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8-15-06: Yesterday, 8/14, NWS hi=86@1446{farm=82.1@1500, lo=53@0419{farm=50.4@0600}. 71% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny until very late here at 'the farm;' blue sky day again; breezy; warm.

8-16-06: Yesterday, 8/15, NWS hi=82@1527{farm=79.1@1500}, lo=61@2349{farm=58.0@2400}. 67% PPS; brief rain during the night= 0.15"; cloudy early; cleared for a beautiful but windy day.

8-17-06: Yesterday, 8/16, NWS hi=81@1534{farm=77.8@1500}, lo=59@0422{farm=54.1@0600}. 89% PPS; beautiful sunny, blue sky, white clouds day; quite windy.

8-18-06: Yesterday, 8/17, NWS hi=83@1554{farm=79.6@1500}, lo=58@0543{farm=55.3@0700}. 97% PPS; another gorgeous day; little breeze; a bit warmer as the "high" moves off the east coast.

8-19-06: Yesterday, 8/18, NWS hi=85@1451{farm=82.9@1500}, lo=63@0533{farm=57.1@0600}. 70% of possible sunshine (PPS); more sun at the 'farm;' similar day but warmer.

8-20-06: Yesterday, 8/19, NWS hi=75@1552{farm=70.1@1600}, lo=66@0650{farm=61.7@0100}. No sun-
shine; light rain in early morning and again in evening equaled 0.31"; heavy overcast all day; cool  and damp. 

8-21-06: Yesterday, 8/20, NWS hi=84@1452{farm=80.2@1600}, lo=66@2400{farm=63.2@2400}. 31% PPS; rain continued from previous evening into early hours- heavy at times= 0.95"; slow, partial clearing after 1500.

8-22-06: Yesterday, 8/21, NWS hi=81@1356{farm=77.4@1400}, lo=59@2353{farm=55.2@2400}. 76% PPS; sky cleared early then sunny with blue sky; very windy.

8-23-06: Yesterday, 8/22, NWS hi=81@1635{farm=78.5@1600}, lo=52@0549{farm=50.7@0600}. 90% of possible sunshine (PPS); another sunny and windy day.

8-24-06: Yesterday, 8/23, NWS hi=76@1414{farm=72.0@1300}, lo=60@0511{farm=56.9@0700}. 73% PPS; mostly sunny morning with some passing clouds; more dark clouds in pm w/ a few sprinkles; cool day, esp. pm

8-25-06: Yesterday, 8/24, NWS hi=75@1526{farm=70.4@1700}, lo=59@0542{farm=54.6@0700}. 56% of possible sunshine (PPS); more sun at the 'farm;' quite windy; mostly a blue sky day.

8-26-06: Yesterday, 8/25, NWS hi=69@1606{farm=68.6@1600}, lo=58@0356{farm=52.9@0600}. Zero PPS; although a few peeks of the sun at the farm; cool; a few sprinkles.

8-27-06: Yesterday, 8/26, NWS hi=67@1542{farm=64.1@1500}, lo=59@0833{farm=55.9@0700}. Zero PPS; dark, damp and cool day; a few sprinkles.

8-28-06: Yesterday, 8/27, NWS hi=64@
0020{farm=61.4@0100}, lo=59@2013{farm=57.1@1600}. No sunshine; some rain before dawn and a bit later totaled 0.25"; dark, chill day; note time of high temperature!

8-29-06: Yesterday, 8/28, NWS hi=79@1555{farm=76.7@1600}, lo=60@0704{farm=57.6@0100}. 47% of possible sunshine (PPS); hvy rain before 0700; hvy overcast w/ rain until 1200; total rain= 1.10"; slw clrg in PM

8-30-06: Yesterday, 8/29, NWS hi=69@
0005{farm=65.9@0100}; lo=64@2400{farm=62.0@2400}. No sunshine; dark, rainy day start to finish but only 0.04" of rain fell; note time of high temperature.

8-31-06: Yesterday, 8/30, NWS hi=75@1544{farm=71.8@1500}, lo=53@2400{farm=50.9@2400}. 44% of possible sunshine (PPS); overcast morning; cleared in the afternoon; no wind.

9-1-06: Yesterday, 8/31, NWS hi=71@1643{farm=68.9@1600}, lo=50@0533{farm=
46.7@0600}. 80% PPS; a very nice 'fall' day; cool start; comfortable later but sun didn't do much heating of the air.

9-2-06: Yesterday, 9/1, NWS  hi=74@1405{farm=69.9@1700}, lo=52@0514{farm=
46.7@0500}. 36% PPS; mostly overcast; interesting that farm low temp exactly the same as yesterday and highs one degree different.

9-3-06: Yesterday, 9/2, NWS hi=65@1508{farm=63.0@1600}, lo=60@2037{farm=54.9@0200}. No sunshine;
dark, chill, miserable day; some light rain in the afternoon from approaching remnants of Trop. Storm "Ernesto."

9-4-06: Yesterday, 9/3, NWS hi=70@1648{farm=64.8@1600}, lo=58@0706{farm=54.3@0300}. 3% of possible sunshine (PPS);  rainy morning = 0.35"; dark, cool day; "Ernesto" remnants.

9-5-06: Yesterday, 9/4, NWS hi=69@1625{farm=66.1@1600}, lo=59@0629{farm=54.4@2400}. Another mostly overcast day; light rain before dawn= 0.05"; some brief breaks of sunshine; fully clear to the NW at 1600.

9-6-06: Yesterday, 9/5, NWS hi=67@1419{farm=64.5@1400}, lo=54@0440{farm=52.6@0500}. PPS unknown
high overcast in morning; increasing darkening sky in afternoon; light rain in the evening = 0.07".

9-7-06: Yesterday, 9/6, NWS hi=73@1517{farm=69.9@1500}, lo=56@0608{farm=55.2@2400}. 23% PPS; mostly overcast; some sun in the early afternoon; no wind.
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