Videos of Our History
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Anahuac Civilization
(so-called "Mesoamerica", and beyond)
Anahuac Civilizations
An overview of the highly sophisticated civilizations that originated out of what archeologists now call "Mesoamerica." Highly intellectual and highly religious civilizations.
The Ball Game: World's First Team Sport
Yes, our people created the world's first team sport. It was (and still is) a sacred game.
Cahokia: City of the Sun
Just east of St. Louis, Indiana is a pyramid city. It is one of only hundreds all across the eastern "United States". This activity coincides with the decline of Teotihuacan civilization and the rise of the Toltec civilization. The siilarities with civilizations in Mexico are hard to deny. The people who built these earth-temple pyramids are now called "The Moundbuilders." They are also known the great Mississipian civilization branch.
Chaco Canyon (Center of trade and religion)
Located in New Mexico, this civilization had extensive contacts with the "Mexican" world.
Cholula Pyramid: World's Largest Pyramid
The world's largest pyramid is not in Egypt. Cholula is so big that the Spanish built an entire cathedral on it. The pyramid is still standing.
The Danta Pyramid at El Mirador, Guatemala
This pyramid has just shattered the record books: it is the biggest pyramid on Earth. And the world doesn't even know about it yet. But now YOU do!
Civilizations in the Valley of Mexico
An overview of the major civilizations coming out of the Valley.
Roots of the Virgin of Guadalupe: The Truth Behind the Lie
The Virgin was used to hijack our Indigenous roots. Her name was "Tonantzin" and she was hijacked by Spaniards in order to convert resistant "Indians". The name Guadalupe is not from Mexico... it is Arabic.
Olmec Civilization
Who Were The Olmecs?
The Olmec were the Mother-Father civilization that begat all other civilizations in Mexico and Central America. From Tarascans, to Mexica-Aztecs, to the Maya...the Olmec were the ones who started our civilization. The current radiocarbon dating has placed their beginnings at 2300 B.C.
(according to the Mexican professonal journal "Arquelogia Mexicana"). Mainstream archaeology has placed them at 2300 B.C. They are most likely older, dating well before 3000 B.C. since there are calendar inscriptions going back to 3114 B.C. As time goes on, the date will keep going back and getting older. Either way, the Olmecs demonstrate that we had developed civilization BEFORE there was any such thing as "ancient Greece" or Rome. Certainly at this ancient time, there was not a single town or city in all of "mainstream" Europe.
Mexica Civilization
The Mexica
Introduction to the Mexica and their achievements
The Aztecs (Mexica)
Overview of the Mexica from CNN's Millenium special.
Mexica Society
The Mexica (Aztecs) were a sophisticated people.
Teotihuacan's Influence on the Mexica
Teotihuacan was the kind of city the Mexica (Aztecs) wanted to build for themselves.
These "floating farms" were an ingenious agricultural method used by the Mexica and other peoples.
David Carrasco on Complexity
Making the Mexica seem more human is what professor David Carrasco tries to do.
Rise of the Mexica
From humble beginnings as nomads, they rose to become a great world civilization within two centuries.
Temple of the Eagle Knights
Step inside this sacred temple...Eagle Warriors are allowed only! The temple is located in the heart of Mexico City.
Tenochtitlan: The Capital
This was their capital.
Another video on the Mexica capital city.
Tenochtitlan: As Precious as Jade
This city was sacred to its inhabitants.
City on The Rise
From its humble, swampy beginnings, Tenochtitlan begins to dominate beyond anything ever seen before.
Marvelous feat of aquatic engineering. Comissioned by Nezahualcoyotl, the ruler of Texcoco, and friend and ally to the Mexica. Nezahualcoyotl is considered the great philosopher-poet-ruler who exemplified the best of a civilized person. His poems are still well-known today.
Tlateloloco: Largest Market in the World
The Spaniards could not believe their eyes when they saw how large the market was...and orderly, too. Cortes estimated that it drew 60,000 people every single day.
The city of Tenochtitlan survives today in Xochimilco. Get a glimpse of what life was like. This region still provides most of Mexico City's flowers.
Teotihuacan Civilization: Classic Splendor
Description of Teotihuacan
What was this great world city like? Teotihuacan was the most powerful force in all of "Mexico" and "Central America" for centuries. It influenced all of its neighbors, ,gave rise to some Maya dynasties, and controlled trade routes deep into the Mayan area. It was a powerhouse in the heart of central Mexico (300 BC - 650 A.D.). The city of Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala is a miniature replica of Maya territory.
During the same time that Teotihuacan civilization was thriving, Europe was in a period known as "The Dark Ages" (Middle Ages) where their civilization was stagnant.
More Descriptions of Teotihuacan
A great world city. Teotihuacan's largest pyramid is bigger than most of the pyramids in Egypt.
Yax Kuk Mo: Who Was This Man?
The founder of the Maya dynasty at Copan was not a Maya at all: he was a foreigner.
Also explained is Maya theology and its connection to Teotihuacan.
