
Following is a list of Chassidic dynasties.

  1. Abrootch
  2. Alexander
  3. Amdurer (decimated in the Holocaust)
  4. Amshinov
  5. Apta
  6. Ashlag
  7. Avritch
  8. Baitchev
  9. Basermin
  10. Belz
  11. Berditchov
  12. Bereghaz
  13. Bertch
  14. Biala (with many branches)
  15. Bielgory (?)
  16. Bluzhov
  17. Bobov
  18. Bobruisk (aka Babruisk; from Belarus; associated with Chabad. Source: Michael Cohen
  19. Bohush (from Ruzhin)
  20. Bonia
  21. Boston
  22. Boyan (large part of Ruzhin)
  23. Braud
  24. Breslov
  25. Brisdovitz
  26. Bucharest
  27. Buhush
  28. Burshtin
  29. Chabad (Lubavitch)
  30. Chadusha
  31. Chazanow
  32. Chazanow
  33. Chernobyl
  34. Chernovitz (Boyan)
  35. Cheshenov
  36. Chortkov
  37. Chust
  38. Cleveland (from Nadvorna)
  39. Cleveland
  40. Cracow
  41. Debrecen
  42. Dejj
  43. Dombrivor
  44. Drobisht
  45. Drohovitch
  46. Dushinsky
  47. Dzerka
  48. Dzikov
  49. Eisysky
  50. Emunas Yisroel (not a dynasty, but a large chassidic congregation)
  51. Erlau
  52. Etched
  53. Faltichan
  54. Frankfurt (?)
  55. Gorlitz (from Tzanz)
  56. Gur or Ger
  57. Gustinin
  58. Gvodzitz
  59. Hornisteipel
  60. Hovnir
  61. Husiyatan
  62. Kalish
  63. Kalov (Kaliv)
  64. Kamarn
  65. Kaminetz
  66. Kanskvala
  67. Karlihaz
  68. Karlin (became Stolin-Karlin)
  69. Kapust (Kapuster; source: Michael Cohen)
  70. Kashou
  71. Kerester
  72. Kerster
  73. K'hal Chasidei Yerushalayim (from Stolin-Karlin)
  74. Klausenburg (from Tzanz)
  75. Komarna
  76. Kopishnitz (from Ruzhin
  77. Kopishnitz (also Apta)
  78. Koritz
  79. Kosin
  80. Kosov
  81. Kotzk
  82. Kozhnitz
  83. Kozlov
  84. Krasna
  85. Kustina (?)
  86. Kutna
  87. Kutznitz
  88. Kuzmir
  89. Lancut
  90. Lebina
  91. Lechovitch
  92. Leipnik
  93. Leipzig (Boyan)
  94. Lelov
  95. Lemberg (Boyan)
  96. Leva
  97. Levov
  98. Liozna
  99. Lizensk
  100. Loitzk (from Karlin-Stolin)
  101. Lublin
  102. Lujzinsk (pronounced Lizhensk
  103. Lutzk (from Stolin-Karlin)
  104. Madyer
  105. Makarov (decimated in the Holocaust) Makarov is an offshoot of the Chernobyl dynasty, from the Twersky family. (Submitted by Mark Spicehandler)
