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Submitted by Lennore Hummel

Ships Lists
From: Strassburger and Hinke's three-volume work. "The History of the Pennsylvania German Pioneers".:
Volume 1. Pg 27--Johannes (John )Flickinger arrived on the Ship "Allen". September 11, 1729

Page 79 -- Andris Flockinger (Another List gives him as Andres Flickiger) arrived on the ship " Pink Plaisance". September 21 1732. He was 20 Years old

. page 523--Peter Flickinger arrived on the ship ":Edinburg". September 14, 1753.

The above ships were all English, embarking from the port of Rotterdam in Holland, and landing in Philadelphia harbor. Most of the passengers on board were Palatines ( From the Palatinates section of Germany ). Conditions in that German state were poor, and the big exodus to America began about 1727 and continued in large numbers until the Revolutionary War. The early English settlers coined the term ""Pennsylvania Dutch" They applied this to those Germans and Swiss who arrived here in the 1700's and settled in a certain small area roughly defined as South-Central and eastern Pennsylvania. They really meant to say "Deutsch" meaning German. but the word soom became corrupted into " Dutch".

Since usually only the names of the adult males were given on ship lists, it is poosible ) except in the case of Andres, where the females were listed ) that the above men could have been accompanied by their families.

Also it was a coomon practice in thoses says for relatives to fellow several years later when the fare had been saved. There fore, it is likely that the above man were closely related. Undoubtedly, they were from the same German line.


From: "Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American Colonies".

Page 66---Ulrick Flickinger became a naturalized citizen at the Philadelphia courthouse, March 22, 1761. He was listed as a resident of Whitehall Township , Northampton County, Pennsylvania
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land Data
From: "Index and abstract of Deeds of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 1729-1766"
. Page 92 --Deed Book H. page 237--April 10, 1764--124 Acres in Paxtang Township was sold by Johannes Knopf and his wife Catharina to John Flickinger.
page 239 -- April 10 1764 -- 124 acres in Paxtang Township --John Flickinger mortgaged it to Michael Carber ( the debt was satisfied in 1771.)

From: " Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims " Volume 2, page 126-- Land Claim # 5048--Henry Flickinger was a nenber of a jury in a land dispute in Polk County, Oregon, April 8, 1854

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Census Records

The first federal census in the United States wastaken in 1790. It was taken every ten years thereafter. However until the 1850 Censusm only the name of the head of the household was listed. Beginning in 1850, the name, age, occupation and place of birth of each member of the household were given. These records areavailable, on microfilm, for census years 1790 thru 1920. The are available to the public at most large libraries,

On the 1790 Pennsylvania census lists:

In Berks County, on the list for Brunswick and Manheim Townships, was George Flickinger who had in his household two males over 16 years of age, one male under 16, and two females.

In Dauphin County, John Fleckinneer had three males over 16, one male under 16, and four females.
In Lancaster County, in Cocalico Twp, John Flickinger had three males over 16, one male under 16, and two females; Joseph Flickinger had one male over 16, two males under 16, and two females; and Joseph Flickinger , Jr. had one male over 16, and two females.
In Northampton County, in Whitehall Twp, Jacob Flekiniger had one male over 16, two males under 16, and four females; and George Flekinger had one male over 16, four males under 16, and four females.
In york County, on the list for Huntington, Manallen, Manheim, and Tyrone Twp's, were Samuel fleckingor who had one male over 16, two males under 16, and four females; and Jacob Fleckinger who had two males over 16, and one female.
On the list for Berwick, Cumberland, Franklin, Germany, Hamiltonban, Heidelberg, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Joy, and Straban Twps was Peter Fleckinger who had two males over 16, four males under 16, and two females.
Most of the early clerks ( of Tax, Census, etc.) were of English origin and just could't grasp these difficult German Surnames.
From: " The History of Perry County, Pennsylvania".

