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11-20-06: Yesterday, 11/19, NWS hi=42@1323{farm=39.9@1500}, lo=34@2238{farm=31.4@2400}. % of possible sunshine (PPS) not available; overcast again; chill day; very light  rain 1500-2000 hrs. =  0.08".

11-21-06: Yesterday, 11/20,  NWS hi=39@1509{farm=36.9@1400}, lo=33@0558{farm=30.3@0300}. Again, PPS not available; overcast; some wind from S-SW made for a nasty afternoon.

11-22-06: Yesterday, 11/21, NWS hi=
41@1504{farm=39.1@1500}, lo=24@2323{farm=24.4@2400}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); a sunny day, but temperature very slow to rise; note NWS and farm temps close.

11-23-06: Yesterday, 11/22, NWS hi=43@1416{farm=42.6@1500}, lo=23@0252{farm=22.5@0700}. 42% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny morning; increasing overcast in afternoon coming in from S and apprchg storm
Note: The graphic re Thanksgiving was removed on the 24th at 1545 hrs.
11-24-06: Yesterday, 11/23, NWS hi=46@1813{farm=41.8@1500}, lo=26@0155{farm=24.7@0300}. 9% of possible sunshine (PPS); dark overcast in the morning, with light rain 10-1100; slow clearing in the afternoon.

11-25-06: Yesterday, 11/24, NWS hi=
50@1518{farm=50.3@1500}, lo=31@2348{farm=25.4@2400}. 100%
of possible sunshine (PPS); a glorious day start to finish(!); note high temperatures the same, which is unusual.

11-26-06: Yesterday, 11/25, NWS hi=49@1526{farm=46.9@1500}, lo=22@0732{farm=20.9@0800}. 100%  PPS; another gorgeous day; real cold morning; slow to warm up; nice afternoon; some breeze.

11-27-06: Yesterday, 11/26, NWS hi=53@1353{farm=52.8@1500}, lo=29@0605{farm=26.8@0400}. 62% of possible sunshine (PPS); perhaps greater sunshine at the farm; pleasant day overall for the end of November.

11-28-06: Yesterday, 11/27, NWS hi=57@1454{farm=59.2@1500}, lo=33@0551{farm=34.3@0500}. 48% of poss. sunshine (PPS); more at the farm;
note both the high and low temps at the farm were above the NWS.

11-29-06: Yesterday, 11/28, NWS hi=47@2400{farm=46.0@0100}, lo=39@0606{farm=37.6@1800}. Only 2% of possible sunshine (PPS); overcast to cloudy all day; some breeze. Note big variation in times of temps.

11-30-06: Yesterday, 11/29, NWS hi=56@1343{farm=52.1@1600}, lo=47@0158{farm=43.2@0100}. 14% of possible sunshine (PPD); another overcast/cloudy day; warm; some breeze.

12-1-06: Yesterday, 11/30, NWS hi=64@2355{farm=64.3@1900}, lo=54@0452{farm=49.5@0100}. 19% of possible sunshine (PPS); a very warm day, obviously; cloudy and overcast for the most part; big change due.

12-2-06: Yesterday, 12/1, NWS hi=64@0118{farm=59.5@0200}, lo=41@1647{farm=38.5@1600}. No sun-
shine; overcast AM; very warm until just before 1600 when "cold front" came thru; downpour at rate of eleven inches per hour dropped 0.47" in minutes just after1700; thunder & lightning 17-1800; total rain for day= 0.89"

12-3-06: Yesterday, 12/2, NWS hi=47@0040{farm=43.4@0100}, lo=36@2358{farm=31.8@2400}. 13% of possible sunshine (PPS); cloudy; windy early morning; clearing  late.

12-4-06: Yesterday, 12/3, NWS hi=43@1505{farm=41.8@1300}, lo=27@0709{farm=26.9@0700}. 70% PPS; mostly sunny; an OK day.

12-5-06: Yesterday, 12/4, NWS hi=37@0056{farm=34.9@0100}, lo=21@2251{farm=19.9@2300}. 75% PPS; another "OK" day.

12-6-05:  Yesterday, 12/5, NWS hi=33@1419{farm=
28.1@1600}, lo=20@2347{farm=17.4@2200}. 32% of poss. sunshine (PPS); cloudy morning; clearing in the afternoon, with btfl full moon+a day rise; note hi temp.
Pond fully frozen over at dawn, except in front of culvert under the lane, for the first time.

12-7-06: This is the 65th anniversary of the Japanese air attack on Hawaii. Yesterday, 12/6, NWS hi=43@2350 {farm=35.3@2300}, lo=20@0202{farm=14.7@0300}. No sunshine; cold morning; warming began 1100 hrs.

12-8-06: Yesterday, 12/7, NWS hi=44@1033{farm=40.1@1100}, lo=21@2400{farm=17.4@2400}. One % of possible sunshine (PPS);  heavy overcast all day; temperature dropped steadily after 1100 hrs. into the night.

12-9-06: Yesterday, 12/8, NWS hi=24@
2202{farm= 19.9@2400}, lo=10@0822{farm=6.0@0900}. 87% PPS; one inch of snow covered ground at dawn; COLD; fortunately, no wind; most unusual warming into the night.

12-10-06: Yesterday, 12/9, NWS hi=37@1501{farm=33.1@1600}, lo=20@0048{farm=19.5@0100}. 61% of possible sunshine (PPS); more sun at the farm; no wind; an OK day but chill.

12-11-06: Yesterday, 12/10, NWS hi=49@1541{farm=45.1@1400}, lo=25@2332{farm=18.1@0800}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); beautiful, warm day; no wind.

12-12-06: Yesterday, 12/11, NWS hi=45@1447{farm=40.9@1400}, lo=24@0035{farm=29.1@0100}.
No sunshine; heavy overcast day; warm; no wind.

12-13-06: Yesterday, 12/12, NWS hi=43@1432{farm=39.5@1600}, lo=34@0805{farm=32.2@0800]. 2% of possible sunshine (PPS); another overcast, warm and windless day.
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