Then and Now
(AKA Makeover Time!!!)

      I made this section mostly because I was looking at my older adoptions and comparing them to the newer ones. Some of the older ones made me think things like: "Ack, her eyes are crooked looking!" and "Those proportions look all funky!" and "That one REALLY needs to be re-done!" Well, I started replacing some of the elves a couple years back, and I really meant to do the same with some of the other old adoptions- namely the ones that I thought looked a bit funky. Now that I finally started working on this site again, I decided to continue with this project, giving "makeovers" to some of the adoptions that were bugging me. I wanted to archive the changes, and also allow people to adopt the older versions if they wanted to, which is why I decided to post them here. Sort of a collection of "before" and "after" pictures. ^_^
P.S. Remember to follow the adoption rules if you want to adopt any of the images on this page.


Case in point (and the first makeover candidate) is the old "Earth Faerie": (4/19/03)

Before (1999)

After (2003)

On the left, we have the old version- and on the right, the new version. Same basic idea,
but the lines on the new version are much crisper, the proportions are a lot better, and she
has more details on her costume and wings. All in all, I think she looks MUCH better now.




Our second case here (the old "water faerie") needed a LOT of work, in my opinion.

Before (1999)

After (2003)

The blue-skinned water faerie was one of my first adoptions. As you can see, she now has a tan!
I decided to give this one a completely different look. I never really was completely happy
with the wings on the old version. Her outfit is a lot cooler now, too. ^_^



My next project was to give a makeover to the "Faerie of Midnight".

Before (1999)

After (2003)

This was the first male faerie that I put up for adoption. His outfit was
looking a bit "flat" (lack of shading will do that ^_^;;). The whole "bangs
in the face" thing was bugging me a bit, too, so I gave them a "trim". I also
added a bit of color to his costume (the flat black was a bit boring), and
gave him new wings. I like how the wings turned out. Much more realistic now.


For more old adoptions, click here.


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All graphics and content (unless otherwise stated) Copyright 1998-2003 Cara V. (aka "Chibi Ningyo")