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CLICK for five years ago and historical info. Click next page link for later dates.
12-29-07: Yesterday, 12/28, NWS hi=41@1510{farm=36.1@1200}, lo=33@1849{farm=30.0@1900}. 10% of possible sunshine, although none at the farm; gray, warm day; no wind.

12-30-07: Yesterday, 12/29, NWS hi=44@1211{farm=41.6@1300}, lo=36@0344{farm=34.5@0100}. 36% of possible sunshine (PPS); a mostly gray day at the farm; warm enough for some melting of snow/ice; little wind

12-31-07: Yesterday, 12/30, NWS hi=38@0246{farm=34.8@0100}, lo=31@2400{farm=28.7@2200}.
No sunshine; very much like yesterday, but cooler.

1-1-08: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yesterday, 12/31, NWS hi=37@1552{farm=35.3@1200}; lo=18@2358{farm= 17.7@2400}.9% PPS; 10.5" snow before 0700=0.86"of liquid equivalent; little wind; temp began dropping 1500

Henceforth postings will be made only every two or three days. Complication with my weather station.

Unfortunately, the NWS has ceased providing "Percent of Possible Sunshine" (PPS) information.

1-2-08: Yesterday, 1/1, NWS hi=32@2054{farm=30.5@1700}, lo=18@0503{farm=15.2@0300}. Light snow in AM= 3"; no wind; cloudy for most part; some briteness PM

1-3-07: Yesterday, 1/2, NWS hi=31@0238{farm=28.0@0200}, lo=3@2358{farm=
minus 2.7@2400}.
1" snow before dawn;sunny day; temp 23@0700 then dropped slowly all day; 12@1600; 6@1830

1-4-08: Yesterday, 1/3, NWS hi=10@1603{farm=6.5@1400}, lo=
minus 5@2233{farm=minus 8.9@2300}.
PPS not available; sunny, cloudless blue sky day; some wind; big drop in temp between 2100 and 2300; then up

1-5-08: Yesterday, 1/4, NWS hi=24@1657{farm=22.2@1600}, lo=
minus 2@0001{farm=minus 6.3@0100}.
PPS not available; mostly cloudy; no wind; temperature rose nicely after 1200 hrs.

1-6-08: Yesterday, 1/5, NWS hi=37@2311{farm=31.2@1600}, lo=11@0330{farm=9.3@0600}.
A little sunshine; no wind; warm afternoon and evening after a chill start to the day.

1-7-08: Yesterday, 1/6, NWS hi=43@1556{farm=39.6@1400}, lo=35@0934{farm=29.3@0300}.
Cloudy/overcast all day; some wind; a "warm" day start to finish; average temp 16 degrees above "normal.".

1-8-08: Yesterday, 1/7, NWS hi=52@1630{farm=44.8@1500}, lo=40@0306{farm=34.5@0100}.
Gray day; very warm; little wind.

1-9-07: Yesterday, 1/8, NWS hi=
60@1427{farm=58.3@1200}, lo=49@0009{farm=34.6@0400}. Mostly over-
cast; lite fog early; no wind.
New record high temp for the date. The low was a new record highest low,too

1-10-08: Yesterday, 1/9, NWS hi=62@1107{farm=56.6@1100}, lo=41@2400{farm=37.6@2400}. Record hi temp for the date; mostly overcast AM; cold front midday with light rain & some wind; still warm in PM.

1-11-08: Yesterday, 1/10, NWS hi=43@xxxx{farm=38.2@1300}, lo=30@xxxx{farm=26.6@2200}. Overcast morning; sunny afternoon; some wind.

1-12-08: Yesterday, 1/11, NWS hi=44@1632{farm=39.8@1600}, lo=34@0224{farm=30.3@0100}. Rain, at times heavy 0100 to 1600= 0.95"; brief sunshine late afternoon; then dark again.

1-13-08: Yesterday, 1/12, NWS hi=43@1445{farm=41.4@1500}, lo=
25@2321{farm=26.8@2300}. A cloudy, overcast day; little wind. Unusual for NWS low temp to be lower than at the farm.

1-14-08: Yesterday, 1/13, NWS hi=41@1314{farm=36.6@1400}, lo=23@0540{farm=25.0@0700}. Gray day again; wind, sometimes 10 - 15 mph, from the east; impending coastal storm.

1-15-08: Yesterday, 1/14, NWS hi=33@1419{farm=30.3@0100}, lo=29@2400{farm=27.2@2400}. Light snow began 0300 +/- and continued until 1600; 1-2" total; heavy with water.

1-16-08: Yesterday, 1/15, NWS hi=31{farm=30@0400}, lo=17{farm=15.7@2400}. Snow 0500 to 1600; light at 1st then quite heavily during morning; tappered off in PM; light weight. Water equiv. precip. 14-15= 0.42".

1-17-07: Yesterday, 1/16, NWS hi=32@1505{farm=29.6@1500}, lo=13@2344{farm=11.9@2400}.
Mostly sunny day; little wind.

1-18-08: Yesterday, 1/17, NWS hi=32@1641{farm=28.0@1600}, lo=12@0528{farm=5.4@0500}.
Sunny early then clouded over; some wind.

1-19-08: Yesterday, 1/18, NWS hi=43@1148{farm=38.8@1200}, lo=22@2350{farm=17.3@2400}.
Some snow with icy coating before dawn= one inch; partially sunny; windy at times

1-20-08: Yesterday, 1/19, NWS hi=35@1405{farm=30.3@1400}, lo=
17@0349{farm=7.6@0800}. See the big differece in the low temps. Usually this runs around five degrees. Dark day with some wind.
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