Page 740--"Henry Flickinger, of Ickesburg was the worthy ancestor of the Flickinger Families of Perry and Juniata Counties. Henry was the son of Peter Flickinger 1730-1807, the Immigrant, who was enrolled at Rotterdam, Holland, as coming from the Palatinate in Germany and, sailing on the 'Edinburg'. James Russell, Captain, arrived at Philadelphia, September 14, 1753, Peter Flickinger according to the best information available.was a farmer and, passing up the valley of the Schuylkill River, tarried awhile at Pottstown, but soon afterward located on the frontier in the vicinity of Reading, Berks Co. Here he married Mollie DERR. Later he moved to East Buffalo Twp (near Lewisburg), Northumberland Co. now Union Co, raised a family of seven or eight children, and died at 77, in 1807. His wife died at the home of his son, Henry, at Ickesburg, four years later, and was taken for burial to the grave of her husband. Henry Flickinger was a native of Berks Co, and was born January 10 1765. In his youth he made good use of his limited school privileges and learned the art of making shoes, that he might have steady employment during the winter months. About 1796, meeting Thomas Strock of Perry County, he accompanied him and worked for him three years on the Strock farm, a few miles southwest of Ickesburg. In May, 1798, he married Margaret Yohn, a native of Montgomery Co, and the next year located on a farm near Ickesburg. In 1833 he became a resident of Ickesburg and, assisted by Peter, his oldest son, devoted his entire time to shoemaking. Henry died November 10 1853, in his eight-ninth year: and Margaret, his wife, died at 74, on April 27th, of the same year. Both were life-long, loyal and faithful members of the Lutheran Church, and were buried at Eshcol. Henry early in lifeformed the habit of reading useful books, and had a well-stored memory. He supplied his home, in that early day in which he lived, with a library that included some excellant works on history, biography, natural history, a German Bible and Scott's complete commentary on the Bible.In his effort to surround his home and family with the best moral and religious influeces, he was hartily seconded by his noble wife. It is interesting to note the remarkable result. They raised a family of fourteen children. All of these growing to manhood and womanhood, became active members and highly esteemed workers in the Lutheran, Reforms, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches. Such a beautiful record of the beneficient influence of moral and religious training in the home, in point of numbers and widely extended influence, has not likely been surpassed by many Pennsylvania families. Large families and long lives are two other noteworthy characteristics of Henry and wife, their children and grandchildren. Their large families and great ages indication inheritance of physical vigor, that presauges a life-long period of usefulness. The children of Henry and Margaret married and located as follows:

(1). Peter married Margaret Ritter, lived in Perry County.
(2). Mary M. married William Shreffler, lived at Peoria, Illinois;
(3). Bandina married Henry Long, lived in Perry County
(4). John married Elizabeth Bixler, lived in Perry County.
(5). Nicholas married Rebeccca Rice, lived inOhio
(6). David married Rebecca Bousum, lived inPerry County.
(7). Elizabeth married Jacob Reisinger, lived in Perry County.
(8). Margaret married Erasmus Yocum, lived in Huntington County.
(9). Henry married Elizabeth Reisinger, and later Betsy Paden, lived in Perry Co Pa
(10) Isaac married Mary Blain, lived in Juniata County
(11) Daniel W. married Julia Ann Saylor, lived in Juniata County
(12) Lydia Ann married Jeremiah Fuller, lived in Perry county
(13) Joseph married Nancy Campbell
(14)George married Susan Jacobs, lived in Perry county.

Public service has been rendered by this family as follows:

John Flickinger served three years as a director of the poor of Perry county. Superintended the erection of the county almshouse, and was an honored official of the Methodist church.
Dr. Junius R., his son, served a term as countysuperintendant, two terms in state legislatures--one in each of two different states, and fifteen years as principal of two state teachers' institutions.
Major Daniel W. Flickinger enlisting at Ickesburg with three older brothers, as a member of the Green Mountain Riflemen, was soon promoted and served several years as a major for training the militia of Perry County. Later he served three years as a commissioner in Juniata County.
Rev. Robert E., his son, became a Presbyterian minister and author of several historical books.
Joseph Flickinger served three years as a director of the Perry County Almshouse, and Levi Hiram, his son, served three years as auditor, and four years as treasurer of Perry County.
Professor H. W. Flickinger, a son of Peter, in recognition of his genius and skill as a pen artist and life-long service as an instructor, has been accorded the honor of being one of the best and most popular penmen of this country."
Page 974 Miller E. Flickinger was an early storekeeper in Markelsville,
Page 975 --In 1898 M. E, Flickinger had a general store and was postmaster of Markelsville.
In 1882 Joseph Flickinger was on the building committee of the Lutheran church at Markelsville:
Page 901 -- R. E. Flickinger, a retired Presbyterian minister of Rockwell City, Iowa has ready for the press " The Flickinger Ancestry". having devoted several years to pursueing the work. He is the author of many noted books.
Page 1000,--Emory Methodist-Episcopal church in Madison Twp was built in 1838, John Flickinger giving the land upon which it was built:
Page 441-- In 1875 E. A. Flickinger was president of the county Association.
Page 737- Dr. Junius Rudy Flickinger, educator. He was a grandson of Henry Flickinger of Ickesburg, being a son of John and Elizabeth (Bixler) Flickinger. He was born at Bixler, Madison Twp, almost within the shadow of Centre Church.October 19, 1854. He graduated from Princeton. He then became principal of the New Bloomfield Academy. December 18, 1888 he married Caroline Milligan Rice. Upon his marriage he located in Colorado for his health. In 1889 he became trustee of the first state normal school at Greely. In 1893 he returned to Pennsylvania. February 17., 1912 he died and is buried at New Bloomfield. He was survived by his wife who became custodian of the public library at Dalton, Mass: and an only daughter Jean Flickinger was born at Pueblo, Colo., who graduated from Vassar.
Page 807 --Dr. William H. Flickinger was born at Loysville. May 10 1886, the son of Newton F. Flickinger and Minnie (Oxenford). He graduated from the Medical College of Virginia in 1917. He is a member of the Medical staff of the Westinghouse Company in Pittsburgh. During World War 1 he was an acting assistant surgeon of the U. S. Public Health Service. Page 808 --Charles D. Flickinger was born at Wila. Juniata Twp, January 3, 1883. The son of Willaim Harrison and Margaret Jane( Kroh) Flickinger. He graduated from State College in 1906 and is chief draftsman with a noted New York construction company.
Page 768-- Henry W. Flickinger, expert penman was born near Ickesburg, August 30, 1845., the son of Peter and Margaret (Ritter) Flickinger. During the Civil War he enlisted with Company D. 1St Battalion.

