L i n k s
My other, now inactive, webpage
Please E-mail me if you would like to see your link here.
Link to Me
Banner #1 : ChibiBanner1.jpg
Right-click (save) the banner of your choice and save it onto your server.  Then, link to my page: http://www.oocities.org/chibi_kawaii_pink
Di Gi Charat
Misc. Anime
E-Mail me
Misc Links
Link to Me

I made these banners myself, please do not edit them (unless you send me a copy of it ^.^) If you would like me to make a banner for you, contact me.

I'll try to make a better long banner and a ani-banner sometime. ^.^
Psy's Neko Hanten - "our flag is mined!"
MKBO Hub#2
Web Design
These sites are places where I get graphics and ideas for parts of my website.  Please support them!
Illusoyo (Japanese)
Nori's (japanese)
<goodies> <biography> <cliques> <downloads> <backgrounds> <main>