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12-13-05: Yesterday, 12/12, NWS hi=33@0602{farm=29.0@0500}, lo=15@2400{farm=7.2@2400}.10% PPS
a cold air mass invaded all day long, making for a cold day and upcoming night.

12-14-05: Yesterday, 12/13, sunset became
later by one minute at 1622 EST. NWS hi=19@1510 {farm=16.3 @1500}, lo=6@0736{farm=minus 1.1@2100}[farm morning lo=minus 0.6]. 100% PPS;  blue sky, cold day!

12-15-05: Yesterday, 12/14, NWS hi=18@1347{farm=14.4@1400), lo=1@0743{farm=
minus 4.8@0700}. 61% PPS; a frigid day start to finish; sunny most of the day; high clouds later in the day.

12-16-05: Yesterday, 12/15, NWS hi=21@2225{farm=16.6@2400},  lo=3@0750{farm=
minus 4.8@0300}. 58% PPS; another very cold morning; sunny AM; high overcast built up in afternoon- storm approaching.

12-17-05: Yesterday, 12/16, NWS hi=36@1522{farm=31.5@1500}, lo=19@0033{farm=16.6@0100}.6% PPS "wintery mix" storm in morng deposited 0.73" of  'water equivalent precip;' no icing, thankfully; 4" total deposit

12-18-05: Yesterday, 12/17, NWS hi=35@1334{farm=32.0@1300}, lo=21@0718{farm=16.6@0600}. 56% of possible  sunshine (PPS); sun in morning & high overcast in afternoon; "warm," decent day.

12-19-05: Yesterday, 12/18, NWS hi=33@1432{farm=29.1@1300}, lo=
18@0638{farm=20.6@2400}. 78% of possible sunshine (PPS); a  quite nice day; little  wind. Note farm low temp was higher than NWS- an oddity.

12-20-05: Yesterday, 12/19, NWS hi=28@1430{farm=25.6@1300}, lo=19@0130{farm=17.9@2300}. 55% of poss. sunshine (PPS); some wind so "wind chill"  a bit of a factor;  overall a decent day; normal avg.temp.=27.

12-21-05: Yesterday, 12/20, NWS hi=28@1242{farm=22.6@1400}, lo=20@0224{farm=15.5@2400}. 28% of poss. sunshine (PPS); another moderately cold day with avg. temp  a bit below normal;  windy; high overcast.

12-22-05: Yesterday, 12/21, NWS hi=28@2400{farm=25.1@1500}, lo=12@0747{farm=5.6@0800}. 72% of poss. sunshine (PPS); sun rose at 0722 EST and set at 1624 on the winter solstice;  cold day with some wind.

12-23-05: Yesterday, 12/22, NWS hi=32@1625{farm=30.3@1500}, lo=17@0820{farm=12.1@0800}. 36% PPS; temp. dropped "like a rock' 0400 to 0800;  high overcast most of the day; no wind and quite nice. 

12-24-05: Yesterday, 12/23, NWS hi=39@2400{farm=37.8@1500}, lo=
30@0031{farm=19.9@0600}. 30% of poss. sunshiner; overcast day but with a warm afternoon; note large difference in low temps NWS vs. farm.

12-25-05: Yesterday, 12/24, NWS hi=41{farm=38.6@1500}, lo=32{farm=31.2@0100}. No  sunshine; lite rain

12-26-05: Yesterday, 12/25, NWS hi=40{farm=37.9@1300}, lo=24{farm=25.7@0800}. 6% PPS; fog & rain.

12-27-05: Yesterday, 12/26, NWS hi=40@1516{farm=36.5@1300}, lo=33@2400{farm=30.0@2400}. No sun shine; overcast; some rain; sign of clearing in the west late afternoon.

12-28-05: Yesterday, 12/27, NWS hi=35@1340{farm=30.2@0100}, lo=24@2304{farm=24.9@0800}. 100% of poss. sunshine (PPS); wind made for a "wind chill" reading some 5 degrees below air temp. in the afternoon.

12-29-05: Yesterday, 12/28, NWS hi=41@2400{farm=36.9@2000}, lo=20@0552{farm=17.9@0600}. 40% of possible sunshine (PPS), but  much less at the farm;  after a cold start, the day warmed nicely; no wind.

12-30-05: Yesterday, 12/29, NWS hi=42@2015{farm=40.8@0500}, lo=35@0536{farm=33.9@2400}. No  sunshine; rain from mid-morng into the  night = 0.80";
note the great variance  in the temp times NWS vs farm

12-31-05: Yesterday, 12/30, NWS hi=37@0038{farm=33.9@0100}, lo=25@2400{farm=21.2@2400}. 6% of possible sunshine; overcast and windy; poor day all around.

1-1-06: A Happy New Year to all! Yesterday, 12/31/05, NWS hi=25@0059{farm=21.4@0100}, lo=20@0932
{farm=16.3@0700}. 3% PPS; a cold, dark day; light snow began 1430 & continued into the night; some wind.

1-2-06: Yesterday, 1/1, NWS hi=32@2202{farm=29.4@1600}, lo=22@0503{farm=18.8@0100}. No sunshine
3-4" of snow from yesterday afternoon into the night, ending whenever; dark day;  more light snow late.

1-3-06: Yesterday, 1/2, NWS hi=39@1455{farm=36.8@1300}, lo=28@0251{farm=29.1@0100}. PPS n/a; overcast with some occasional brightness; no wind; normal avg. daily temp. for Albany this date is 23 deg. F.

1-4-06: Yesterday, 1/3, NWS hi=34@1728{farm=32.2@1500}, lo=23@2331{farm=17.3@2400}. No sunshine
4" of wet, heavy snow from before dawn to 1030, with 0.47" water equiv. content; wind from ENE; coastl low

1-5-06: Yesterday, 1/4, NWS hi=32@2400{farm=29.4@1300}, lo=16@0751{farm=
9.2@0800}. 16% of possible sunshine (PPS); mostly overcast; farm temp dropped quickly from 0600 to 0800 by 3.7 degrees.

1-6-06: Yesterday, 1/5, NWS hi=38@2059{farm=36.9@2400}, lo=32@0341{farm=27.7@0100}. 2% PPS; very lite snowfall before dawn; then a period of wet snow 0900-1000; total= 2", with 0.34" H2O content.
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