Site updates

7/30/2009- What a long road it has been....

I'm sure by now that the people who actually still visit this website have guessed that I have moved on to other things. I started this website way back 1998, in my early college years. Over 10 years ago, can you believe it?! The internet has changed a lot since then, and so have I. It's been a while since I've even given this little adoption center much thought. (Do people even still use these things anymore? With all the blogs, social networking sites, MMORPGs, and other web games out there, I'm a bit curious.) In any case, it's been fun. This site will remain up until Yahoo pulls the plug on it later this year when they close GeoCities forever. It seems like a lot of the free web hosting sites are going *poof* I've taken down my links page, since most of them were broken anyway (X_x), and updated my contact info a bit. I won't be updating the site anymore, however. It frankly seems very outdated to me at this point, and even though I look back on it with fond memories, it's time to let it close I think.

Thanks to all of you that have left kind remarks in my guest book over the years and to those who joined my update group (which, after sending out one last notice, I have closed.) It really means a lot to me that people seem to still like this place. Sorry I haven't been better about updating, but this project is over 10 years old. I moved on a long time ago. I'm happy with my life and doing well. I hope all of you are too.

I do have my own domain now, which mostly serves as a storefront for some merchandise I have up on Cafepress. It can be found at Nothing spectacular, but feel free to come visit.

Also, since the site is closing, a link back here is no longer necessary when adopting, if anyone is actually still interested. A mention of my name would be nice though. And if you REALLY want to link me, you can link instead. And, I'm opening up all the realm keepers for adoption as well, so you can give them homes if you want. ^_^

5/12/04 - I just updated one of the male forest elves. The old version can still be adopted and/or laughed at here. There's also a brand new faerie on the bottom of the second page of faerie adoptions. Her name is Luna.

5/11/04 - I just replaced the old winter fairie with a newer version. She can be found on the bottom of the first faerie page. I also updated one of the female forest elves. The old versions of both can still be adopted here.

4/30/04 - I added a new T-shirt design to my cafepress store. It's an "ebil kitty" inspired by my cat, Shari. If you're interested, you can check it out here.

3/4/04 - I finally finished one of the projects I've been working on for a long time: an anime-style dollmaker programed with Macromedia Director. I created a new account to host the program here:

Chibi Ningyo's Anime Dollmaker

Sadly, it may be down occasionally due to Geocities's bandwidth limits. I may create a mirror site in the future if this becomes too much of a problem. Also, you may need to download a flash plugin to view it.

6/16/03 - Been a bit busy, so updating has been kinda slow lately... But today I just added a new forest elf to the adoption center. She's on this page, near the bottom. Also, my crazy boyfriend and I have been working on some t-shirts with captions aimed at roleplaying gamers... If you're interested, you can see them in my shop.

5/11/03- I just added a lunch box to my shop. Again, it features the "Chocolate Faerie". Chibi Ningyo's Anime Designs Yay!

5/06/03- Wheee!! I just opened up a shop featuring my artwork! Right now there are two styles of shirts for sale, both with the same design (a cute little "Chocolate Faerie"). Check it out! Chibi Ningyo's Anime Designs More designs to come!

5/02/03- I just added a new contact information page and a new FAQs page. Also, I now have an e-mail notification list. I'll be using it to send out information on site updates. If you want to sign up, click on the link at the top of this page!

4/29/03- Today, I repaced the old "Air Faerie". She can be found in the "Realm of Fae" on the first page of adoptions. The old one can still be adopted here.

4/23/03- Makeover time again! The old "Midnight Faerie" has been replaced. See his new look here.

4/20/03- Today, we have another makover! This time, I replaced the old water faerie with a new one. Compare them here.

4/19/03- Way back in December 2000, I remade some of the older elves in the adoption center. Now, I'm finally continuing that project, by giving the old "earth fairy" a makeover. Compare the difference here. And yes, the old version is still up for adoption, I just moved it to a different page.

4/17/03- I actually made a new character for adoption! He can be found in the water elf section, near the bottom. YAY! Now if only Geocities will let me see if the page is actually working... *SIGH* Stupid data transfer limits... *grumble, grumble* I think it's about time I looked for a new web service provider.

4/10/03- Yikes!!! It's been such a long time since I've updated!!! Bet you thought I'd forgoten all about this site, eh? In any case, I FINALLY fixed the link to the merfolk section- it should be working now. In case you were wondering the reason behind my severe lack of updating... Well, at first it was because of college- my final year involved a teaching internship, which kept me insanely busy. I used to do some sketching almost every day, but sadly I got out of that habit because of my busy schedule. After college, other things occupied my time- miscellaneous projects, work, dating a wonderfully insane guy I met during school, and just life in general. For a while, I kinda put this whole website project to the side. Only occasionally did I think to myself, "You know, I REALLY should update." I just never quite got around to it.

So what changed? Basically, I've started geting back into the habit of sketching again. I finally decided to sweep a few cobwebs off this website, although I don't plan on making any big changes in the near future. (I am getting a bit tired of the front-page layout, though... *sigh*) Also, I have a couple new projects I'm working on right now. One of them is a doll-maker program, which I'll hopefully finish eventually. It takes a looong time to custom draw and color all those doll costumes. ^_^;;

Anyway, I'll stop rambling for now....

1/10/01- I replaced the two oldest Moonlight clan elves in the adoption center with newer versions of the same characters. I also put up the link for Dragonflight Academy on the main page, although I haven't added anything to it yet. ^_^;;

1/3/01- I fixed up the rules/main adoption page a bit.

1/2/01- (at about 3 A.M. -yup, I'm up LATE) Replaced the two oldest elves in the Forest Clan section with newer versions of the same characters.

1/1/01- HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Nothing major yet as far as updates go, just cleaning up some of the older sections and fixing things up a bit.

12/29/00- It should be obvious to anyone who has been here before that MAJOR renovations are taking place. This is the second-year anniversary of the day my site first launched (whoo-hoo!!), and I felt that it was long-past time for a change. The main page has an entirely different layout. Much less cluttered, I think. The adoption center is my current focus. I have added "Realm Keepers" to guide guests through, and I will gradually be replacing some of the older adoptions with new ones. Some of the adoption sections still aren't updated yet, so it's kind of a mess right now... (*sweatdrop*) Also, please note that many of the links from the main page are not working yet- I'll be adding the new sections in as I finish them. Dragonflight Academy is on hold temporarily, as is the anime archive, but I plan to update them both in the future (One step at a time). I hope that you find that the changes make this site more interesting and easier to navagate (well, once I finish *embarrased look*). Thank all of you for your support, and have fun exploring!

All graphics and content (unless otherwise stated) Copyright 1998-2003 Cara V. (aka "Chibi Ningyo")