A lone drifter in the dark
Without the Sisters Three
No stars, sun, or moon
Only blackness surrounding me.

The darkness which surrounds me
Seeming ever so complete
The loud crash of thunder
Accompanies my every heartbeat.

A scared rider on the storm
The tears falling like rain
I humbly ask for guidance
Instead of demands to explain.

Through the cracks of lightning
A voice I did hear
"Have faith little sister,
The storm will disappear.

Embrace the lantern of life
Nurture the flame of hope
Believe in Grandfather"
These words I heard spoke.

Like a vision in a dream
The storm it did cease
A gentle calm engulfed me
With a feeling of endless peace.

Cloud Dancing
August 8, 2000

Walk in Peace

Continue To Dance With Cloud

Created with Durango, a True artist and Friend.

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