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7-29-08: Yesterday, 7/28, NWS hi=83@1429{farm=78.7@1500}, lo=65@0639{farm=56.8@0600}.
Mostly sunny; brief showers 1500-1930= 0.05".

7-30-08: Yesterday, 7/29, NWS hi=83@1623{farm=79.4@1600}, lo=63@0509{farm=60.5@0600}.
Sunny; slight breeze; cool in shade.

7-31-08: Yesterday, 7/30, NWS hi=82@1256{farm=78.3@1400}, lo=61@0454{farm=58.5@0600}.
Sunny morning; overcast afternoon; little breeze.

8-1-08: Yesterday, 7/31, NWS hi=84@1131{farm=79.2@1200}, lo=69@2203{farm=61.9@0600}.
Sunny morning; weak 'front' with brief shower at noon; rain = 0.06"; sky cleared later for a nice end to the day.

8-2-08: Yesterday, 8/1, NWS hi=83@1655{farm=79.8@1600}, lo=65@0457{farm=60.8@0600}.
Sunny; pleasant day; some breeze.

8-3-08: Yesterday, 8/2, NWS hi=77@1453{farm=75.1@1700}, lo=62@2400{farm=59.1@0700}.
Brief thunder storm with nearby lightning 1000 to 1030= 0.47" rain; clearing in afternoon; little wind.

8-4-08: Yesterday, 8/3, NWS hi=78@1558{farm=74.9@1600}, lo=61@0450{farm=57.1@0400}.
Sunny morning; partially sunny afternoon; several brief showers 1500 to 1630= 0.14" rain; cleared for the eveng

8-5-08: Yesterday, 8/4, NWS hi=82@1421{farm=77.2@1500}, lo=64@0511{farm=61.6@0100}.
Mostly sunny; little wind; pleasant day.

8-6-08: Yesterday, 8/5, NWS hi=83@1544{farm=80.5@1600}, lo=63@0450{farm=60.2@0600}.
Partially sunny; passing clouds and a few brief showers.

8-7-08: Yesterday, 8/6, NWS hi=83@1535{farm=79.4@1500}, lo=66@2400{farm=63.6@2400}.
Sunny throughout; very windy.

8-8-08: Yesterday, 8/7, NWS hi=82@1337{farm=76.9@1300}, lo=63@0406{farm=60.2@2400}.
Sunny monring; overcast afternoon; no wind; light shower at 1700= 0.06".

8-9-08: Yesterday, 8/8, NWS hi=75@1206{farm=71.1@1300}, lo=61@2353{farm=56.3@0600}.
Sunny morning; increasing overcast and clouds noon to 1300; brief, heavy shower 1330; clearing thereafter.

8-10-08: Yesterday, 8/9, NWS hi=79@1531{farm=76.0@1600}, lo=60@0510{farm=55.3@2400}.
Beautiful blue sky day; some wind. Reminded of an early fall day.

8-11-08: Yesterday, 8/10, NWS hi=77@1116{farm=67.6@1300}, lo=56@0448{farm=52.2@0600}.
Overcast, cool;
note times of high temps; heavy, brief shower at 1230; some clearing thereafter. Rain= 0.35"

8-12-08: Yesterday, 8/11, NWS hi=69@1026{farm=63.2@1000}, lo=59@1438{farm=56.8@1500}.Rain= 1.35"
Overcast throughout; T-storms early in the morning, with nearby strikes; thereafter heavy rain periods all day.//

8-13-08: Yesterday, 8/12, NWS hi=76@1321{farm=73.0@1400}, lo=59@0526{farm=56.2@2400}.
Cool early; sunny until 1300; heavy deluge of rain at 1400= 0.74"; clearing thereafter.

8-14-08: Yesterday, 8/13, NWS hi=78@1404{farm=75.4@1500}, lo=56@0511{farm=52.8@0600}.
Again, sunny until 1500; then increasing clouds, some dark; heavy T-storm and rain 1930= 0.35".

8-15-08: Yesterday, 8/14, NWS hi=78@1622{farm=75.6@1600}, lo=58@0306{farm=56.8@0400}.
Mostly sunny; little wind; some clouds to the north late afternoon.

8-16-08: Yesterday, 8/15, NWS hi=73@1647{farm=72.3@1700}, lo=59@0231{farm=54.4@0300}.
Some overcast in the morning; cleared in the afternoon and sunny; surprise T-storm 2200= 0.13".

8-17-08: Yesterday, 8/16, NWS hi=77@1334{farm=71.6@1700}, lo=55@0517{farm=54.4@0600}.
Some fog early; very wet; sunny afternoon, except for another surprise heavy shower at 1430= 0.40".

8-18-08: Yesterday, 8/17, NES hi=83@1542{farm=78.7@1600}, lo=55@0508{farm=54.6@0600}.
Sunny and windy day.

8-19-08: Yesterday, 8/18, NWS hi=85@1345{farm=83.1@1600}, lo=63@0258{farm=57.9@0700}.
Mostly sunny; a T-storm skirted here to the north about 1600 hrs.

8-20-08: Yesterday, 8/19, NWS hi=73@1520{farm=68.7@1600}, lo=54@2400{farm=50.0@2400}.
Rain before dawn= 0.09"; overcast, wet morning; sunny, blue sky afternoon.

8-21-08: Yesterday, 8/20, NWS hi= 74@1614{farm=70.2@1700}, lo=47@0532{farm=46.6@0600}.
Gorgeous, "fall" day start to finish; sunny; blue sky and white clouds; cool and low relative humidity.
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