Professor Gary Oak's Wisdom Page

6/24/00 -- (Pokemon Vs. Digimon) Ok. You all should know that I absolutely HATE Digimon, but I will try to be reasonable here. First things first. Pokemon copied Digimon and Digimon copied Pokemon too. Still with me? OK! Digimon started out as a Virtual Pet that was nothing like Pokemon is now. Pokemon then was created. It is based on a world of monsters. Digimon at the time was still a pet. Then Digimon copied Pokemon's idea of fighting with different monster and copied with toys, animé, games, movies, etc... In order not to be sued by Nintendo, Digimon have names that always end with "mon". OK, so there you have it! Digimon loses badly with copying many ideas of Pokemon. Pokemon wins with only copying the pet idea!

12/20/99 -- (PoKAYmon) I really hate it when I turn on my tv set and some guy is up there. He says poKEEmon. He pronounces it wrong. Why can't people pronounce it right? It is pronounced like if there was a "A" instead of an "E". PoKAYmon not PoKEEmon. That's why there is a slash over the "e" in the logo. It's trying tell you to pronounce the "e" as a "A". Thank You!!!!

8/23/99 -- (Tcg) One thing I've noticed while browsing other pokemon websites is that over 50% of them call the Pokemon Tcg a Ccg. It is called Tcg meaning trading card game. It is in no way called Ccg. This is a way you can tell if your visiting a site whose webmaster dosen't know much about pokemon. If you go to a site that calls it Ccg, then you might as well go elsewhere.

7/27/99 -- (Pikablu) Why does everyone think that Mairru's English name is pikablu. That name was made by someone with no taste at all. NOA would never give a pokemon such an unoriginal name. It's called Pikablu because it looks like a blue pikachu? XX - Wrong. It looks nothing like pikachu. Actually, If you think hard, it looks more like a blue and white Kirby with a tail! So why don't somebody just call it Kirbyblu. Give me a break!

7/17/99 -- (first entry) If there's one thing about the pokemon game I hate, it's cheating. People who do the missingno tricks. People who cheat their pokemon to lv. 255. Isn't what the game is about is training? Is it not the fun part of raising a pokemon is the hard work of training and then the hard work that pays off? Think about it the next time you want to cheat.