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4-10-07: Yesterday, 4/9, NWS hi=42@1535{farm=36.8@1600}, lo=31@2357{farm=26.6@2400}. 4% of possible sunshine (PPS); overcast; windy from southeast; chill day; not  nice.

Pond ice free. Yesterday, 4/10,  NWS hi=44@1324{farm=39.8@1400}, lo=28@2348 {farm=27.7 @0500}. 47% PPS; sunny morning; some cloudiness in afternoon; a bit of wind; decent day.

4-12-07: Yesterday, 4/11, NWS hi=50@1606{farm=46.1@1700}, lo=21@0525{farm=23.4@0700}. 81% PPS;
cold start to an otherwise  nice  day; sunny until 1600; increasing overcast thereafter- storm coming; little wind.

4-13-07: Yesterday, 4/12, NWS hi=45@
0009{farm=39.2@0200}, lo=33@1441{farm=31.2@0700}. No sun;  rain before 0600, when wet, heavy snow began; pause in snow 0800-1200; lite but constant snow all afternoon.

4-14-07: Yesterday, 4/13, NWS hi=43@1419{farm=38.8@1400}, lo=33@0211{farm=31.8@0100}. 6% PPS; dark morning with sprinkles; some brightening in the afternoon; little wind.

4-15-07: Yesterday,  4/14, NWS hi=47@1601{farm=41.8@1600}, lo=32@2214{farm=29.3@2400}. PPS not available; sunny until 1500; then increasing overcast, foretelling an approaching "'noreaster;' little wind. 

4-16-07: Yesterday, 4/15, NWS hi=37@
0540{farm=33.4@2400}, lo=33@1615{farm=29.9@0100}. No sun; wet snow fell from 0500 into the evening; daytime temp stayed at 32, only went above at 2400; bad 'noreaster.

4-17-07: Yesterday, 4/16, NWS hi=51@1135{farm=46.6@1200}, lo=35@0153{farm=33.4@0100}. No sun; rained all day, although not heavily in PM; strong winds northeast/east; melting causing heavy ridge runoff.

4-18-07: Yesterday, 4/17,  NWS hi=47@1606{farm=44.5@1700}, lo=38@0834{farm=36.6@1000}. No sun; overcast, with AM sprinkles;some brightness in PM; little wind. Total liquid equiv. precip from storm= 3.50".

4-19-07: Yesterday, 4/18, NWS hi=54@1517{farm=51.5@1800}, lo=38@0520{farm=33.7@0700}. 4% of possible sunshine (PPS); overcast morning; brightening in afternoon and some glimpses of sun late; no wind.

4-20-07: Yesterday, 4/19, NWS hi=64@1647{farm= 61.4@1600}, lo=44@2357{farm=unknown-no recording}
51% PPS, but more at the farm; beautiful, sunny, blue sky day after a chill start and some overcast.

4-21-07: Yesterday, 4/20, NWS hi=
71@1622{farm=68.7@1700}, lo=37@0543{farm=unknown-no recording}; 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day start to fini; however, strong, varying PM wind from NE to SE

4-22-07: Yesterday, 4/21, NWS hi=76@1438{farm=73.9@1600}, lo=34@0525{farm=unknown-no recording}; 99% of possible sunshine (PPS); duplicate of  yesterday, except no wind; extremely pleasant day.

4-23-07: Yesterday, 4/22, NWS hi=78@1605{farm=76.3@1700}, lo=38@0410{farm=unknown-no recording}; 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); another glorious day in every way start to finish!

4-24-07: Yesterday, 4/23, NWS hi=
87@1439{farm=82.7@1600}, lo=52@0510{farm=unknown-no recording}; 81% PPS; sunny and windy until 1600; some overcast thereafter. Albany tied the record high for the day.

4-25-07: Yesterday, 4/24, NWS hi=64@1500{farm=60.0@1700}, lo=46@2400{farm=41.9@2400}. 81% PPS; cold front in wee hours of the morning, with wind & rain=0.27"; sunny after an overcast start; windy and cool.

4-26-07: Yesterday, 4/25, NWS hi=53@1029{farm=48.5@1300}, lo=36@2241{farm=36.6@0700}. One% PPS very brief sun at dawn; overcast until 1000; then light rain rest of day into the night= 0.26".

4-27-07: Yesterday, 4/26, NWS hi=61@1717{farm=58.5@1800}, lo=32@0254{farm=unknown-no recording}. 32% PPS; fog until 0900; overcast until 1130; then partially sunny the rest of the day; cool; no wind.

4-28-07: Yesterday, 4/27, NWS hi=56@1245{farm=51.8@1500}, lo=47@0719{farm=44.5@0800}.
No sunshine; overcast all day but a bit brighter in the afternoon; some sprinkles=  0.04"; no wind; chill & damp!

4-29-07:Yesterday, 4/28, NWS hi=64@1401{farm=57.6@1600}, lo=50@2239{farm=47.5@0400}. 4% PPS; another overcast, disappointing day (!); no wind.

4-30-07: Yesterday, 4/29, NWS hi=56@
1855{farm=53.8@2000}, lo=40@2358{farm=41.6@2400}. 5% PPS; once again an overcast day (!); note time of high temperature; a cool, damp day; rain before dawn=  0.05".

5-1-07: Yesterday, 4/30, NWS hi=66@1332{farm=61.7@1600}, lo=41@0009{farm=39.8@0300}. 79% of possible sunshine (PPS); "front" came thru before dawn with rain= 0.05"; cleared by 0930; nice day thereafter.

5-2-07: Yesterday, 5/1, NWS hi=63{farm=59.7@1500}, lo=39{farm=36.9@0600}. 50% of possible sunshine (PPS);  chill early morning; cool day thoughout despite sunshine ; extremely windy from the west.

5-3-07: Yesterday, 5/2, NWS hi=67@1601{farm=63.8@1600}, lo=43@2400{farm=43.1@0500}. 66% of possible sunshine (PPS); blue sky with passing large white clouds from west; sun hidden by clouds; some wind.
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