Excerpt from "Heritage:Denied" CD by The Mexica Movement
which you can purchase for $10 at their web site.
99% of our history occurred BEFORE European-Terrorists invaded our
(50,000+ years ago vs. 1492 - do the math).
(Indigenous civilization vs. the European Terrorist occupation.)
In addition to TERRORISM -- for 511 years -- Europeans and their descendents have committed a great crime against us : the enforced ignorance of our true history and achievements.
A legacy of European & Euroamerican TERRORISM and dishonesty has made us into cowards and shame-filled people.
This is a web site to acknowledge our
true history (our dignity and courage):
a history of building great civilizations,
a history of astronomy, philosophy, architecture, medicine, poetry, cities, arts, mandatory education, and bravery.
a history of fighting foreign terrorism,
Most Chicano Studies programs focus on only the last 150 years.
They act like that's the most important part.
They act like our 4,300 years of Pre-European Civilization is of minor importance.
But 99% of our history occurred BEFORE European Terrorists invaded our
Most Chicano Studies programs have recently inculded "Latino" in their title: NONSENSE! Mexicans and Chicanos have been fighting parasite-Latinos for 500 years! Chicano Studies has sold us out with a smile on their faces and a paycheck in their hands.They've sold us back to the parasite-Hispanic/Latino agenda.
Latinos and Hispanics cannot claim our beautiful history of accomplishments.
We developed civilization BEFORE there was such a thing as Spain or ancient Greece or Rome. This was 2300 BC according to the latest scholarly journals and books and C-14 radiocarbon dates. This was our Olmec Mother-Father civilization. And it had nothing to do with Spain (which didn't even exist at the time).
This is the story of a great world civilization (Anahuac Civilization). It is a civilization that our people expressed vigorously in many varieties throughout the last 4,300 years. From Olmec to Xicano, our people still hang onto this great civilization and identity.
This is also a story about a dark age of foreign colonization by European-Terrorists who murdered their way across our lands, and shamelessly held onto our solen lands. This is a story of our people contining to struggle and resist
against European descendents in order to secure our rightful heritage and homeland.
Our history did not start the minute a White man stepped foot on this continent. 99% of our history happened BEFORE European Terrorists invaded our lands (50,000 yrs ago vs. 1492 - do the math). But what gets taught most is that 1%, and it gets taught from the Eurocentric TERRORIST point of view. We never learn the GENOCIDE of over 100 MILLION of our people (over 769 Hiroshimas) by European Terrorists .
This site confronts the counterfeight history and lies told against us,
which enforce ignorance, poverty, and political impotence upon us.
We Chicanos are not a
volunteer immigrant group, but an internally colonized one excluded
from full participation in the legal, political, and economic
system. We never immigrated to Europe. This is our one and only homeland.
[Our brown skins and brown tints are dead-giveaways of that fact.]
We Chicanos have formal or legal equality but are informally
exploited, and our culture and values are not granted legitimacy by
the dominant society. We are even called "Hispanics" and
"Latinos" in order to whitewash and dilute our ancestral
pride (the Indigenous/Native pioneers and settlers of this continent).
Some people think that we should just shut up. That we should not demand our full dignity. They never say this to white people though. This is the racism we live with every day. It's a soft racism, working in the background like cancer eats your body slowly and silently. Those of us living on the border or corssing to survive live with deadly racism every day. All of us are encouraged to die off, through "assmiliation", or by falsely labeling ourselves after Spaniard-Terrorists (Hispanic).
Most of us have not had a Spanish ancestor in decades--- even centuries! Yet we are called "half-Spanish", never "half-Native" or even "mostly Native/Indigenous".
As we say, "We didn't cross the border; the
border crossed us."
We did not come off the Mayflower, and no Statue
of Liberty was ever built to greet us at the border (a recent Euro American
invention), even though we
have done the hardest work for the lowest pay.
We have been expected to put our ethnic
identification "on hold" and accept the dominant
Anglo-American ethnic identification (which does not hold Anglos to
that same expectation).
It's time for us to learn
our true
history, which includes over 4,000 years of civilization in Mexico,
beginning with the Olmeca, and includes the Zapoteca, Purepecha,
Mixteca, Tolteca, Teotihuacano, Maya, and Mexica-Azteca. We need to learn tha Mexico has been a European-Terrorist puppet regime for 500 years. We need to learn the history of the Chicano Movement, and all the great struggles that our forefathers and foremothers have made for us.
Our people-not Europeans- are the pioneers of the Western
Hemisphere. Our people are the rugged, hardy settlers of every
square inch of it..
That's what this web site is about: telling our history on our
terms, from our point of view. It is not about looking to European descendents
for approval of our historical record. Almost always, the idea of
"objective" history just means the European status-quo
view of history (e.g. Tom Brokaw and his whitewashed "Greatest
Generation" book).
Production Staffs of TV news, PBS, Univision,Telemundo, and The History Channel
know exactly what they are doing: that is why they will NEVER
include our beautiful history in their programming.
This is enforced ignorance. If knowledge sets you free, then ignorance enslaves you.
We have been
force-fed counterfeight history long enough. As we head into the 21st
Century, our people are on the road to becoming the numerical majority in
California, New Mexico, Texas, and then the entire nation (source:
U.S. Census Bureau web site). Will we
be an ignorant majority, or one educated in our history and our
This history web site is not about "hate." It's
not about hate any more than Jews hate when they remind the world over
and over about what the Germans did to them. (They even
have museums set up and demand reparations.) What this is
about is setting the record straight for ourselves. Telling the
crimes committed against us by a corrupt and suffocating Euro-centric system, and
also telling the fascinating and incredible achievements of our
people (the stories you will never hear on The History Channel or
mainstream television).
99% of our history occurred BEFORE European Terrorists
invaded our lands.
Disclaimer: While I acknowledge a deep debt to Olin
Tezcatlipoca and the Mexica Movement
for the information on this web site,
I am not currently affiliated with them nor is this site currently
"endorsed" by them.
Not Latino. Not Hispanic. Not Mestizos. Not Raza.
We are full-blood and mixed-blood Indigenous people of Anahuac.
We are Chicana, Chicano, Indigenous human beings.
We are Mexica-Azteca, Zapotec, Huichole, Maya, Otomi, and more.
We are Anahuac.