Cross-browser Dynamic HTML Scripts - ScrollText


These are a collection of all the wallpapers I have made. The sizes are listed next to the preview image. All images are in *.jpg format. I can modify the wallpaper for mac users and change the size upon request. New wallpapers are on the bottom of the page.

All of the wallpapers on this page were made by me. If you would like to use them on your page, please contact me. Do not steal them and try to call them your own. Do not paint over my watermark on the bottom of the wallpaper. I do not tollerate stealing, but I love to share. I'm not scary, so don't be afraid to ask me if you would like to put it on you own webpage. ^.^

I do not take credit for any of the images on here. All the images are property of their specific creator. If your image was used in my wallpaper and you want me to credit you, please tell me and I will be happy to. Many times I am sent images without knowing who the creator is. Every effort will be made to credit artists.

I would love to hear any ideas and suggestions, so please drop me a line sometime!


W a l l p a p e r s
Total : 11
Dimentions : 1024x768
Pop-up? : yes

The wallpapers may take a little time to load depending on your connection.
Created by :
<titled wallpapers>
Di Gi Charat : 1

Evangellion : 2

Snow Fairy Sugar : 2

Super GALS! : 2

Angel Sanctuary : 1
Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo!) : 1
Hand Maid May : 1
Rhapsody : 1

Love Hina : 2

older wallpapers
need a Yahoo! account to access it. (it's free)
Lain : 1
Di Gi Charat : 2
The links below are linked to a non-Geocities site called Liquid2k.  If it doesn't load the first time, be patient; it will load eventually. ^.^  I will post the wallpapers on this site at a later date.
Aerith (FF7) : 1
Ragnarok Online : 1 2
anime girl :
catgirls :
The character images used for the creation of these wallpapers are owned by their creators.  I do not own them! Links to fanartists will be listed once they are known.  Respect the fanartists!