  106. Malachim (from Chabad)
  107. Margareten
  108. Matisyahu
  109. Mattesdorf
  110. Medzhibozh
  111. Meletz (Boro Park, R. Yeshaya Horowiz, and Bnei Brak. Submitted by Sinai Julian)
  112. Mezebecz
  113. Mezerich
  114. Mielecer (from Mielec; some located in Ashdod, Israel)
  115. Mir
  116. Miskolc
  117. Modzitz (from Kuzmir)
  118. Mogelnitz
  119. Mosholu
  120. Munkacs (pronounced Munkotch)
  121. Nadferli
  122. Nadvorna
  123. Neshchiz
  124. Nikolsburg
  125. Nitra
  126. Novominsk (Rebbe Yaakov Perlow of Brooklyn)
  127. Ostrof
  128. Pashkan
  129. Peshischa
  130. Philadephia
  131. Piascesna
  132. Pietrokov (?)
  133. Pinsk (from Stolin-Karlin)
  134. Pintchiv
  135. Pistiner (decimated in the Holocaust)
  136. Pittsburg (Part of Nadvorna, which has many branches)
  137. Polnoye
  138. Poltishen
  139. Premishlan
  140. Prohobister (decimated in the Holocaust)
  141. Przeymisl
  142. Pshevorsk (Rebbe Leibosh Leiser of Antwerp. His father, Rebbe Yaakov Leiser, was the previous Rebbe. Rebbe Yaakov Leiser's father-in-law, Reb Itzikel: Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Gerwirczman, founded the dynasty)
  143. Pupa
  144. Rachmistrivk
  145. Radomsk
  146. Radorztz
  147. Radoschitz
  148. Radzin
  149. Radzin
  150. Rezistzover (decimated in the Holocaust)
  151. Rimanov
  152. Rimnitz (Ribnitz)
  153. Ruzhin (pronounced Rizhin)
  154. Rzeszow
  155. Sadigura (from Ruzhin)
  156. Sadovna
  157. Sanz-Grybov
  158. Sarderhel
  159. Sasov
  160. Sasregen
  161. Satmar
  162. Seret
  163. Seret-Viznitz (part of Viznitz)
  164. Shatzer
  165. Shidlovtza (part of Biala)
  166. Shinov
  167. Shomrei Emunim (from Reb Arele)
  168. Shpikov
  169. Shpola (or Shpole)
  170. Siget (later became Satmar)
  171. Skolen
  172. Skoyla
  173. Skver (Rebbe Dovid Twersky, of New Square, NY. His father, Rebbe Yaakov Yosef, was the previous Rebbe and founder of New Square)
  174. Slonim
  175. Sochaczw
  176. Sochatchov
  177. Spinka (with many branches)
  178. Stefinesht
  179. Steppen
  180. Stichin
  181. Stolin (became Stolin-Karlin)
  182. Stretin
  183. Strikov
  184. Strizov
  185. Sudylkov
  186. Sulitz
  187. Tartikov
  188. Temishvar
  189. Toldos Avraham Yitzhak (from Reb Arele)
  190. Toldos Aharon (from Reb Arele)
  191. Tolna
  192. Toltchaver
  193. Tosh
  194. Trisk
  195. Tshakava (from Tzanz)
  196. Tzanz
  197. Tzelem
  198. Ujhel
  199. Ungvar
  200. Unsdorf
  201. Urzhrov (Osrov-Henzin)
  202. Ushpitzin
  203. Vasloi
  204. Vien
  205. Vien
  206. Vitebsk (started about 1775 by Rabbi Menachem Mendel, a disciple of the Mezericher. Submitted by Mark Spicehandler)
  207. Vizhnitz (Rebbe Mordechai Dov Hagar of Monsey, NY; Rebbe Yisroel Hagar of Bnei Brak)
  208. Voidislov
  209. Volova
  210. Vorki
  211. Vosikin
  212. Vulkaner
  213. Yoka
  214. Zablitov (Zabludow; an offshoot of Kosov, from 1820. Submitted by Mark Spicehandler)
  215. Zalikov (an offshoot of Lizensk. Lasted from about 1795 to 1939. Formed by Rabbi Leib of Zalikov, the Likutei Maharal. Rabbi Leib was a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk. Submitted by Mark Spicehandler)
  216. Zbarz
  217. Zeilemer (pronounced Tzeilimer)
  218. Zemigrad (from Tzanz)
  219. Zhitomir
  220. Zibov
  221. Zichlin
  222. Zidichoiv
  223. Zlatipol
  224. Zlotchov
  225. Zutchke
  226. Zvhill (Zvhiller Rebbe Grand Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Aharon Korff, formerly Rabbi Dr. Ira A. Korff; submitted by Ava Miedzinski)

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