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8-7-07: Yesterday, 8/6, NWS hi=82@1633{farm=79.4@1800}, lo=66@0622{farm=57.6@0100}. 26% of possible sunshine (PPS); overcast; very humid; warm front backed in from south in afternoon.

8-8-07: Yesterday, 8/7, NWS hi=84{farm=82.7@1400}, lo=65{farm=63.6@0500}. 46% of possible sunshine (PPS); mostly overcast; humid again.

8-9-07: Yesterday, 8/8, NWS hi=88@1331{farm=84.0@1400}, lo=72@2400{farm=68.2@0200}. 63% of possible sunshine (PPS); humid; T-storm in afternoon dropped 0.72" of rain; hot night.

8-10-07: Yesterday, 8/9, NWS hi=79@1538{farm=75.1@1600}, lo=61@0523{farm=54.4@0700}. 82% of possible sunshine (PPS); very nice day.

8-11-07: Yesterday, 8/10, NWS hi=68@0037{farm=64.5@0100}, lo=53@2356{farm=54.0@2400}. 11% PPS; rain in morning= 0.69"; cold, windy, nasty until 1500; slow clearing thereafter.

8-12-07: Yesterday, 8/11, NWS hi=84@1601{farm=81.5@1600}, lo=50@0459{farm=53.2@0500}. 78% PPS; nice day; blue sky and white clouds; windy.

8-13-07: Yesterday, 8/12, NWS hi=86@1517{farm=83.6@1700}, lo=60@0545{farm=60.2@0600}. 84% PPS; another fine day with blue sky and white clouds; windy.

8-14-07: Yesterday, 8/13, NWS hi=84@1305{farm=81.3@1500}, lo=63@2400{farm=57.3@2400}. 78% of possible sunshine (PPS); vitually a repeat of yesterday; just more and stronger wind.

8-15-07: Yesterday, 8/14, NWS hi=77@1440{farm=74.0@1600}, lo=54@0427{farm=54.0@0700}. 97% of possible sunshine (PPS); gorgeous day; cool and windy, however.

8-16-07: Yesterday, 8/15, NWS hi=83@1341{farm=79.4@1500}, lo=58@0129{farm=51.0@0600. 66% of possible sunshine (PPS); "open and shut day;" warm; very windy.

8-17-07: Yesterday, 8/16, NWS hi=85@1551{farm=85.0@1500}, lo=60@0555{farm=56.3@0700}. 48% PPS; sunny AM; increasing heat, humidity & overcast in PM; cold front, w/ T-storm N @ 1830.

8-18-07: Yesterday, 8/17, NWS hi=80@1354{farm=76.0@1500}, lo=55@2358{farm=52.2@2400}. 86% of possible sunshine (PPS). Gorgeous day but very windy.

8-19-07: Yesterday, 8/18, NWS hi=72@1548{farm=69.1@1600}, lo=52@0535{farm=48.1@0600}. 79% of possible sunshine (PPS); very cool and windy; "open and shut" morning; sunny afternoon.

8-20-07: Yesterday, 8/19, NWS hi=73@1355{farm=71.3@1700}, lo=48@0547{farm=47.9@0700}. 69% of possible sunshine (PPS); again, a cool and windy day; mostly overcast morning; sunny afternoon.

8-21-07: Yesterday, 8/20, NWS hi=
66@1219{farm=63.3@1600}, lo=51@0511{farm=44.7@0600}. 18% of possible snshine (PPS); Canadian air brought very cool temps; overcast for most part- rain south of here.
NWS hi was a new record low, high temp for the date.]

8-22-07: Yesterday, 8/21, NWS hi=69@1403{farm=67.6@1300}, lo=51@0243{farm=44.5@0600}. 15% PPS; very much the same as yesterday- overcast & chill. House down to 65 F. in early morning & I ran the furnace!

8-23-07: Yesterday, 8/22, NWS hi=66@1750{farm=62.5@1400}, lo=57@0332{farm=54.4@0500}.
No sunshine; heavy overcast all day; very cool ad damp; little wind.

8-24-07: Yesterday, 8/23, NWS hi=77@1555{farm=74.6@1700}, lo=63@0744{frm=60.2@0700}. 32% PPS; overcast mornng; some sun in the afternoon; heavy shower 1800= 0.30".

8-25-07: Yesterday, 8/24, NWS hi=
86@1505{farm=85.8@1600}, lo=69@0532{farm=64.8@0600}. 60% PPS; the day became very hot & increasingly humid as the day wore on. Note the unusual closeness of the 2 hi temps

8-26-07: Yesterday, 8/25, NWS hi=
93@1502{farm=94.9@1600}, lo=70@2346{farm=67.6@0300}. 51% PPS; HOT and HUMID until 1800; bad lightning storm, but no wind and modest rain= 0.42"; temp 70 F. @ 2000 hrs.

8-27-07: Yesterday, 8/26, NWS hi=78@1614{farm=73.9@1600}, lo=67@2400{farm=62.2@2400}. 34% PPS; high overcast with some breaks; very windy; cool in the shade.

8-28-07: Yesterday, 8/27, NWS hi=82@1638{farm=80.0@1600}, lo=61@0444{farm=59.4@2400}. 89% of possible sunshine (PPS); very nice day; little wind.

8-29-07: Yesterday, 8/28, NWS hi=85@1553{farm=82.5@1600}, lo=57@0446{farm=55.5@0400}.
Again, 89% of possible sunshine (PPS); a duplicate of yesterday but a bit warmer; ok in the shade.

8-30-07: Yesterday, 8/29, NWS hi= 87@1610{farm=85.2@1500}, lo=64@0529{farm=56.2@0700}.PPS %age not available but it was very high based on observation; another quite hot day.
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