The table has been asembled using material mainly contributed by Jan Alssema, Ambrosius Kutschera & Igor Kramarsic. Additional information submitted by the website. A huge thanks to all who have contributed. * = Indicates that points have been deducted; see the notes after the tables.
1. FC Santa Coloma 14 276 186 46 44 791-257 604 2. Matecosa UE Sant Julia 14 276 152 43 81 725-402 499 3. Fustes del Pas CE Principat 14 276 138 39 99 698-469 453 4. FC Encamp 11 216 106 43 67 491-298 361 5. Inter Club d'Escaldes 14 276 101 40 135 429-540 343 6. Con.Buiques Ranger's FC 8 162 88 21 53 381-272 285 7. FC Lusitans La Posa 9 182 70 23 89 313-339 233 8. Sporting d'Escaldes 9 150 37 27 86 227-449 138 9. Deportivo La Massana 4 82 18 19 45 102-210 73 10.Constelacio Esportiva And.Ve. 2 34 23 2 9 122- 38 71 11.FC Andorra 2 42 22 5 15 104- 95 71 12.Aldosa 2 40 19 4 17 70- 66 61 13.Atletic Club d'Escaldes 3 60 17 7 36 58-129 58 14.CE Benito Sant Julia de Loria 2 42 16 6 20 63- 81 54 15.UE Engordany 3 60 14 3 43 80-260 45 16.UE Santa Coloma 1 20 12 3 5 65- 31 39 17.Joieries Aurum 1 20 7 3 10 30- 45 24 18.FC Cernu UE Extremenya 3 64 7 3 54 55-266 24 19.Magatzems Lima 1 20 6 4 10 24- 39 22 20.Les Bons 1 22 6 4 12 37- 66 22 21.Gimnastic Valira 2 44 5 6 33 54-180 21 22.FC Engolasters 1 22 4 5 13 24- 49 14* 23.Spordany Juvenil 2 40 4 0 36 48-238 12 24.SE Casa del Benfica 1 20 2 1 17 13- 68 7 25.Assegurances Doval 1 20 2 0 18 27- 84 6 26.Costr. Emprim 1 18 1 1 16 18- 78 4Notes
1998/99: FC Engolasters had three points deducted. Unknown for what infraction. 1999/2000: CE Benito withdrew during the winterbreak. All their matches were declared null and void.Namechanges
FC Santa Coloma have also played under the name Don Pernil Santa Coloma. Fustes del Pas CE Principat have also played under the names Don Denis Principat, Principat Inter Tra & CE Principat. Sporting d'Escaldes Escaldes-Engordany have also played under the name Sporting Engordany. FC Andorra have also played under the name Veterans d'Andorra. Aldosa have also played under the name Montanbaldosa. CE Benito have also played under the name Cava Benito. UE Extremenya have also played under the name FC Cerni Comercial ARIS and Francfurt Cerni; respectively. Const. Buiques Ranger's FC Andorra la Vella have also played under the names Ranger's FC Pizzeria Venecia Andorra la Vella and FC Ranger's Andorra la Vella. FC Encamp previously Gran Valira FC Encamp and FC Encamp Dicoansa.Comments on the contents of this page, write to my e-mail address: