
San Francisco Ballet


The story was that wind had broken all the panes in the Conservatory of Flowers, and Willie Brown wasn’t going to fix it. There it lay for years, until suddenly it was repaired and this ballet was set in the Conservatory at the time of the 1915 Pan-American Exposition (with accompanying historical film), whence comes the Palace of Fine Arts.

Nothing peculiar or extraordinary in the production, except perhaps a slight hesitation delicately phrased in the young ballerina, and the lighted background varied throughout. The dancing girls in their red-white-and-blue with ribbons, the Russians, Spaniards and Chinese, the Arab houri, Mother Ginger a circus tent with clowns and bear, the pas de deux for which the dreaming girl is prepared by transforming her plain white nightgown into a golden tutu, and the Valse des Fleurs given extraordinary point.