Military Data
From: " Pennsylvania, War of the Revolution"

Volume 1 Page 71--On a list of Revolutionary War soldiers, George Flickener. Volume 2 Page 601--George Flickinger was a private in Captain Serfoos' company of Northampton County Militia during the Revolution.

From: " The Pennsylvania Archives " Volume 7, 6th series,
Page 211--Charles Flickinger was a private in the 2nd. Brigade, Division of Pennsylvania Militia during the War of 1812 ( Pobably from Northampton County)

From: " Pennsylvania at Gettysburg" Volume 2-- page 90-
-J. B. Flickinger was a Sgt. in Company E, 17th Calvary Reg. Page 109 P. Flickinger was a private in Company D. 46th. Infantry Reg. Page 124--T. Flickinger was a private in Company I, 81st. Infantry Regiment. He was killed at Gettysburg. Page 131--Henry Flickinger was a Corporal in Company F, 93rd. Infantry Reg. Page 138--Charles Flickinger was a private in Company F. 106th. Infantry Reg.

From: " The History of Perry County":

Page 598--Serving in World War 1 from the town of Newport were Ralph Flickinger. 346th Transport in France and Herbert M. Flickinger , Gunner, Navy, France Waters, Page 568-- from Madison Twp. in the Civil War were Jacob R. and Geroge Flickinger in Company G. 133rd Reg. In the same group was William Flickinger of Centre. Page 576-- In the Civil War, in Company D, 1st Battalion from Saville were Privates Martin and H, W, Flickinger. Private William H. and L. H. C. Flickinger were from Juniata and were in Company G, 208th. Regiment. Also from there was George Flickinger. Page 567-- In the Civil War, in Company F, 104th Reg. from Saville were J. R., George W., J.W., William ., and H. W. Flickinger Page 593-- In World War 1 from JuniataTwp was J. Clarnece Flickinger and from Madison were Frank A. Flickinger, 72nd. Infantry. Ft. Meade, Md and Geroge Flickinger, 155th . Depot Brigade, France.

Tax lists

From: " The Pennsylvania Archives " Third Series:
Northampton County --Whitehall Township--Vol. 19--pg 15--1772-
Peter Flickinger. farmer, 1 pound. 13 shillings. 4 pence tax
. George Flickinger farmer, 2 pounds 13 shillings, 4 pence tax
Jacob Flickinger, farmer , 4 pounds tax.
page 126-- Whitehall Township--1785--
Jacob Flickiner, Junior. 1cow, 2 shillings, 9 pence tax
George Flickenger, 175 acres 3 horses, 3 cows, 1 pound, 12 shillings, 11 pence tax.
Page 220--1786 -- Whitehall Township--
Jacob Flickinger, Jr., Mason, 1 cow, 2 shillings, 3 pence Tax
Jaocb Flickinger. 150 acres, 3 horses, 3 cows, 1 pound, 8 shillings, 7 pence tax.
George Flickinger, 175 acres, 3 horses, 3 cows, 1 ound 8 shillings, 1 pence tax.

