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11-23-08: Yesterday, 11/22, NWS hi=26@1514{farm=23.8@1400}, lo=17@0734{farm=11.7@0200}.
Sunny; windy; COLD!

11-24-08: Yesterday, 11/23, NWS hi=31@1444farm=26.5@1500}, lo=16@0505{farm=11.4@0800}.
Another nice day from inside, but cold.

11-25-08: Yesterday, 11/24, NWS hi=43@2010{farm=36.5@2100}, lo=24@0114{farm=16.5@0600}.
Overcast; warm afternoon; windy late; storm approaching.

11-26-08: Yesterday, 11/25, NWS hi=41@0240{farm=37.6@0300}, lo=34@1946{farm=31.1@2400}.
Heavy rain from 0100 until 1300= 0.93"; then some snow but no accumulation; nasty day!

11-27-08: Yesterday, 11/26, NWS hi=40@1442{farm=36.1@1500}, lo=31@2339{farm=23.8@0700}.
Cloudy; some light rain and snow; no wind.

11-28-08: Yesterday, 11/27, NWS hi=43@1358{farm=39.6@1500}, lo=31@0659{farm=30.3@0100}.
Away for Thanksgiving Day; no precipitation.

11-29-08: Yesterday, 11/28, NWS hi=45@1354{farm=40.9@1100}, lo=35@0318{farm=31.7@0400}.
Overcast; warm; no wind.

11-30-08: Yesterday, 11/29, NWS hi=40@1433{farm=37.5@1400}, lo=26@1952{farm=26.2@1900}.
Overcast; some wind.

12-1-08: Yesterday, 11/30, NWS hi=33@2331{farm=32.1@2400}, lo=24@0555{farm=22.9@0500}.
Heavy overcast/cloud cover; very light snow began 1300 and continued into the night. Wind from the east.

12-2-08: Yesterday, 12/1, NWS hi=53@1332{farm=49.8@1300}, lo=32@0001{farm=31.7@0100}.
)vercast until 1500; then clearing; windy day.

12-3-08: Yesterday, 12/2, NWS hi=44@1129{farm=40.2@1000}, lo=26@2115{farm=25.9@2200}.
Overcast; brief, light snow in morning; some wind.

12-4-08: Yesterday, 12/3, NWS hi=40@1518{farm=40.4@1500},lo=28@0750{farm=19.8@0800}.
Clear, sunny, blue sky day; no wind. A perfectly fine day, so I sat outside in the sun during the mid afternoon!

12-5-08: Yesterday, 12/4, NWS hi=39@1733{farm=36.9@1500}, lo=30@2313{farm=29.0@2300}.
Light rain all morning; dark all day; little wind. Cold front approached late in the day- note time of low temps.

12-6-08: Yesterday, 12/5, NWS hi=32@1130{farm=29.9@1500}, lo=17@2311{farm=15.2@2200}.
Overcast; raw and cold, esp. in the afternoon; no wind.

12-7-08: 66th anniversary of attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Yesterday, 12/6, NWS hi=31@1652
{farm=28.1@1500}, lo=16@0555{farm=13.3@0600}. Overcast; cold moring; little wind.

12-8-08: Yesterday, 12/7, NWS hi=32@1220{farm=28.7@1200}, lo=12@2400{farm=7.9@2400}.
Very light, fine snow from before dawn until 1500; didn't amount to more than a coating; high winds in PM.

12-9-08: Yesterday, 12/8, NWS hi=20@1518{farm=
15.2@1500}, lo=5@0747{farm=0.2 - essentially zero -@0800}. COLD; some wind; however, a beautiful, clear blue sky day!

12-10-08: Yesterday, 12/9, NWS hi=49@2400{farm=42.5@2200}, lo=14@0131{farm=9.7@0100}.
1.5" of snow before dawn= 0.09" water equivalent; temperature roe all day into the night.

12-11-08: Yesterday, 12/10, NWS hi=55@1118{farm=50.9@1100}, lo=29@2400{farm=26.2@2400}.
Light rain from before dawn until 1400= 0.38"; temperature dropped markedly in the afternoon; cold air arriv'g.

12-12-08: Yesterday, 12/11, NWS hi=31@2400{farm=29.9@2200}, lo=25@0733{farm=23.5@0600}.
Snow in the afternoon that changed to sleet and freezing rain during the night.

12-13-08: Yesterday, 12/12, NWS hi=34@1309{farm=32.0@1000}, lo=23@2353{farm=28.7@2400}.
Everything ice coated at dawn; power out 0230-1200; a little snow in the morning; liquid equiv. of precip=1.81"

12-14-08: Yesterday, 12/13, NWS hi=24@0001{farm=19.5@1500}, lo=14@2217{farm=7.7@2300}.
Btfl, sunny, blue sky day; little wind; cold, with no melting of ice accumulation. Second power outage from evening of the 13th until 0300 on the 14th. Widespread power outages in eastern NY and parts of New England

12-15-08: Yesterday, 12/14, NWS hi=37@2400{farm=33.0@1500}, lo=16@0047{farm=10.5@0100}.
Sunny; no wind; some melting of the ice, but plenty to go.

12-16-08: Yesterday, 12/15, NWS hi=58@1556{farm=51.5@2000}, lo=36@0116{farm=29.3@0300}.
)vercast; no wind; warm, pleasant despite lack of sun. Worked and sat outdoors in afternoon.
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