Chronicle of a literary giant

Claude Ake Memorial Awards Program










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This web site is dedicated to the loving memory of
Prof. Claude Ake.

A distinguished scholar and unparalleled Social Scientist, he contributed to the evolution of Political Thought in Third World countries, for impressive and visionary struggles, for intellectual self reliance of Nigeria, Africa and the world in general. The Federal Government of Nigeria conferred on him the 1992 Order of Merit Award for his contribution to Social Science.

His book,
'A Political Economy of Africa' was declared the best Social Science book in the United States of America in 1985 and serves as a major reference work in many parts of the world.

Prof. Claude Ake, 57, died in a plane crash on Thursday
7th November 1996 .

Brookings Institute
Yale University
United Nations
Woodrow Wilson Intl.
Columbia University
Clingendael Institute
Carleton University
Ford Foundation

Obasanjo, at times like this.  special


Prof. Claude Ake 

Shelling Nigeria Ablaze

"An environmental impact study of Shell (Resigner Industries, 1993) put an average hydrocarbon content of petroleum hydrocarbons in waste water in Oloma Creek at 62.7 mg/l."

A Patriot to the Core

"Claude was a tough nut to crack; and yet, once you got beneath the surface it was not so difficult to see what he was all about. "


"At the tender age of 17, he was advocating a radical approach of the students' Council. How precocious! Most Students didn't even know what radicalism meant in those pre-independence days."

"Prof. Ake was know for his political activism and courage I defending democracy and human rights in Nigeria and Africa generally"

Pollution in Ogoniland
"... nobody can say that most of the pollution in Ogoniland is caused by sabotage. In fact, as far as I know, what the Ogonis have tried to do is to put out the flares, which is something that importantly reduces pollution ... I think that this is the kind of irresponsible propaganda that the oil companies are putting out in order to discredit those who are trying to do something about the environment …"

Amnesty International
Human Right Watch

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