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1-27-07: Yesterday, 1/26, NWS hi=11@1620{farm=7@1400}, lo=minus 3@2333(farm=minus 6.3@0600}. PPS = 98%;  a very cold day; windy; clear & sunny; wore "long johns', woolen shirt & pants, & down jacket.

1-28-07: Yesterday, 1/27, NWS hi=17@
2359{farm=14.9@2400}, lo=5@0202{farm=minus 0.4@0100}.
No sunshine; heavy overcast;  a few light snow showers, especially early. Note time of high temperature!

1-29-07: Yesterday, 1/28, NWS hi=28@1107{farm=22.6@1100}, lo=
9@0657{farm=14.5@0600}. 41% PPS; sunny morning;  overcast afternoon. Note wide low temp difference; also that farm was warmer.

I will be absent for a few days. I will catch up on my postings. 
Resuming postings 2/6/07. Some data not available for some days while absent.

1-30-07: Yesterday, 1/29, NWS hi=22{farm=19.3@1500}, lo=10{farm=7.9@0600}. 76% of possible sunshine.

1-31-07: Yeserday, 1/30, NWS hi=28{farm=10.6@0400}, lo=7{farm=9.3@0100}. 56% of possible sunshine.

2-1-07: Yesterday, 1/31, NWS hi=29{farm=24.6@1313}, lo=9{farm=8.2@0644}. 46% of possible sunshine.

2-2-07: Yesterday, 2/1, NWS hi=34{farm=33.2@1545}, lo=26{farm=14.5@0638}. 50% PPS; decent day.

2-3-07: Yesterday, 2/2, NWS hi=38{farm=32.5@1432}, lo=24{farm=15.6@0042}. 14% PPS; lake effect snow
Today, 2/3, the normal average daily temperature began increasing from low of 22 F. to 23 F.
2-4-07: Yesterday, 2/3, NWS hi=30@0028{farm=26.8@0100}, lo=15@2343{farm=26.8@0100}. 92% PPS; sunny; beautiful day; some wind.

2-5-07:  Yesterday, 2/4, NWS hi=20@0047{farm=16.5@0100}, lo=7@2344{farm=4.1@2400}.  96% PPS; another perfect but COLD day.

2-6-07: Yesterday, 2/5, NWS hi=14@1705{far10.2@1500}, lo=4@0502{farm=2.5@0700}. 37% PPS; a very windy and cold day; some fine snow fell off and on; much blowing of the light snow dropped morning of 2/2.

2-7-07: Yesterday, 2/6,NWS hi=20@1352{farm=16.5@1300}, lo=8@2358{farm=7.7@0800}. 64% of possible sunshine (PPS); quite windy; "wind chill" a factor; a nice enough day, however.

2-8-07: Yesterday, 2/7, NWS hi=20@1853{farm=16.5@1800}, lo=3@0053{farm=
m3.5@0800}. 57% PPS; a carbon copy of the 6th, but with a colder start to the day.

2-9-07: Yesterday, 2/8, NWS hi=24@1446{farm=20.6@1600}, lo=8@0226{farm=8.3@0200}. 79% of pos-
sible sunshine (PPS); a bit warmer; more wind, however, especially after 1400.

2-10-07: Yesterday, 2/9, NWS hi=21@1428{farm=17.3@1400}, lo=16@0957{farm=11.2@1000}. 76% PPS; note the time of the low temps; most unusual for it to be so late in the AM; nice day; however, windy and cold.

2-11-07: Yesterday, 2/10, NWS hi=29@1428{farm=24.6@1300}, lo=16@0528{farm=14.1@0300}. 33% PPS; sunny, nice afternoon; some wind.

2-12-07: Yesterday, 2/11, NWS hi=31@1535{farm=28.4@1500}, lo=7@0700{farm=5.4@0800}. 78% of possible sunshine (PPS); a very nice day after a cold start; little wind; very comfortable afternoon.

2-13-07: Yesterday, 2/12,NWS hi=33@1338{farm=29.1@1300}, lo=15@2359{farm=9.0@2400}. 45% PPS; warm, sunny, btfl afternoon; cold front came thru early PM & temp dropped steadily thereafter; cold nite ahead.

2-14-07: Yesterday, 2/13, NWS hi=15@0001{farm=10.4@1500}, lo=2@0757{farm=
minus2.5@0600}. 26% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny early then increasing overcast thoughout the day; cold from start to finish!

2-15-07: Yesterday, 2/14, NWS hi=17@1613{farm=15.8@1600}, lo=6@0542{farm=4.3@0200}. No sunshine; snow began 0200 & fell steadily all day into the evening; very heavy at times; 16.3" at NWS; approx. same here.

2-16-07: Yesterday, 2/15, NWS hi=13@1227{farm=11.2@1400}, lo=6@0816{farm=1.7@0800}. 79% PPS; cold, windy, tough day!; hard to decide how much snow fell on 2/14 because of drifting; Albany NWS = 16.8".

2-17-07: Yesterday, 2/16, NWS hi=24@1559{farm=22.0@1300}, lo=
6@0652{farm=12.4@0800}. 49% PPS; very windy day; much blowing snow; cold morng but bearable PM. Note unusual juxtaposition of low temps.

2-18-07:Yesterday, 2/17,NWS hi=30@1718{farm=28.6@1600},lo=1@0659{farm=9.0@0700}. 90% of poss-
ible sunshine  (PPS); beautiful, sunny day; no wind; cold morning; very pleasant afternoon.

2-19-07: Yesterday, 2/18, NWS hi=28@1219{farm=25.6@1500}, lo=11@2358{farm=5.3@2400}. 55% PPS; moderate temperatures; however, windy and thus chill; steadily dropping temps after 1500; cold night ahead.

2-20-07: Yesterday, 2/19, NWS hi=16@2111{farm=12.2@1600}, lo=
100% of possible sunshine; a clear, COLD day; some wind but not bad; very beautiful day from an inside view.
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