Turrell at the Griffin
Gallery James Turrell: New Works |
preparations are required. The spectator has a guide, and wears booties. The
Ganzfeld conception (End Around, 2006) is a white room with a sort of
screen at one end, azure. The wall surfaces, ceiling and floor seem to bounce
light rays everywhere, the effect is like fine sparkling haze. The walls are
thick but come to a sharp edge at the entrance, framed by a simple lighted
arch, or rather a lintel-and-post view. The floor rises to the screen, then
drops away (hence the guide). The three Tall Glass
pieces fit into a wall, vertical rectangles of light, green, slowly
manifesting a violet center, which subsumes the whole, the process repeating
with a yellowish tan the color of the shadowed walls, etc. (Gathered Light,
and so for Silent Leading and Pacifist Aggressive, all 2006).
All of this as minute in its divisions as the changing sky (with reference to
Rothko perspectives). |