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10-26-05: Yesterday, 10/25, NWS hji=44@0323{farm=40.9@0200}, lo=34@1838{farm=34.2@1800}. No sunshine; rain almost continuously all day from night before; note times of hi & lo temps; snow expctd overnite.

10-27-05: Yesterday, 10/26, NWS hi=47@1310{farm=43.5@1500},  lo=34@0423{farm=31.7@0400}. 37% of possible sunshine (PPS); snow covered the grnd at dawn; precip over, thankfully; partly sunny 1000 onward.

10-28-05: Yesterday,  10/27, NWS hi=43@1301{farm=40.1@1400}, lo=34@2317{farm=32.7@2400}. No sunshine; overcast, damp,  cold, miserable day!

10-29-05: Yesterday, 10/28, NWS hi=47@1410{farm=43.6@1200}, lo=33@0202{farm=32.2@2400}. 23% of possible sunshine; some sun in morning; rest of day cloudy/overcast; a poor day.

10-30-05: Yesterday, 10/29, NWS hi=49@1602{farm=47.3@1600}, lo=34@2318{farm=30.5@0100}. 51% of possible sunshine; overcast early; very nice, sunny, blue sky afternoon but windy; first lite freeze w/ 6hrs<32F.

10-31-05: Yesterday, 10/30, NWS hi=61@1532{farm=58.2@1500}, lo=35@0103{farm=37.1@0100}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous, warm, day; very windy, however, so chill despite sun and temp.

11-1-05: Yesterday, 10/31, NWS hi=63@1540{farm=64.1@1500}, lo=
31@0648{farm=35.3@0700}. 97% of possible sunshine (PPS); unusual for NWS to have lower, low temp than the farm; very nice day all around.

11-2-05: Yesterday, 11/1, NWS hi=
67@1450{farm=69.6@1400}, lo=43@0144{farm=36.5@0700}. 76% PPS; sunny, breezy day; very warm and pleasant. [Note the juxtaposition of the high temps. More sun at the farm?]

11-3-05: Yesterday, 11/2, NWS hi=52@1459{farm=49.7@1400}, lo=32@2356{farm=30.6@2400}. 76% PPS; windy and chill; sunny, typical fall day with average temperature 2 degrees F below normal.

11-4-05: Yesterday, 11/3, NWS hi=71@1526{farm=67.2@1400}, lo=32@0400{farm=28.8@0300}. 83% PPS; very windy; sunny; warm afternoon; would have been a perfect day without the wind.

11-5-05: Yesterday, 11/4, NWS hi=70@1415{farm=66.2@1500}, lo=40@0711{farm=38.2@0700}. 67% PPS; very warm afternoon; little wind; sunny or a light overcast; very pleasant day.

11-6-05: Yesterday, 11/5, NWS hi=72@1513{farm=68.7@1500}, lo=50@2346{farm=41.9@0600}. 76% PPS; Beautiful day in every way!

11-7-05: Yesterday, 11/6, NWS hi=69@1333{farm=66.9@1300}, lo=43@0709{farm=43.1@0600}. 59% PPS; a nice day overall until evening; then at 1915 a 'cold front' came thru causing a brief T/L storm with 1/2" of rain

11-8-05: Yesterday, 11/7, NWS hi=56@1353{farm=52.6@1400}, lo=37@2338{farm=37.6@2400}. 73% PPS; very windy, which ruined an potherwise nice, sunny day.

11-9-05: Yesterday, 11/8, NWS hi=54@1244{farm=54.9@1200}, lo=36@2355{farm=35.8@2400}. 44% PPS; more sun/bright overcast at the farm, at least it seemed so; calm until 1000 then a bit breezy; decent day.

11-10-05:  Yesterday, 11/9, NWS hi=52@
2400{farm=49.1@2300}, lo=31@0726{farm=27.5@0600}. No sun- shine; overcast morning; rain in afternoon; T & L storm in evening as a warm 'front' came thru, w/ heavy rain.

11-11-05: Yesterday, 11/10, NWS hi=54@
0037{farm=48.7@0100}, lo=33@2400{farm=29.3@2400}. 27% of possible sunshine;  mostly overcast;  chill and windy; not nice! Temp down to 34@1800 at the farm.

11-12-05:Yesterday, 11/11, NWS hi=41@1505{farm=38.5@1500}, lo=25@2400{farm=25.1@0700}. 71% of possible sunshine; a cold, windy but mostly sunny day; obviously, sun had no affect on the chill temps.

11-13-05:Yesterday, 11/12, NWS hi =53@1531{farm=51.8@1400}, lo=24@0208{farm=25.7@0400}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS);  slowly warmed after a cold start; no wind made for a decent afternoon.

11-14-05: Yesterday, 11/13, NWS hi=62@1531{farm=58.9@1500}, lo=34@0331{farm=29.1@0700}. 67% of poss. sunshine; mostly sunny with some light, bright overcast; nice warm but windy afternoon; very decent day

11-15-05: Yesterday, 11/14, NWS hi=56@1754{farm=57.9@1700}, lo=33@2311{farm=31.8@2300}. 95% of ;possible sunshine; slow, gradual warm-up all day; then a rapid decline in temp; note the odd times for hi and lo.

11-16-05: Yesterday, 11/15, NWS hi=53@
2400{farm=43.5@2400}, lo=35@0021{farm=32.5@0100}.No sunshine; rain all morning and cold; very nasty; 'warm front' and increasing. temps in eve to most unusual high.

11-17-05: Yesterday, 11/16, NWS hi=69@1358{farm=66.1@1100}, lo=44@2400{farm=40.2@2400}. 10% PPS; very warm until cold front came through; heavy, wind driven rain 1330-1600; temp dropped fast into nite.  
11-18-05: Yesterday,  11/17, NWS hi=44@
0145{farm=40.2@0100}, lo=31@2000{farm=29.4@1900}. 21% of possible sunshine (PPS); cold day with hi temp in wee hours of morning; little wind, thankfully; only sun early.
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