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5-4-07: Yesterday, 5/3, NWS hi=67@1604{farm=64.9@1700}, lo=38@0518{farm=37.8@0600}. 99% of possible sunshine (PPS); clear, blue sky; windy; cool in shade and north wind; warm in sun.

5-5-07: Yesterday, 5/4, NWS hi=68@1514{farm=64.8@1600}, lo=38@0517{farm=38.2@0600}.  100% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day; a chill start, obviously; very windy all afternoon from west & northwest

5-6-07: Yesterday, 5/5, NWS hi=68{farm=65.1@1600}; low=36{farm=38.9@0300}. 69% of possible sunshine (PPS); heavy, low clouds in morning; cleared in the afternoon; very windy afternoon and evening from east.

5-7-07: Yesterday, 5/6, NWS hi=62@1640{farm=59.2@1700}, lo=39@0502{farm=37.8@0300}. 100 % PPS; sunny, blue sky day, but not ideal because of very strong E & NE winds; consequently, very cool in the open.

5-8-07: Yesterday, 5/7, NWS hi=70{farm=70.1@1800}, lo=36{farm=34.2@0600}. 100% PPS once again; beautiful day after a chill start; little wind for a pleasant change.

5-9-07: Yesterday, 5/8, NWS hi=79@1639{farm=
80.0@1700}, lo=46@0430{farm=37.2@0600}. And again, 100% of possible  sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day; little wind, except briefly mid-pm; hot in the afternoon sun.

5-10-07: Yesterday, 5/9, NWS hi=84@1603{farm=82.5@1700}, lo=50@0436{farm=45.8@0600}. 79% PPS; 100% sunshine at the farm; another exceptional day; a bit of a breeze; nice in the shade, hot in afternoon sun.

5-11-07: Yesterday, 5/10, NWS hi=83{farm=80.5@1400}, lo=63@2400{farm=55.0@0600}. 45% PPS; Tstorms approached from west mid-pm; rain from off and on storms through the even'g & night= 1.05".

5-12-07: Yesterday, 5/11, NWS hi=78@1545{farm=75.4@1700}, lo=61@0503{farm=58.3@0700}. 42% of possible sunshine (PPS); Tstorms ended 0500; slow clearing in morning;  nice afternoon and evening.

5-13-07: Yesterday, 5/12, NWS hi=66@1636{farm=62.4@1700}, lo=49@0527{farm=42.9@2400}. 83% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny; cool; breezy; very nice day.

5-14-07: Yesterday, 5/13, NWS hi=65@1648{farm=63.3@1700}, lo=42@2350{farm=37.2@0600}. 100% PPS
beautiful day; however, very windy and cool; not that pleasant even in the sun.

5-15-07: Yesterday, 5/14, NWS hi=71@1511{farm=69.2@1700}, lo=36@0433{farm=36.8@0600}. 94% of possible sunshine (PPS); very similar to yesterday, except pleasant in the sun.

5-16-07: Yesterday, 5/15, NWS hi=85@1454{farm=80.7@1600}, lo=55@0736{farm=45@0200}. 68% PPS; partially sunny & wind morning; sunny, windy & increasing heat in afternoon; Tstorms N & S 1600 into even'g

5-17-07: Yesterday, 5/16, NWS hi=70@
1116{farm=65@1500}, lo=52@2400{farm=48.2@2400}. 19% PPS; warm AM&early PM; then a 'cold front' came thru; rain off & on all day; total for two days= 0.70"; no sun here

5-18-07: Yesterday, 5/17, NWS hi=59@1527{farm=54.7@1400}, lo=45@2400{farm=42.6@0600}. 49% of possible sunshine (PPS);  "open and shut"; windy; very cool; not nice!

5-19-07: Yesterday, 5/18, NWS hi=58@1702{farm=56.0@1800}, lo=42@0232{farm=39.6@0600}. 19% PPS; overcast, with a few openings; damp and cool; no wind; another "not nice" day.

5-20-07: Yesterday, 5/19, NWS hi=52@2400{farm=49.8@1900}, lo=46@0233{farm=41.1@0700}. No sun; rain began 1100 and continued until midnight and beyond (see tomorrow); cold and windy, too; terrible day!

5-21-07: Yesterday, 5/20, NWS hi=72@1313{farm=66.1@1400}, lo=51@0618{farm=47.5@0700}. 43% PPS; rain ended 0700- total= 1.30"; dark early; no steady sunshine until afernoon; wind made day less than nice.

5-22-07: Yesterday, 5/21, NWS hi=66@1631{farm=64.5@1600}, lo=46@2348{farm=42.4@0600}. 71% of possible sunshine (PPS); slow clearing in morning; thereafter a sunny, blue sky day; windy.

5-23-07: Yesterday, 5/22, NWS hi=71@1538{farm=69@1600}, lo=
47@2400{farm=39.2@0600)}. 92% PPS; very nice sunny, blue sky day after a chill start; some wind. Note big difference in low temps- farm vs. NWS.

5-24-07: Yesterday, 5/23, NWS hi=78@1646{farm=76.7@1600}, lo=45@0508{farm=40.8@0600}. 86% of possible sunshine (PPS); briefly overcast early;  rest of day beautiful sunshine and blue sky; slightly windy.

5-25-07: Yesterday, 5/24, NWS hi=87@1545{farm=84.6@1600}, lo=54@0432{farm=49.1@0600}. 91% PPS; another beautiful day of sunshine & blue sky; very warm in the sun; shade ok with breeze helping.

5-26-07: Yesterday, 5/25, NWS hi=89@1353{farm=86.0@1500}, lo=58@0418{farm=57.6@0600}. 79% PPS;
hazy blue sky; some humidity; very hot in the sun; a good breeze but still warm in the shade; too hot for me!

5-27-07: Yesterday, 5/26, NWS hi=79@1530{farm=74.7@1600}, lo=62@2400{farm=59.1@2400}. 75% PPS; less sun at the farm; overcast morning; sunny afternoon; windy.
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