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7-15-07: Yesterday, 7/14, NWS hi=79@1652{farm=76.5@1600}, lo=55@0442{farm=51.8@0600}. 77% of possible sunshine (PPS);  mostly sunny with passing clouds; little wind; a pleasant day.

7-16-07: Yesterday, 7/15, NWS hi=81@1102{farm=78.3@1300}, lo=63@2400{farm=56.3@2400}. 56% PPS; periods of sun & low clouds; very light rain 1300; minor "cold front" came thru midday; clear'g late; some wind

7-17-07: Yesterday, 7/16, NWS hi=81@1536{farm=78.9@1700}, lo=56@0518{farm=52.9@0600}. 70% PPS; much more sun at the farm; beautiful blue sky, white clouds day; windy; very pleasant late afternoon & evening

7-18-07: Yesterday, 7/17, NWS hi=83@1512{farm=81.1@1500}, lo=60@0458{farm=56.6@0600}. 74% PPS; another beautiful day, although warmer and with some humidity; windy at times; not quite as pleasant as 16th.

7-19-07: Yesterday, 7/18, NWS hi=72@1255{farm=70.6@1800}, lo=62@2344{farm=60.0@2400}. 11% PPS; rain from 0001-1300=0.74"(NWS had 1.68", a new record for the date); sky lightened all PM; clrg & sun 1700.

7-20-07: Yesterday, 7/19, NWS hi=77@1813{farm=73.3@1700}, lo=62@0046{farm=58.6@0600}. 9% PPS; moderate fog until 0800; light until 1100; rain from 0001 to 1000= another 0.74"; lightening sky all afternoon.

My birthday! Yesterday, 7/20, NWS hi=74@1406{farm=70.6@1400}, lo=62@2400 {farm=57.9@2300}. 64% PPS; light rain 0001 to 0600;very windy and cool; passing mostly white clouds.

7-22-07: Yesterday, 7/21, NWS hi=80@1418{farm=78.7@1600}, lo=56@0432{farm=53.5@0600}. 85% of possible sunshine (PPS); a beautiful day start to finish; blue sky; white clouds; some breeze. 

7-23-07: Yesterday, 7/22, NWS hi=80@1651{farm=77.0@1600}, lo=54@0510{farm=53.2@0600}. 97% of possible sunshine (PPS); another gorgeous day throughout; some breeze; cool in the shade.

7-24-07: Yesterday, 7/23, NWS hi=69@1139{farm=70.4@1100}, lo=58@0517{farm=52.4@0600}. 10% PPS; cool, damp, nasty; very brief sun first thing; dark rest of day; light rain in afternoon= 0.27"; see hi temp times.

7-25-07: Yesterday,  7/24, NWS hi=76@1712{farm=71.4@1800}, lo=61@2343{farm=57.7@2400}. 37% of possible sunshine (PPS); very light rain early= 0.02"; slow clearing; sunny after 1500; some wind in afternoon.

7-26-07: Yesterday, 7/25, NWS hi=84@1607{farm=80.7@1600}, lo=59@0534{farm=54.9@0600}. 65% of possible sunshine; close to 100% sunshine at the farm (fog at airport?); pleasant in the shade with a nice breeze.

7-27-07: Yesterday, 7/26, NWS hi=86@1507{farm=
83.8@1500}, lo=64@0434{farm=58.3@0600}. 70% of possible sunshine (PPS); hot & humid day; ok in shaded front yard with a light breeze; inside difficult w/o fans.

Today,7/28, the daily average temp. dropped to 71 F. from the year's high  of 72. On our way to winter!Yesterday, 7/27, NWS hi=87@1508{farm=83.8@1400}, lo=68@2400{farm=65.4@2400}. 78% PPS; hot, but not as humid as yesterday; farm hi not an error; ok in shade again; T-storm 1920= 0.29" in downpour.

7-29-07: Yesterday, 7/28, NWS hi=82@1432{farm=80.5@1700}, lo=67@2342{farm=64.0@0400}. 41% of possible sunshine (PPS); brief rain from passing T-storm 0800= 0.13"; afternoon sunny here; comfy in shade.

7-30-07: Yesterday, 7/29, NWS hi=83@1514{farm=80.4@1700}, lo=66@0506{farm=61.9@2400}. 61% PPS; no breeze, so hot even in the shade.. [
FYI: My "comfort zone" is between 65 and 75 F. 80s= HOT for me.]

7-31-07: Yesterday, 7/30, NWS hi=85 @1503{farm=82.9@1500}, lo=66@0539{farm=60.2@0600}.72% PPS; more sunshine at the farm; hot with some humidity; ok in shade with some breeze.

8-1-07: Yesterday, 7/31, NWS hi=87@1632{farm=84.2@1500}, lo=62@0518{farm=59.2@0600}. 87% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny, blue sky day; low humidity, thankfully; some breeze, so comfortable in shade.

8-2-07: Yesterday,8/1, NWS hi=88@1633{farm=85.8@1500}, lo=65@0435{farm=62.7@0400}. 98% of pos-
sible sunshine (PPS); no clouds at all in a blue sky; low humidity; some breeze but not much; so, so in shade.

8-3-07: Yesterday, 8/2, NWS hi=
92@1449{farm=90.5@1600}, lo=65@0509{farm=63.8@0600}. 98% PPS;
"farm" very seldom hits 90 F.; slightly hazy blue sky with no clouds; little wind, so shade not too comfortable

8-4-07:  Yesterday, 8/3, NWS hi=
92@1420{farm=88.3@1400}, lo=72@2354{farm=64.6@0500}. 59% PPS; hot, humid morning; "cold front" came thru mid-afternoon, dropping temp nicely; temp rose some later, but OK.

8-5-07: Yesterday, 8/4, NWS hi=85@1422{farm=81.7@1600}, lo=
65@2400{farm=57.4@2400}. 99%  of possible sunshine (PPS); beautiful day; windy; relative humidity went from 93% to 32% during the 24 hours.

8-6-07: Yesterday, 8/5, NWS hi=79@1726{farm=76.7@1600}, lo=55@0446{farm=51.8@0400}. 100% of possible sunshine; a simply gorgeous day; much like early fall; nice breeze, so cool in shade.
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