American Police State
".....whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends,
it is the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government....."
----The US Declaration of Independence
The American Police State is here.
Centralized World Government is on its way. America stands as the 'last bastion'
of freedom against the New World Order.
American constitutional rights and freedoms esconed primarily in the US Bill of Rights are a major threat to the International Elite and their plans for World Domination and Rule because they represent a break from the global consolidation of centralized control now occuring all throughout our planet.
As international and institutional resistance mounts, the so called, "powers that be" are using their considerable economic, propaganda/media, military and political power and influence to create a percieved "enemy" in the minds of the masses (i.e. the threat of terrorism) so as to legitimize and funnel billions of dollars into the coffers of police state and paramilitary institutions and agencies that are now literally bursting at the seams at every level of government in the USA, primarily.
September 11th, 2001, was planned, carried out and orchestrated by the International Elite precisely to bring about a heavily armed, fascistic American Police State that will exercise its new found unconstitutional powers to intimidate, arrest, subdue and stamp out any and all resistance to the New World Order. The so-called, "War on Terrorism" is, in reality, a War on the American people and their way of life.
The domestic consequences of this new War on Terrorism in the USA has resulted in the mass arrests and interrogation of immigrants, a crack-down on domestic dissent, the possible use of torture to obtain information from those who are incarcerated, the creation of a new special executive cabinet level 'Office of Homeland Security' (America's New Nazi SS HQ) and the widespread passage of legistlation granting intellegence agencies and local, state and federal law enforcement authorities broad powers to intrude and disrupt the lives of ordinary American citizens.
As well, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, America's premier domestic law enforcement agency, now operates globally, that is, beyond the legally ordained
and mandated domestic borders of the continental United States. On January 25th, 2002, the FBI raided 2 flights at the Karachi International Airport in Pakistan destined for the annual 'Haj' to Saudi Arabia in search of Al-Qaeda and Taliban members. The American military and law enforcement machine has also spread its tentacles into every single 'national security state' apparatus possible throughout the governments and nations of the world to further aid in the crack-down and control of any and all international resistance to the world government plans and directives of the International Corporate Elite.
The globalization of the Police/Security Industrial Complex throughout the world has been complimented with a proliferation of high tech computerized surveillance technology. Much of this technology is used to track the activities of dissidents, human rights activists, journalists, student leaders, minorities, trade union leaders and political opponents.
In the USA, the preparation for mass oppression has been underway for decades. Secret Executive Orders outlining directives to enact 'martial law' have already been put in place. The growing militarization of domestic law enforcement, continued efforts to contain and control the American civilian population, mock urban attacks by Special Forces in US cities, growing and expanding unconstitutional searches and seizures of citizen's property and the forcible incarceration of a large number of US citizens (the USA has the highest per capita incarceration rate of any nation on Earth) all point to the emergence of a highly dictatorial American Police State whose main task is to stamp out any and alll resistance to the New World Order, destroy American rights and freedoms, and serve the interests, plans and demands of the "4th Reich" of the global elite.
Steve Jones
P.O. Box 1472
Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
1. InfoWars- Alex Jones Vs. the New World Order
3001 South Lamar- #100
Texas 78704
2. American Police State 21
3. Police Against the New World Order
"Operation Vampire Killer"
P.O. Box 8787
Phoenix, AZ 85066
4. Human Rights Now
Michael Ratner/ Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway- 7th floor
New York, New York 10012
5. Police State Net
c/o Love Earth Network
5683 Midnight Pass Rd- #106
Siesta Key, Florida 34242
6. Police State Watch
c/o Third World Traveler
7. The Turner Diaries
Blueprint for World Revolution