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5-28-07: Yesterday, 5/27, NWS hi=79@1500{farm=74.6@1500}, lo=57@0413{farm=50.7@0600}. 30% of possible sunshine (PPS); AM sunny; PM heavy overcast; brief very heavy rain/T-storms 2050-2200= 0.53". 5-29-07: Yesterday, 5/28, NWS hi=74@1513{farm=69.9@1600}, lo=56@2400{farm=51.9@2400}. 88% of possible sunshine (PPS); fog early; sunny, blue sky day thereafter; extremely windy, thus not at all pleasant. 5-30-07: Yesterday, 5/29, NWS hi=75@1552{farm=72.6@1700}, lo=52@0455{farm=46.7@0600}. 98% of possible sunshine (PPS); beautiful, sunny, blue sky day; wind not as strong as yesterday but still a factor. 5-31-07: Yesterday, 5/30, NWS hi=83@1700{farm=80.0@1600}, lo=51@0455{farm=50.4@0600}. 91% of possible sunshine (PPS); warm day with some humidity; light breeze; overall very nice with sun and blue sky. 6-1-07: Yesterday, 5/31, NWS hi=84@1339{farm=81.1@1300}, lo=61@0501{farm=60.2@0600}. 57% PPS; sunny morning; increasing heavy clds in PM; bad T-storm mid-PM with torrential rain= 1.20". Sun after 1700. 6-2-07: Yesterday, 6/1, NWS hi=89{farm=84.2@1500}, lo=64{farm=61.7@0600}. 75% PPS; sunny, hot day. 6-3-07: Yesterday, 6/2, NWS hi=88@1443{farm=85.0@1500}, lo=66@2400{farm=63.3@0700}. 57% of possible sunshine (PPS); some sun in morning; heavy overcast in afternoon; high humidity; uncomfortable day. 6-4-07: Yesterday, 6/3, NWS hi=77@1145{farm=72.8@1400}, lo=62@2400{farm=58.5@0600}. 17% PPS; fog 'til 0930; heavy overcast rest of day; cool & damp; shower at 1730; steady rain began 2300 w/ .06" by 24. 6-5-07: Yesterday, 6/4, NWS hi=64@1132{farm=61.7@1800}, lo=60@0605{farm=56.6@0600. No sun; dark sky all day; 1.30" rain at airport=new record for date; farm= 1.25"; heavy rain before 0700 and off & on later. 6-6-07: Yesterday, 6/5, NWS hi=77@1615{farm=75.4@1600}, lo=50@2400{farm=46.1@2400}. 38% PPS; less sun at farm; very dark T-storm clds passed by late morning; 2 light showers 1200&1800; cld frt came thru 6-7-07: Yesterday, 6/6, NWS hi=61@1659{farm=57.9@1700}, lo=45@2354{farm=42.5@2400}. 29% of possible sunshine (PPS); mostly overcast, with a few sunny breaks; cool and windy; poor day overall. 6-8-07: Yesterday 6/7, NWS hi=71@1733{farm=70.2@1600}, lo=40@0451{farm=39.9@0500}. 69% of poss\ible sunshine (PPS); "open and shut" morning; sunny afternoon; light wind; cool in shade; overall nice PM. 6-9-07: Yesterday, 6/8, NWS hi=90@1624{farm=86@1800}, lo=56@0456{farm=50.3@0300}. 84% PPS; sunny; hot; some humidity; strong ESE wind; 'cold front' came thru at night; no storms, however- odd. 6-10-07: Yesterday, 6/9, NWS hi=82@1602{farm=78.5@1600}, lo=67@0907{farm=60.6@0900}.35% PPS; mostly overcast morning & very windy; cleared in the afternoon with decreasing wind; very nice late PM & eve 6-11-07: Yesterday, 6/10, NWS hi=72@1211{farm=75.1@1500}, lo=63@2400{farm=55.9@0600}. 17% PPS; more sun at farm, thus warmer; sunny 1000-1500; overcast earlier, clouds later; light rain in the evening. 6-12-07: Yesterday, 6/11, NWS hi=84@1707{farm=80.0@1800}, lo=58@0330{farm=56.8@0500}. 66% PPS; Again, more sun at the farm- there is cloudiness coming into New England and eastern NY from a storm 500 miles off Cape Cod that does not reach here; some off and on clouds from west; little wind; hot in sun. 6-13-07: Yesterday, 6/12, NWS hi=84@1303{farm=83.6@1600}, lo=62@2353{farm=60.0@0600}. 53% PPS; once again, more sun at the farm; very windy from ENE; T-storms in the east but nothing here. 6-14-07:Yesterday, 6/13, NWS hi=71@1652{farm=68.7@1700}, lo=52@2258{farm=54.9@2400}. 22% PPS; dark, cool and damp day; really poor; some wind from east, too. All due to the continuing storm off Cape Cod. 6-15-07: Yesterday, 6/14, NWS hi=74@1719{farm=71.8@1800}, lo=51@0427{farm=49.4@0600}. 52% PPS; overcast in early morning; slow clearing from west; very nice, sunny afternoon; light wind from east, again. 6-16-07: Yesterday, 6/15, NWS hi=80@1714{farm=76.9@1800}, lo=54@0439{farm=52.9@0600}. 96% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day start to finish; light wind off and on. 6-17-07: Yesterday, 6-16, NWS hi=84@1436{farm=78.7@1500}, lo=59@0447{farm=51.2@0600}. 84% PPS; very nice day; sunny with some breeze; hot in sun; comfortable in shade; note big difference in low temps. 6-18-07: Yesterday, 6-17, NWS hi=85@1601{farm=80.9@1700}, lo=59@0411{farm=56.9@0500}. 64% PPS; light overcast for most of the morning; sunny afternoon and evening; windy, as weak cold front approached. 6-19-07: Yesterday, 6/18, NWS hi=81@1741{farm=79.8@1700}, lo=61@0450{farm=53.7@0600}. 100% 0f possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day; comfortable in shade with a breeze; especially nice late afternoon & eve 6-20-07: Yesterday, 6/19, NWS hi=89@1417{farm=84.4@1600}, lo=63@0439{farm=56@0500}. 75% PPS; sunny & hot morning; increasing overcast in PM; T-storm passed to SW 17-1800; hvy rain 2100-0100=0.70". |
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