page 316-- Whitehall Township--1788
Jacob Flickinger, 150 Acres, 3 horses 3 cows 1 pound, 5 shillings, 8 pence tax
George Flickinger, 175 acres, 3 horses, 3 cows, 1 pound, 7 shillings, 4 pence tax.
York County --- Vol. 21--pg 22 ---1779--Manheim Township--

Jacob Flickinger 150 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, 27 pounds, 19 shillings (note: high taxes due to the revolution.)
Samuel Flickinger. 150 acres, 2 horses, 4 cows, 80 pounds tax.
Page 212--Manheim Township --1780--
Jacob Flickinger 150 acres, 2 horses,3 cows, 23 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence tax.
Samuel Flickinger 150 acres, 2 horses, 4 cows, 44 pounds tax.

page 399- 1781--Manheim Township
Jacob Flickinger 150 acres, 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 pounds, 10 shillings, 3 pence tax
Samuel Flickinger 150 acres, 3 horses, 4 cows, 4 pounds, 18 shillings 1 pence tax
Page 594--Manheim Township-- 1782--
Jacob Flieginger, 150 acres, 3 horses, 3 cows, 6 pounds, 5 shillings tax
Samuel Fliegenger 150 150, 3 horses, 4 cows, 11 pounds, 5 shillings tax.
Page 788--Manheim Township--1783
Jacob Flickinger, 170 acres, 3 inhabitants
Samuel Flickinger,150 acres, 7 inhabitants.
Heidelberg Township York Co ---pg 99---1779
Peter Flickinger, 180acres, 3 horses, 4 cows, 75 pounds tax.
Page 256--Heidelberg Township-- 1780--
Peter Flickinger, 180 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, 33 pounds, 6 shillings tax.
page 348--Heidelberg Township--1781
Peter Flickinger 180 acres, 3 horses, 4 cows, 6 pounds tax
page 639-Heidelberg Township -1782
Peter Flickinger 180 acres, 3 horses, 5 cows, 13 pounds, 1 shillings, 6 pence tax.
page 750--Heidelberg Township --1783
Peter Flickinger 180 Acres, 7 inhabitants.
Lancaster County Volume 17 --Cocalico Township- page 44=1771-
Joseph Flickinger 100 acres, 1 horse, 2 cows, 7 shillings,6 pence tax.
John Fleckenger, Mill, 150 acres 1 horse, 3 cows, 15 shillings, 6 pence tax.
page 265 -- Cocalico Township-- 1772
John Flickinger , 140 acres, 2 cows, 1 horses, 15 shillingstax. Joseph Flickinger , 100 1 horse, 2 cows, 6 shillings tax.
page 479-- Cocalico Township--1773
John Flekinger, mill, 150 Acres, 1 horse, 4 cows, 15 shillings tax
Joseph Flekinger , 100 Acres, 2 horses, 2 cows, 6 shillings, 6 pence tax
page 576-- Cocalico Township-- 1779--
John Flickinger, Mill, 150 Acres, 3 horses, 10 cattle
Joseph Flickinger, 100 acres, 1 horse, 3 cows,
page 865 --Cocalico Township--1782
John Flickinger, Jr. 130 acres, 1 horse, 3 cows, 12 poounds tax
John Flickinger , Mill, 140 Acres, 4 horses, 5 cows, 18 pounds tax
Joseph Flickinger, Jr. 100 acres, 1 horse, 3 cows, 9 pounds, 10 shillings tax.

From the Genealogical magazine. " Ohio Records and Pioneer Families" Vol. 5, Number 3.
Carroll Country Ohio Marriage Indexs 1833-1840
Margaret Flickinger married Henry Paff.
Volume 4 Number 2--Tuscarawas Co., Ohio Will Index
1809-1864-Mary Flickinger.
Volume 4 Number 3--Mrs. Harry Youngberg, 2122 S. Santiam Highwasy, Lebanon, Oregon wants the ancestry of Charles Bennett who was born in Bedford County, Pa. about 1803, Married to Catherine Flickinger. in Somerset C. Pennsylvania in 1823. The family migrated to Wayne Co., Ohio and then to Putnam County.
Volume 1 Number 1--St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, Baughman Township, Wayne County, Ohio. Susan Flickinger the daughter of Daniel and Catherine Flickinger, was baptised January 15, 1832 and was born December 6 1831.
From : " An Index to the Will Books and Intestate Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania"

