 24@0607 {farm= 22.2@0100}, lo= 9@1902{farm= 7.9@1900}. Btfl sunny, blue sky day but cold. Sunshine (PPS)=83%. ADDENDUM: This day 1859 New York City had only day on record of temps below zero the entire day. 1-09-02: This day, 1968, record low temp= m20; 1978, 59deg.@0500, record hi, then 11deg@1700,bar=28.84. Yesterday,1/8, NWS hi= 36@1823{farm= 34.9@1400}, lo=19@0056{farm= 14.2@0100}. 1"snow@0700. Drk 1-10-03: This day, 1968, record lo of m13. Yesterday, 1/9, NWS hi= 38@0754{farm= 34.0@0700}, lo= 19@2400{farm= 16.6@2400}. 1/2" snow before 0700,hvy ovrcst AM, slo clrg in PM, temp dropped all day 1-11-03: This day, 1968, Albany lo= m25 for a record; 1975, hi= 57 for record; 1981 m20 at farm w/ highwind Yesterday, 1-10, NWS hi= 25@0754{farm= 25.1@0700}, lo= 11@1912{farm= 7@1900};3"snow before 0700 1-12-03: This day, 1968, m26 at Albany for record lo; 1975, tied record hi of 57; 1981, m20n at the farm. Yes- terday, 1/11, NWS hi= 27@1751{farm= 23.9@1600}, lo= 13@0409{farm= 9.0@0300}. 1/2" snow;some wind 1-13-03: This day, the last in a string of record lows set in 1968 with m18 at Albany; 2000, "First snow storm, 10", at Albany (4" at farm), with only 1.6" previously." Yesterday, 1/12, NWS hi=29@1441{farm=26.5@1400}, lo=12 @2338{farm= 17.0 @2400}. 78% sunshine, windy with blowing snow. Dusting of snow before 0700. 1-14-03: This day, 1992, "14.3" snow thus far, but all melted and gone from fields; 50 degrees at farm at 1600, had 0.62" rain in AM; cold front with high winds 1800-2400; temp 15 degrees at 2030." 1995, "61 degrees, btfl late PM & sat under hemlock tree; only 9.2" snow thus far and all melted from fields and lawn; road muddy like spring." 1998, "Only 5.9" snow in Dec. and none thus far in Jan, with only 9.1" since 7/1." Yesterday, 1/13, NWS hi=31@1511{farm=29.1@1400}, lo=9@0313{farm=4.3@0800}; 17% sunshine; hvy sn squall PM;windy 1-15-03: This day, 1983, 24.5" snow at Albany for 4th heaviest ever; 1985, 55 mph winds with "wind chill" of minus 50-75 deg.; 1995, 65 for new record hi (61 at farm), also new record hi minimum temp of 56 (old was 39 in 1932). Yesterday, 1/14, there was no measurable snow at Albany after 13 consecutive days thereof and an unprecidented stretch; NWS hi=19@1430{farm=15.7@1500, lo=2{farm=m0.6@0800}. 93%PPS; little wind. 1-16-03: This day, 1971, record lo set at minus 16; 1994, "Minus 21 at farm, m14 at airport, m31 @ GlensFalls, m4 hi at farm; 1995,"62 for new record hi (58 at farm), also new record high minimum temp=43 (old was 39 in 1913)." Yesterday, 1/15, NWS hi=20@1713{farm=18.2@1300}, lo=1@0113(farm=m1.9@0700}.40% PPS. 1-17-03: This day, 1971, record low temp of minus 23. Yesterday, 1/16, NWS hi=23{farm=18.5@1400}, lo=11{farm=9.3@2100}. 1/2" snow before 0700.Afternoon pleasant with sun and no wind.Sunshine(PPS)=62% 1-18-03: This day, 1973, record hi= 59. Yesterday, 1/17, Albany hi=25@1316{farm=21.7@1300}, lo=m1@2400{farm=m7.7@2400}.AM low temp=12 at farm.Nice PM but some wind.Clr moonlit eve;m9@2100 1-19-03: This day, 1971 the all-time record low temp at Albany was set- minus 28; 1996, "new hi temp at 60, w/ major snow melt (58" has fallen with no previous thaw), heavy rain in PM, cold front 1800 w/ sleet & snow, major flooding from the Schoharie Creek." Yesterday, 1/18, Albany hi=13@1638{farm=14.9@1500}, lo=m12@0746{farm=m13.5@0500}. Low at farm cont'd until 0800.Btfl day w/ little wind. Gorgeous moon rise 1-20-03: This day, 1970, minus 22 for record low at Albany; 1986, 53 for record high. Yesterday, 1/19, NWS hi=19@1543{farm=19.5@1600}, lo=m6@0421{farm=m8.9@0300}. 46% sunshine, little wind, clr night again. 1-21-03: This day, 1971, record lo set at m16; 1994, new record lo= m18; 2000,"Btfl golden full moonrise out kitchen window @ 1745." Yesterday, 1/20, NWS hi=23 @1228{farm=19.5@1000}, lo=9@2400{farm=3.6@ 2400}. Sunny for the most part w/ 63%PPS. Windy with snow squalls in early PM. Clear cold night again. 1-22-03: This day, 1984, record lo at Albany=m20; 2000, "Saw full moon setting WNW out side dining room window @0600." Yesterday, 1/21, NWS hi=12@1529{farm=9.3@1500}, lo=m4@0801{farm=m6.6@0700}. Btfl, sunny, blue sky day but COLD with some wind. No snow squalls. Clear cold night coming up; Thurs., too 1-23-03: This day, 1970, record lo set at m20. Yesterday, 1/22. NWS hi= 8@1522{farm=5.4@1500}, lo=m1@ 0729{farm=m6.6@0800}. Normal avg temp is 22! COLD, windy, blowing snow, but 95% sunshine & btfl day! 1-24-03: This day, 1999, record hi at Albany= 54, set before 0800, thereafter a "cold front" came through and temps dropped all day. Yesterday, 1/23, NWS hi=6@1420{farm=2.7@1300} lo=m4@0628{farm=m7.2@0800} Only 40% sunshine, all in AM. Windy and cold, with light snow mid-afternoon. Overcast night sky, but cold. |
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