Currently Autism is recognized as a developmental disability with primary symptomology affecting social interaction and communication skills. Autism is a behaviorally-defined syndrome. Within a Western framework, there are no clear causes of Autism, although it is believed to be a biological neurological disorder affecting brain function. There are strong indicators for a genetic basis, and there is also a growing concern that environmental toxins and pollutions may be contributing factors, as well as viral infections. Currently, there are no medical tests for the diagnosis of Autism. In regard to treatment, the only real option Western Medicine offers is intervention with early educational programs. CHILDREN REMEDY According to children remedy herbs, autistic individuals suffer from a Heart imbalance that inhibits connecting on an emotional level with other people, including their immediate families. A person with Heart imbalances might manifest a lack of joy in life, anxiety or inappropriate laughter and talking. A person with a Heart Qi disorder could either manifest with excessive talking or aphasia (problems with speaking or an inability to speak). Children diagnosed with Autism may present with digestive anomalies that may he deemed irrelevant by Western Medicine Physicians. In children remedy these children exhibit signs and symptoms associated with Spleen Qi Deficiency. On an emotional level, persons with extreme Spleen Qi imbalances often manifest obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Autism is usually diagnosed before the age of three. children remedy sees this disorder as having a Pre-natal origin, compounded by a Post-natal weakness. The Pre-natal component would translate as genetic influence, whereas the Post-natal aspect would relate to all that has occurred since birth. Pre-natal factors in Autism indicate Kidney involvement. Kidney Qi is important for brain development, along with Heart and Spleen, according to autism herbs.
ADHD is a common behavioral disorder that affects an estimated 8% to 10% of school-age children. Boys are about three times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with it, though it's not yet understood why. Children with ADHD act without thinking, are hyperactive, and have trouble focusing. They may understand what's expected of them but have trouble following through because they can't sit still, pay attention, or attend to details. Of course, all children (especially younger ones) act this way at times, particularly when they're anxious or excited. But the difference with ADHD is that symptoms are present over a longer period of time and occur in different settings. They impair a child's ability to function socially, academically, and at home. The good news is, with proper child remedy treatment, children with ADHD can learn to successfully live with and manage their symptoms.
Dyslexia (say: dis-lek-see-uh) is a learning problem some kids have with reading and writing. It can make words look jumbled. This makes it difficult for a kid to read and remember what was read. So what's going on inside the person's brain? Well, it doesn't mean the person is dumb. In fact, some very smart people have had dyslexia. How smart? Well, some people say Albert Einstein was dyslexic. The problem does occur in the brain, though. Sometimes the messages the brain is sending get jumbled up or confused. A kid who has dyslexia might get frustrated and find it hard to do schoolwork. But the good news is that dyslexia doesn't need to keep a kid down.
Joe is 8 years old an Autistic Kid from Korea. Even though Korea recognized acupuncture and Joe's grand father is the top acupuncture physician there,he can't help. Others specialist can not do much for remedy.... http://www.oocities.org/toxic_kids
Name : Zhong Yu of KL . http://www.freewebs.com/autismherbs
Isolated in worlds of their own, people with autism appear indifferent and remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others.... A discrepancy between the student's ability and their actual achievement A child must have exhibited at least three of the following symptoms for at least six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.Runs around or excessively climbs over things. Unduly noisy in playing, or has difficulty in engaging in quiet leisure activities... Child Remedy ADHD often prevents children from learning and socialising well. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) refer to a range of problem behaviours associated with poor attention span. We do not know the cause of most cases of cerebral palsy, but many have been to 'Black or Red palaces" means celebrations or funeral according to all the data's of the parents between 75%.There are a lot of data that show that during pregnancy the mother has had some form of bad or horrified experience or have had been to some kind of ceremony of the un present once 60%.... CHILD REMEDY ACUTE TOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY Acute toxic encephalopathy is caused by the abrupt appearance of symptoms and signs of the central nervous system in the course of primary diseases. The reason of the disease is unknown. The disease may be associated with immunoreaction to infection and its toxin invading the brain tissue directly.