4POS Retail: Hardware

The program is designed to work with most industry hardware.
The following guidelines include settings for a variety of products but please note it is not practical to verify all information against actual hardware.

Receipt printer

Utilities | Configuration | Receipts
The receipt printer is added as any Windows printer then selected in 4POS Retail using the dropdown in Utilities | Configuration | Receipts. Receipt printers usually connect either by USB or Com port (traditional POS).
The 'Omit print confirm' inhibits the display of the print dialog prior to each print job.
It is recommended that if most transactions produce hard copy that this is checked.
Footer text is the text printed at the bottom of each receipt.
Auto receipt is used to print a specified receipt type automatically after each transaction.
The Utilities | Custom receipt may be used to customize the design for the store.

Cash drawer

Utilities | Configuration | Till configuration
A cash drawer is connected directly to a serial port (Com port) or daisy chained from a receipt printer (RJ45 type connector).

For direct connect drawers the 'Open character' is the character sent to the port to which the till is attached which pulses the solenoid latch and opens it.
Many till units will operate with any character, some require a specific code (the frequent one is 7), please see the hardware manual for detail.

For printer connected drawers:
Utilities, Configuration, Receipts
Select the printer

Utilities, Configuration, Till configuration
Enter the 'Receipt printer connect control sequence'.
The sequence is specific to the printer, see the list below. The Epson TM T88 is: 27,112,0,25,250
The open till drawer shortcut on 4POS is the F8 key. The 'Inhibit manual open' box deactivates it.

Pole display

Utilities | Configuration | Pole configuration
The pole display needs to be connected on a serial port (Com port).
The required settings are:
Passive text: The default greeting text, say 'Next customer'
Clear display message: The default setting for an Epson is 27,64
Set cursor first line: The default setting for an Epson is 11
Set cursor second line: The default setting for an Epson is 11,10
The Printer on off boxes are only used if the pole is daisy chained from a serial port receipt printer.
Do not use otherwise. The program uses them to switch off the printer then send to the display then reactivate the printer.
The pole display may have characters manually sent from the command line
Start, Programs, Accessories, Command prompt
with: echo hello>com1

4POS Retail: Receipt printer till drawer codes

Model Open drawer
Citizen CBM-230 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-231 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-232 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-233 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-253 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-262 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen CBM-1000 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen iDP-3210 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen iDP-3240 27,112,0,50,250
Citizen iDP-3310 7
Citizen CBM-1000
Citizen CBM-1000 II
Epson M51PD 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-T80P 27,112,0,25,250
Epson T88iii
Epson T88iiiP
Epson M188D 27,112,48,55,121
Epson TM-U200 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U200B 27,112,48,25,250
Epson TM-U210PD 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U220A 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U295 27,112,48,55,121
Epson ADP 300 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U950P 27,112,0,50,250
Epson LX-300+ 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U300PD 27,112,0,25,250
Epson TM-U375 27,112,0,25,250
Epson M665A 27,112,48,55,121
Epson TM-T883P 27,112,0,50,250
Epson TM-H6000 27,112,48,55,121
IBM 4610 7
Ithaca PcOS 51 27,112,0,25,250
Ithaca PcOS 52 27,112,0,25,250
Ithaca 150 27,120,1
Samsung SRP 270 27,112,0,25,250
Samsung SRP 270A 27,112,0,64,240
Samsung SRP 270AP 27,112,48,55,121
Samsung SRP 350 27,110,0,25,250
Star 27,7,11,55,7
Star TSP-600 7
Star TSP-700 27,07,11,55,07
TEC RKP300 27,112,0,100,250
Toshiba SX2100 27,112,32,55,255
Toshiba TEC DRJST-51 27,112,0,100,250
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