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11-19-05: Yesterday, 11/18, NWS hi=36@1251{farm=32.2@1300}, lo=24@2347{farm=20.4@2300}. 90 % of possible sunshine (PPS); obviously, a cold day, with avg temp 8 deg below normal; not as much sun at farm.

11-20-05: Yesterday, 11/19, NWS hi=42@1540{farm=39.4@1500}, lo=22@0501{farm=18.8@0400}.70% PPS
temp rose very slowly in morning,  more rapidly in PM; some wind; overcast late afternoon into night.

11-21-05: Yesterday, 11/20, NWS hi=54@1456,{farm=54.3@1400}, lo=29@0409{farm=21.1@0700}. 100 % PPS; note big difference in low temps; very nice day after a cold start; marsh frozen over for second day.

11-22-05: Yesterday, 11/21, NWS hi=53@1533{farm=53.7@1300}, lo=30@0253{farm=28.0@0500}. 20% of possible sunshine (PPS); a bright day despite little full sunshine; obviously, pleasantly warm, too; no wind.

11-23-05: Yesterday, 11/22, NWS hi=48@0025{farm=39.5@0200}, lo=28@2400{farm=24.6@2400}.  No sun;
moderate rain from before dawn into the afternoon, changing to snow 1530; precip stopped 1630; note hi temps.

11-24-05: Today is 'Thanksgiving Day.' Yesterday, 11/23, NWS hi=29@1515{farm=26.9@1300}, lo=20@2036 {farm=15.5@2200}. 61% PPS; a COLD day w/ some wind 'to boot;' pond and marsh kept unfrozen by ripples.

11-25-05:  Yesterday, 11/24, NWS hi=37{farm=30.0@1400, lo=18{farm=13.1@2400}. 7% of possible sunshine; pond refrozen and covered with 2" of snow before dawn; there was another 1" later in the day.

11-26-05: Yesterday, 11/25, NWS hi=33@1532{farm=29.7@1500}, lo=17@0520{farm=8.1@0400}. 89% PPS; nice sunny day but COLD; no wind, thankfully.

11-27-05: Yesterday, 11/26,  NWS hi=29@1736{farm=25.0@1500}, lo=17@0238{farm=9.3@0200}. No sunshine; cold, overcast/cloudy day; light snow in morning & again briefly in afternoon; note diffrnce in lo temps

11-28-05: Yesterday, 11/27, NWS hi=42@
2215{farm=35.6@2200}, lo=21@0701{farm=18.4@0700}.68% PPS
but much less  at the farm; slow warming all day into the evening; note the times of high temperature.

11-29-05: Yesterday, 11/28, NWS hi=56@
2400{farm=50.9@2400}, lo=41@0206{farm=34.9@0100}. 2% PPS; dark day but no precipitation; very warm with some wind from S-SW;  again, note times of hi temps; snow gone

11-30-05: Yesterday, 11/29, NWS hi=
66@1308{farm=61.3@1400}, lo=56@2400{farm=50.3@2400}. 2% PPS; new record high temp for the day at Albany; a mostly dark day with brief brightness in PM; rain began 1600.

12-1-05: Yesterday, 11/30, NWS hi=56@0004{farm=50.3@0100},  lo=37@2400{farm=34.3@2400}. 5% PPS; rain over before  dawn; total rain here for 29th-30th = 1.40"; a really dark overcast in the afternoon.

12-2-05: Yesterday, 12/1, NWS hi=44@1112{farm=37.2@1200}, lo=34@0422{farm=30.3@0300}. 8% PPS; overcast day; a chill day, especially afternoon what with the high temp so early.

12-3-05: Yesterday, 12/2, NWS hi=38@1305{farm=33.1@1200}, lo=30@2400{farm=24.4@2400}. One % PPS another heavy overcast day; light snow off and on all day, along with wind and low temp made it nasty.

12-4-05:  Yesterday, 12/3, NWS hi=32@1535{farm=27.1@1500}, lo=24@2308{farm=19.8@2400}. 2% PPS; overcast, cold but little wind, except when periodic snow showers/squalls occurred; only a covering of snow.

12-5-05: Yesterday, 12/4, NWS hi=28@1743{farm=26.3@1400}, lo=21@2241{farm=19.8@0100}. Zero PPS; overcast until just after sundown-moon&venus clrly visible; lite snow in AM, none in afternoon; pond refrozen.

12-6-05: Yesterday, 12/5, NWS hi=35@1430{farm=33.6@1400}, lo=19@0340{farm=17.6@0700}. 65% PPS, but not as high at the farm; some wind;  so, so day.

12-7-05: Yesterday, 12/6, NWS hi=33@1118{farm=29.9@1200}, lo=23@2400{farm=18.8@2400}. 60% PPS but higher at the farm; although not a "blue sky, white cloud" day, it was bright and mostly sunny; some wind.

12-8-05: Yesterday, 12/7, NWS hi=29@1418{farm=24.7@1400}, lo=14@2353{farm=10.4@2300}. 19% PPS; a few brief snow squalls put a dusting of new snow down; cold & somewhat windy;more brightness at the farm

12-9-05: Yesterday, 12/8, NWS hi=28@1444{farm=24.1@1500}, lo=11@0727{farm=7.7@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS) with clear blue sky and little wind.
Today, 12/9, "meteorological winter" begins- 91 days of the coldest temperatures of  the year.. It should have started yesterday (!), given the low temp recorded.

12-10-05: Yesterday, 12/9, NWS hi=33@1639{farm=30.8@1400}, lo=22@0337{farm=15.8@0100}. 42% PPS; 3-4" of snow in the morning, with a quick end at 1100; afternoon bright and comfortable; some wind.

12-11-05: Yesterday, 12/10, NWS hi=
33@1435{farm=34.3@1400}, lo=26@0009{farm=16.3@2200}. 73% PPS; pleasant day after cold start; note the unusual hi temp at farm above NWS; also, wide variance of the lows.

12-12-05: Yesterday, 12/11, NWS hi=34@1511{farm=33.0@1200}, lo=22@1930{farm=8.8@0800}. 7% PPS, but brighter at the farm with the morning sunny;  overcast afternoon. 
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