Amazing Measurements of Teotihuacan
The builders of Teotihuacan were far most sophisticated than most of us realize. They were first-rate architects, among other things.
A Nahua Perspective on Teotihuacan
A Nahua village leader gives his impressions on Teotihuacan.
Teotihuacan's Influence on the Mexica
Teotihuacan was the kind of city the Mexica (Aztecs) wanted to build for themselves.
Maya Civilization
The Maya
They are the people who say they were created out of corn (a story shared among most Indigenous peoples of "Mexico and Central America").
The Maya: An Introduction
They are the people who say they were created from corn. From National Geographic's "Lost Kingdoms of the Maya" special.
The Blood of Kings
The sacred ritual shedding of royal blood.
A Cakchiquel Mayan Speaks
Listen to a modern Maya still connected to the traditional ways.
Maya Clothing
Clothing plays an important role in the identity of Mayan people.
This was an important Maya city, located in what is today called Honduras.
Rebuilding Copan
The pieces are being put back together again.
El Tigre Pyramid, Guatemala
It's the largest pyramid in the world...a Maya pyramid.
Maya Advances
What made the Maya so advanced?
The Classic Period of the Maya
It's called the "Classic" period because it represents the highest consolidation of all their cultural, intellectual, and architectural achievements.
Maya Weaver
Listen to a modern Maya women tell how she learned to weave.
Maya Achievements
They were the first people in the world to use the concept of zero. Not even the Greeks or Romans had zero, and thus, they could not calculate into infinity as the Maya could do.
Maya Brutality
The Maya were not as peacefull as archeologists used to love to fantasize about. The Maya were also pre-occupied with warfare.
Maya Queen of Palenque
She was a ruler of a great Maya city, and later the power behind the throne of her son Pacal.
Rituals of the Maya
Get a glimpse of what modern-day ritual life is like for Maya, and see a Lacondon Maya perform his sacred offerings.
Modern Maya Religious Life (Part 1)
Modern Maya Religious Life (Part 2)
Modern Maya Religious Life (Part 3)
Modern Maya have reatined some of the old and in their religious life. What seems to be a Catholic church is not so Catholic when examined closely. (Watch all 3 parts of the video!)
Maya Writing
The Maya developed their own system of writing.
Maya Writing & Astronomy
Without the aid of telescopes, the Maya became masters of astronomical observation, and set down their understandings in writing.
More on Maya Writing
They developed a true form of writing that could comminucate any thought they wished.
Palenque, Mexico
This city was a wonder of Maya achievement.
Located in Mexico, this Mayan city was an intellectual and cultural powerhouse.
How Teotihuacan Influenced the Maya
The Maya were profoundly influenced by the city of Teotihuacan from central Mexico by conquest and trade. In fact, the great Maya dynasty of Copan was founded by a man from Teotihuacan.
Toltec Civilization
The Toltecs: Rulers of Central Mexico and Beyond
After the decline of Teotihuacan, rival states began to fight for power. The Toltecs (who were of Chichimeca nomad descent) came out on top, and their legacy would later on inspire the Mexica to greatness. They had an economic reach as far south as Guatemala and as far north as New Mexico.
After the Toltecs passed away, no Mexican or Maya dynasty worth its salt would fail to claim decent from these powerful people.
Voices From History
A Nahua Perspective on Teotihuacan
A Nahua village leader gives his impressions on Teotihuacan.
Ross Hassig on Human Sacrifice Around The World
Professor Ross Hassig puts human sacrifice in persepctive.
Was Human Sacrifice Exaggerated? A Comparison with European Human Sacrifice
Historians now believe that "Aztec human sacrifice" was greatly exaggerated by the Spaniards.
The Texas Rangers: American Terrorists
The Texas Rangers were a white-terrorist organization set up to murder and intimidate Mexicans -- to ensure white supremacy and dominance over Mexicans.
The Spanish: Genocidal Monsters and Thieves
Spanish Genocide
The Spanish were responsible for the killing of 95% of the Indigenous Inhabitant population in Mexico (23 million), and many millions more elsewhere in the "New World".
Not even Hitler was so "successful" in liquidating entire peoples.
Stolen Gold Still Used in Spain
The Spanish stole enormous amounts of gold from us. To this day, they continue to use it in their churches, worshipping under it without any sense of shame or guilt.
Cholula Massacre by the Spanish
6,000 people of Cholula were massacred by the Spanish.
The Spanish Inquisition
The Catholic Church and Spanish colonial government formed a powerful alliance to police and intimidate Mexicans into oppression under European elites.
Slavery in Mexico Under the Spanish
Mexicans were used as beasts of burden to make Spaniards rich. The Catholic Church was a partner to the Spanish elites, and Mexicans suffered extreme poverty and deadly working conditions as a result.
Spanish Terrorism
The Spanish launched a campaign of murder and terror in their lust to take Tenochtitlan.
Catholics Hijack the Aztec Religion
The Virgin of Guadalupe (an Arabic name) was used to hijack the religion of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico. The Virgin was at first a symbol of Criollo nationalism and was not known by most Mexicans until at least a decade later.
