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10-18-07: Yesterday, 10/17, NWS hi=65@1549{farm=62@1600}, lo=41@0629{farm=38.4@0700}. 55% of possible sunshine (PPS); nice day again after a chill start; warm enough in the shade to sit under the hemlock.

10-19-07: Yesterday, 10/18, NWS hi=70@1557{farm=66.6@1600}, lo=49@0158{farm=44.7@0800}. 6% of possible sunshie (PPS); more sunshine at the farm; overcast at the end of the afternoon; no wind; very warm.

10-20-07: Yesterday, 10/19, NWS hi=76@1203{farm=73.0@0300}, lo=60@2400{farm=57.9@0300}. One percent PPS; heavy overcast; very humid, hot day.

10-21-07: Yesterday, 10/20, NWS hi=70@1203{farm=64.1@1100}, lo=52@1915{farm=49.1@2000}. 22% of possible sunshine; sunshine was in the middle of the day; overcast early and again late; little wind.

10-22-07: Yesterday, 10/21, NWS hi=
71@1605{farm=74.6@1500}, low=44@0644{farm=44.1@0800}. 90% of possible sunshine (PPS); unusual for farm to be warmer than NWS; overcast early; gorgeous day thereafter.

10-23-07: Yesterday, 10/22, NWS i=75@1539{farm=74.7@1500}, lo=45@0555{farm=41.9@0700}. 100 % of possible sunshine (PPS); another gorgeous day; no wind.

10-24-07: Yesterday, 10/23, NWS hi=72@1605{farm=69.2@1700}, lo=53@2400{farm=49.2@2400}. No sun-
shine; overcast and threatening; however, no rain until very late afternoon- hvy showr; more in late evening-nite

10-25-07: Yesterday, 10/24, NWS hi=54@1252{farm=51.8@1500}, lo=49@0839{farm=44.4@2400}. Again, no sunshine; chill, dark day; no wind, thankfully. Rain the previous evening into night= 0.62".

10-26-07: Yesterday, 10/25, NWS hi=61@1523{farm=58.6@1500}, lo=41@2400{farm=38.9@2300}. 84% of possible sunshine (PPS); some overcast early; real fall day- clear, sunny, windy; beautiful full "Hunters' Moon."

10-27-07: Yesterday, 10/26, NWS hi=59@1525{farm=55.8@1300}, lo=37@0554{farm=34.9@0800}. 29% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny early; increasing clouds/overcast from the west after; light rain began 1700>nite

10-28-07: Yesterday, 10/27, NWS hi=63@1621{farm=59.1@1400}, lo=52@2217{farm=49.2@0100}. 4% PPS
heavy rain until 1500; total for episode=1.49"; NWS set record for 27th with 1.67", also had 0.27" more on 26th

10-29-07: Yesterday, 10/28, NWS hi=58@0027{farm=54.7@0100}, lo=33@2400{farm=29.4@2400}.
81% PPS; brief, heavy shower 0500; clear with blue sky after 0900; very windy; sunny but still a cold day.

10-30-07: Yesterday, 10/29, NWS hi=50@1523{farm=46.4@1500}, lo=
29@0551{farm=26.2@0600}. 87% of possible sunshine (PPS); first frost/freeze- very late by about a month; again very windy, so cold despite sun.

10-31-07: Yesterday, 10/30. NWS hi=60@1455{farm=57.7@1500}, lo=31@0640{farm=32.1@0400}. 95% of possible sunshine (PPS); another sunny, real fall day; not too windy & ten deg. warmer, so quite comfy in PM.

11-1-07: Yesterday, 10/31, NWS hi=64@1530{farm=63.2@1500}, lo=37@0558{farm=33.9@0500}. 76% of possible sunshine (PPS); cloudy early; plenty of sunshine later for a nice but windy day; very pleasant in the sun

11-2-07: Yesterday, 11/1, NWS hi=56@1541{farm=55.2@1400}, lo=38@2400{farm=35.3@2400}. 24% PPS;
dark, cold, somewhat windy until 1400 hrs.; then clear'g from the west with "cold front;" more wind but sunny

11-3-07: Yesterday, 11/2, NWS hi=52@1452{farm=49.1@1500}, lo=32@0648{farm=27.5@0700}. 100% of possible sunshine (PPS); a beautiful sunny day; however, not that pleasant because of the low temperature.

11-4-07: Yesterday, 11/3, NWS hi=47@1600{farm=46.9@1500}, lo=29@2400{farm=30.3@0400}. 4% of possible sunshine (PPS); dark and cold until 1600; then clearing at the farm- must have reached NWS later.

11-5-07: Yesterday, 11/4, NWS hi=55@1426{farm=52.8@1300}, lo=27@0246{farm=29.3@0600}. 78% PPS;
sunny until 1400; after that clouds came in from the west; some wind added to the chill temp during the day.

11-6-07: Yesterday, 11/5, NWS hi=56@1402{farm=51.8@1400}, lo=35@0705{farm=33.1@0700}. 59% of possible sunshine (PPS); sunny morning and early afternoon; increasing clouds thereafter; windy day.

11-7-06: Yesterday, 11/6, NWS hi=52@1334{farm=48.8@1300}, lo=36@2028{farm=29.1@2100}. 41% PPS; some clouds early; sunny late morning and earlyb afternoon; clouds again late; temp. strangely rose after 2100.

11-8-07: Yesterday, 11/7, NWS hi=43@1539{farm=40.9@1100}, lo=35@2350{farm=31.4@2300}. 56% of possible sunshine (PPS); less sun at farm; clouds from west- some dark off Lake Ontario; windy and cold.

11-9-07: Yesterday, 11/8, NWS hi=41@1159{farm=37.2@1500}, lo=32@2225{farm=25.4@2300}. One % of possible sunshine (PPS); cloudy until late afternoon; no wind, thankfully, with the low temperature.

11-10-07: Yesterday, 11/9, NWS hi=44@1509{farm=40.5@1400}, lo=27@0723{farm=22.5@0600}. 43% of possible sunshine (PPS); cloudy morning; sunny afternoon; some wnd from northeast;
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