Page 13--John Flickinger, 1787, Book Y, Volume2,
page 155.--Joseph Flickinger 1829, Book Y, Volume 2,
page 180 Joseph Flickinger, 1847, Book U, Volume 1.
page 254- Catherine Flickinger, 1812, intestate
page 17 John Flickinger, 1821, Book A, Volume1, intestate:
Joseph Flickinger , 1812, intestate
Richard Flickinger, 1848, Book N, Volume 1, page 52, Intestate.
From: " Virginia Valley Records" ( Note in the late 1700's there was a big migration of "Pennsylvania Dutchmen" into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia)
page 43--Christian Flickinger was a landowner (74 acres) in Rockingham County, Virginia in 1789.
page 103--In 1788 Christian Flickinger was in the Virginia Militia.
From: " Annals of the Swiss and German Pioneers".
Page 48--Present at a meeting of Baptists in Berne, Switzerland in 1538 was Uli Flickinger of Aarburg.
page 171--Hans Flickinger, of the dominion of Brandiss, was in the Berne jail in 1711 for his religious beliefs. Plans were made to deport him to Germany.
(Note: most of these Swiss Mennonites resettled in the Palatinate section of Germany ).
Page 191-- Emigrants of the 1711 exodus from Switzerland to Germany eventually reach Lancaster County. Among these families is the Fluckinger or Flickinger family.
page 184 --Hans Fluckinger of Lutzelfluch, escaped from prison in Berne in 1711
. From: " Names In Stone" ( Cemetery Records Frederick County, Maryland ).
page 412--Annie J. ( Bowersox) Flickinger, wife of Nathaniel M. 1859-1920:
their son Ephraim, 10-28-1879 to 12-12-1879:
Clarence R., 1-1-1912 to 7-13-1921:
Emma E. 7-17-1867 to 6-12-1902;
Florence J. 8-5-1887 to 12-27-1935:
George 4-21-1824 to 5-2-1908:
his wife Anna Maria 3-3-1828 to 6-9-1875:
Harriet, wife of George 1-5-1831 to 10-15-1902:
Henry M. died 1-4-1896, aged 70 years, 8 months, 11 days,
Julia A., his wife died 10-26-1901, aged 73 years, 9 months
Their son Helpher, aged 17 days, no dates.
Howard D. 8-29-1864 to 10-9-1944
: His wife, Alice C. ( Barrack) 1-6-1866 to 1-15-1914;
Jacob H, 2-26-1869 to 3-29-1941
: his Wife Carrie 9-22-1882 to 11-8-1953
Jesse A.7-19-1857 to 5-2-1931:
his wife Carrie L. 7-20-1861 to 5-9-1924:
John J. 1864 to 1939:
his wfie Anna A, 1876-1938:
John P. 1-29-1855 to 7-7-1923:
his wife Sarah E. 1-10-1849 to 1-27-1934:
their infant son, died 2-17-1886 no dates.
Joseph G. 1889---:
his wife Edith 1899----
Karl G. 1884---
Manzella C. 1860-1936
Noah 1848-1920:
his wife, Elizabeth P. 1847-1924:
their son Ira M. died 7-10-1874 aged 9 months 13 days.
their son Howard L. died 8-26-1876, aged 8 months, 18 days:
Rufus, 2-14-1852 to 4-10-1910
his wife Esther O. 11--22-1850 to 4-20-1897:
their infant son, died 6-28-1873, no dates.

73. FLICKINGER, ISSAC DEC. 24,1812-NOV. 24,1886
74. FLICKINGER, MARY DEC. 22,1812-JULY 28,1900 W/O ISAAC

From: " Book of Biographies of Berks County, Pennsylvania":
Page 311--Charles Heckman married Mary Flickinger, the daughter of Joseph Flickinger, a blacksmith residing in Douglas Township, Berks County, April 21, 1883.
From: Volume 1 of the "Mennonite Encyclopedia".
page 97: On a list of Almish family names primarily of the Alsatian group was Flickinger.
From: " The History of Perry County, Pennsylvania".
page 942: Mrs. Robert E. Flickinger was the Postmaster of Shermansdale.
page 262-- In speaking of a tract of land upon which Bixler's Mill is located -- Jacob Bixler and John Flickinger in 1836 bought it and in a few years divided it, the mill going to Bixler with ninety acres of land, and the rest of the lands to Flickinger. page 454--L.H.C. Flickinger was county Treasurer in 1893. page 458--Joseph Flickinger was Director of the Poor in 1884 and John Flickinger in 1868. In 1881 J. R. Flickinger was County School Superintendent. page 464- In 1885 J. R. Flickinger was a member of the bar.

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