main | Vacant room | Dawning | Butcher shop | Simplicity | Farewell | Dulcia Linquimus Arva | Last sun in Villa Ortúzar | Mythical founding of Buenos Aires | Deathwatch on the Southside | Buenos Aires Deaths | Chess | Quatrain | Cyclical Night | A thirteenth-century poet | Susana Soca | Camden, 1892 | A Northside knife | Milonga of Albornoz | New England, 1967 | The labyrinth | Invocation to Joyce | Tankas | Susana Bombal | Things | Menaced | You | Poem of quantity | The sentinel | To the German language | 1891 | Hengist asks for men, A.D. 449 | Browning poet resolves to be | Suicide | I am | Fifteen coins | Blind man | 1972 | Elegy | The exile (1977) | In memory of Angelica | My books | Talismans | The white deer | The profound rose | Mexico | Herman Melville | To Johannes Brahms | Baruch Spinoza | Alhambra | Music box | Adam is your ashes | On acquiring an encyclopedia | Nostalgia for the present | The accomplice | Shinto | The cipher | My last tiger | The cypress leaves | The weft
My last tiger
In my life I always had
tigers. So interwoven is reading with the other habits of my days
that really I do not know if my first tiger was the tiger in a
print or the one, now dead, whose stubborn come and go in its
cage I followed as if in a spell on the other side of the iron
bars. My father enjoyed encyclopedias; I judged them, I am
certain, by the images of tigers they offered me. I call to mind
those of Montaner y Simón (a white Siberian tiger and a Bengal
tiger) and another, carefully drawn in pen and leaping, in which
there was something of rivers. To these visual tigers were joined
tigers made of words: Blake's famous flame ("Tyger, tyger,
burning bright") and Chesterton's definition, "an
emblem of terrible elegance." When I read, as a child, the
Jungle Books, they did not stop me grieving that Shere Khan was
the villain of the piece, not the hero's friend. I would like to
recall, and cannot, a sinuous tiger traced by the brush of a
Chinese, who had never seen a tiger, but who had without doubt
seen the archetype of the tiger. This Platonic tiger is to be
found in a book by Anita Berry, Art for Children. One will
wonder quite reasonably why tigers and not leopards or jaguars? I
can only respond that spots displease me and not stripes. If I
were to write leopard in place of tiger the reader would
immediately intuit that I was lying. To these tigers of sight and
word I have joined another which was revealed to me by our friend
Cuttini, in the curious zoological garden whose name is Animal
World and which abstains from prisons.
This last tiger is of flesh and blood. With evident and terrified
happiness I neared this tiger, whose tongue licked my face, whose
indifferent or affectionate mitt lingered on my head, and which,
unlike its precursors, possessed smell and weight. I will not say
this tiger that amazed me is more real than the others, since an
oak is not more real than the shapes of a dream, but I would like
to thank here our friend, this tiger of flesh and blood my senses
perceived that morning and whose image comes back as those tigers
come back in books.