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10-2-06: Yesterday, 10/1, NWS hi=59@1537{farm=56.2@1600}, lo=47@2254{farm=47.8@0100}. 2% of possible sunshine (PPS); heavy rain early w/ light rn off and on 'til 1400; brief clrg; lite rn 16-1900; total= 1.89" 10-3-06: Yesterday, 10/2, NWS hi=66@1533{farm=64.0@1500}, lo=45@0331{farm=46.4@2400}. 76% PPS; sunny, with some passing clouds; windy; chill. 10-4-06: Yesterday, 10/3, NWS hi=68@1228{farm=67.7@1300}, lo=47@0224{farm=41.4@0700}. 43% PPS; sunny morning until 1100; increasing overcast thereafter; light rain early afternoon and again in early evening. 10-5-06: Yesterday, 10/4, NWS hi=75{farm=69.6@1500}, lo=52{farm=53.8@0400}. PPS not available; sunny; warm; no wind; clouds built up late afternoon into evening w/ approach of a 'front;' 0.07" rain in eveng. 10-6-06: Yesterday, 10/5, NWS hi=58@1413{farm=56.0@0100};lo=43@2400{farm=34.9@2400}. 89% PPS; sunny; windy; chill; cold air mass approaching. 10-7-06: Yesterday, 10/6, NWS hi=60@1526{farm=56.6@1600}, lo=39@2400{farm=34.8@0100}. 76% PPS; light fog early; mostly sunny; windy; chill day. Full moon tonight (10/6); frost likely, under a cold air mass. 10-8-06: Yesterday, 10/7, NWS hi=63@1549{farm=60.9@1500}, lo=35 @0312{farm=31.7@0800}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); a really close call but no frost as low temp was present only briefly; gorgeous fall day. 10-9-06: Yesterday, 10/8, NWS hi=70@1457{farm=69.6@1600}, lo=33@0424{farm=34.0@0700}. 99% PPS; another gorgeous day; warm afternoon; some wind from the south. 10-10-06: Yesterday, 10/9, NWS hi=77@1439{farm=72.8@1500}, lo=42@0602{farm=43.2@0500}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); another gorgeous, warm day. Note farm lo temp was a bit higher than NWS- unusual. 10-11-06: Yesterday, 10/10, NWS hi=61@1344{farm=58.0@1400}, lo=45@2400{farm=42.4@2400}. 55% of possible sunshine (PPS); partially sunny; windy; real chilly. 10-12-06: Yesterday, 10/11, NWS hi=63@1311{farm=58.5@1500}, lo=43@0017{farm=42.4@0100}. 26% PPS; some sun early; increasing overcast; windy; rain 2000 to 2400= 0.48".. 10-13-06: Yesterday, 10/12, NWS hi= 63@1504{farm=62.0@1500}, lo=41@2400{farm=39.6@2400}. 22% PPS; rain in the early hours, plus a brief shower at 1000= 0.09"; cloudy day until late. 10-14-06: Yesteerday, 10/13, NWS hi=53@1536{farm=51.5@1600}, lo=30@0524{farm=27.1@0700}. 89% PPS; first frost, along with a freeze at the farm; clear, sunny, very windy; cold! 10-15-06: Yesterday, 10/14, NWS hi=58@1342{farm=55.0@1400}, lo=37@2148{farm=27.8@0600}. 70% of poss. sunshine (PPS); note big difference in low temps; sunny, blue sky AM; clouds in afternoon; some wind. 10-16-06: Yesterday, 10/15, NWS hi=52@1520{farm=49.5@1400}, lo=29@0521{farm=29.9@0800}. 25% PPS; sun and blue sky for a few hours early; increasing overcast thereafter; some wind; a chill day. 10-17-06: Yesterday, 10/16, NWS hi=59@1504{farm=56.9@1500}, lo=30@0022{farm=30.9@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny blye sky day; windy; was able to sit out under hemlock tree at 1600. 10-18-06: Yesterday, 10/17, NWS hi=53@2400{farm=52.1@2400}, lo=36@0248{farm=34.0@0500}. Zero % of possible sunshine (PPS); rain began 1030 and lasted all day into the night= 0.78" . Note time of high temp. 10-19-06: Yesterday, 10/18, NWS hi=61@1132{farm=57.9@1400}, lo=53@0009{farm=50.9@2400}. 7% of possible sunshine (PPS); rain 0300-0600= 0.08"; dark day; warm. 10-20-06: Yesterday, 10/19, NWS hi=66@1609{farm=63.8@1700}, lo=51@0449{farm=48.8@0700}. 35% PPS; overcast day; warm; rain began 2200. 10-21-06: Yestereday, 10/20, NWS hi=60@0001{farm=55.9@0100}, lo=39@2400{farm=35.3@2000}. No sunshine; rain that began yesterday eve. continued until 1700; total= 1.34"; temperature fell fast after 1500. 10-22-06: Yesterday, 10/21, NWS hi=51@1531{farm=49.1@1600}, lo=33@2400{farm=32.4@2400}. 76% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny until late afternoon; cold; windy. 10-23-06: Yesterday, 10/22, NWS hi=48@1435{farm=44.1@1200}, lo=32@0540{farm=29.0@0600} 9% PPS cold; overcast; some wind; light rain 1600= 0.02". 10-24-06: Yesterday, 10/23, NWS hi=47@0838{farm=42.5@1600}, lo=40@0252{farm=33.1@2300}1% PPS Overcast; windy; very light rain before dawn. 10-25-06: Yesterday, 10/24, NWS hi=47@1312{farm=44.4@1400}, lo=37@0703{farm=33.6@0100}.9% PPS heavy overcast day; some wind; drizzle off and on 0800-1600. |
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