Muslim Spain (711 - 1492): The Moorish Influence on Spain Before Columbus
For over 700 years, Muslims transmitted much of the ancient Greek and Roman culture into Europe via Spain.
Moorish Spain
The Arabic and Northern African Muslim influence is still felt in Spain.
The Alhambra: Muslim Palace in Spain
This Muslim palace is one of the most popular tourist sites in Europe. Moorish civilization shone brightly in Spain for 700 years.
The Rich-Poor Divide in Spain
Since the 16th century, a large gap has divided the rich from the poor in Spain. This divide greets the tourist to Spain still to this day.
Mestizo Spain
Spain is a true Mestizo nation. The blood of the Muslim Conquest (700 years) still runs in modern Spaniards. Take a look for yourself.
Mexico: Colonial and Modern History
The Crimes of Porfirio Diaz
Diaz was brutal dictator who improved life for rich Mexicans, while making it more miserable for poor and "Indio" Mexicans. It is no wondere that the United States loved him.
The Crimes of Porfirio Diaz
Diaz was brutal dictator who improved life for rich Mexicans, while making it more miserable for poor and "Indio" Mexicans. It is no wondere that the United States loved him.
Hacendados and Land Ownership
Land was grossly concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy people, while the common Mexican struggled and slaved away.
The Rebellion of Father Hidalgo
His message was total Revolution against the ruling elites. And he almost pulled it off.
A Summary of Modern Mexican History
Modern times have seen many changes in Mexico, but not many for the common Mexican.
Mexican Immigration Story
Mexicans compose the majority of immigrants into the United States.
Modern Mexico
Modern Mexico shares many problems faced by the Indigenous civilization sof the past.
Olympic Massacre in Mexico City
During the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico City, the world watched as the Mexican government massacred protesting students.
Porfirio Diaz Bleached His Skin
Attempting to look "more white", Porfirio Diaz bleached his skin, as his photographs demonstrate over time.
Porifio Diaz: Brutual Dictator
This man was a brutual criminal against the Mexican people.
Virgin of Guadalupe: The Hijacking of Tonantzin
The Virgin has Arabic roots. She was used to hijack "Tonantzin" (Our Sacred Mother in Nahuatl)in order to convert resistant "Indians". The name Guadalupe is not from Mexico... it is Arabic.
Emilaino Zapata: Revolutionary Hero
The Man From Morelos was loved by many as a true Mexican patriot for the poor, and his courage affected many changes in Mexico.
Chicano & Chicana
Quest For A Homeland (Part 1)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 2)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 3)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 4)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 5)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 6)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 7)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 8)
Quest For A Homeland (Part 9)
Watch all 9 parts if you want. 1 hour long total. This video comes from the PBS special called "Chicano!" and is about the Chicano struggle to find a place that is their own. Included is the struggle for land in Tierra Amarilla and the Chicano sense of identity and sense of place.
Fight In The Fields (Part 1)
Fight In The Fields (Part 2)
Fight In The Fields (Part 3)
Fight In The Fields (Part 4)
Fight In The Fields (Part 5)
Fight In The Fields (Part 6)
Fight In The Fields (Part 7)
Fight In The Fields (Part 8)
Watch all 8 parts if you want. 1 hour long total. This video comes from the PBS special called "Chicano!" and is about the Chicano struggle t ofind a place that is their own.
It is about the Mexican struggle against white racist agricultural bosses, and their victories under the UFW and Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.
Taking Back The Schools (Part 1)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 2)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 3)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 4)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 5)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 6)
Taking Back The Schools (Part 7)
Chicano students become more militant and demand better education. Student walkouts are launched and the Chicano Movement begins to seize the hearts and minds of Chicanos everywhere.
Getting Political Power (Part 1)
Getting Political Power (Part 2)
Getting Political Power (Part 3)
Getting Political Power (Part 4)
Getting Political Power (Part 5)
Getting Political Power (Part 6)
Getting Political Power (Part 7)
Chicanos begin to form a new political consciousness and La Raza Unida Party is born. The Chicano Moratorium stages an anti-Vietnam march as Chicanos are dying disproportionately in the war. And police use terrorist tactics to destroy Chicano political organizations.
The Texas Rangers: American Terrorists
The Texas Rangers were a white-terrorist organization set up to murder and intimidate Mexicans -- to ensure white supremacy and dominance over Mexicans.
American History, American Lies
The Texas Rangers: American Terrorists
The Texas Rangers were a white-terrorist organization set up to murder and intimidate Mexicans -- to ensure white supremacy and dominance over Mexicans.
The CIA's Death Squads in Guatemala
For more than 40 years, the American CIA helped the Guatemalan military murder over 200,000 people (new figure). The CIA overthrew a democratically-elected government to protect American business interests. Mass rape, murder, and corruption were the results of the American government's interventions in the name of "freedom".
Wounded Knee
American soldiers massacred and killed hundreds in this infamous act of genocide. The bodies were then thrown in mass burial pits.